Spare Me, Great Lord!

Vol 2 Chapter 1182: Sardinia love story

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Carol holding the photo, the smile is beautiful and peaceful, it is easy to make people feel close. Bookmark this site┏Ⅹ④③⑨⑨┛

But who has n’t seen the Nordic deity, this is the most dazzling existence in the world of practice, and the practitioners in the camp all have a humble feeling without exception.

That kind of humbleness is like saying that everything is afraid of making mistakes, fearing to cause dissatisfaction with the other party.

But in fact, the girl stood there quietly and spotlessly.

Isler looked at the teenager in the photo, wasn't it the man who chased the horse and disappeared in the middle of the night, at this time, more than three hours had passed since Lu Shu disappeared, and the sky had lighted up.

And Isreal suddenly felt that Lu Shu left these three hours, as if it was a century long.

It is like two eras and levels. When the other party walks away, he enters another world that is incompatible with himself, and the two sides will no longer have an intersection.

Carol looked at Isreal and didn't know why she didn't speak in a trance, so she smiled and showed the picture to others: "Have you seen him?"

"I've seen it," a cultivator replied first: "He left last night, chasing a group of horses under the flames!"

"It sounds poetic," Carol smiled.

Everyone in the camp was stunned. It seemed that the sentence was indeed quite poetic, but the people who really experienced it did not feel that Lu Shu chasing horses had anything to do with poetry.

And those horses do n’t think so, they might be panicking ...

Sure enough, the world is beautiful in the eyes of lovers ...

When Carol took out Lu Shu's photo, all of them had already confirmed Lu Shu's identity.

That century wedding in Sardinia once shocked the world, not only in the spiritual world, but even the world of ordinary people regarded this wedding as the biggest entertainment news of the time.

But everyone knows that there is a **** road in front of the church.

Scarlet and romantic in the blood color are the best contrast beauty, "Yiwuwugu" and "spare no effort" are always the most beautiful words in the relationship. The young man became the enemy of this girl and the whole of Europe. Go out!

At that time, Carol was already the Nordic god, but the boy was not the ninth day Luo.

Someone looked curiously at Carol's ring finger. Sure enough, the tab was still there. It was also at this time that Isreal suddenly remembered that she had also accidentally seen the pull ring in Lu Shu's hand.

Therefore, the young man must be Lv Shu, and he will not be anyone else.

But thinking of this, everyone recalled the magical translation of Lu Shu, and almost spit it out with a sigh of blood. On the ninth day, your drama is so special!

So what the mysterious youth who once suddenly came to the camp to send out a giant bear has nothing to say, but now Luo Lushu alone knows the truth on the ninth day ...

"Negative emotion value from Israel.moore, +666!"

"From ..."

Lv Shu was walking in a hurry on the other side, and suddenly received a large amount of negative emotions. He still had some inexplicable feelings.

Carol asked: "Which way did he go?"

Someone pointed to her: "It's to your left, and you have left for about three hours."

Carol nodded and whispered, "It's very likely that you have changed your direction in three hours, and you don't know if you can find him. You should be able to try it at least."

At this time, Carol suddenly realized that Isreal's eyes were always on her face. She wondered: "What's wrong?"

Isriel smiled bitterly: "I asked him if the person he likes looks better than me. He said yes. I didn't believe it at the time. I thought he was bragging, but I believe it now."

Carol froze for a moment. Everyone in the camp saw a trace of shame in Carol's expression, which felt like the goddess was falling for someone.

The **** in his eyes suddenly became a normal person, with feelings!

But Carol thought about it and asked, "Did he tell you who he likes?"

This time Isreal's turn froze: "Aren't you?"

Carol is beautiful and beautiful, and has a story, so when Isler guessed Lu Shu ’s identity, she subconsciously felt that Lu Shu was saying that Carol was prettier than her. Too.

Carol shook her head: "Not necessarily me."

"Why do you say that?" Isreal asked curiously ...

Carol's eyes narrowed and said: "Because the other two are better than you, so there is no way to distinguish who he is talking about."

"Negative emotion value from israel.moore, +999!"

Isreal suddenly didn't want to talk!

Are you negotiating!

Did you come so far to make up for me? ! You are really a family!

This conversation almost collapsed Isreal, but she suddenly realized that what she said exposed the fact that she liked Lu Shu, and even asked Lu Shu, "Is the person I like better than me?" .

The goddess Carol is also deliberately angry with her, and her narrow and cute eyes are cute and clear. In fact, it is just a little revenge on her, extinguishing Isler ’s idea of ​​coveting Lu Shu ...

Isriel smiled bitterly. Is that boy really worth your Nordic god?

Isreal, who has just stepped into the practice world, has just swelled her mind.

Carol smiled a little apologetically and said, "I'm sorry, I went to find him. You should have just awakened. The most important thing now is to stabilize the state. I hope you don't put the joke I just opened. In my heart. "

Isreal nodded numbly: "Well."

Carol finished planning to fly back into the sky, but at this moment Isreal suddenly shouted at her: "Can I ask you a question?"

"You said," Carol looked at Isreal curiously.

"Why are your relationships so strange, obviously with a ring, and obviously the wedding has been done, but now there is no intersection ?!" Isler regained her reporter's character, which is the concern of the entire earth. Gossip!

Carol thought for a long time: "This question is actually related to another story. I can't answer you ... as if I can't answer you ~ ~ because I haven't figured it out myself."

Isler seemed to have discovered the big news, but this is the Nordic **** who personally answered the gossip. She asked: "When was that story, what happened?"

Carol seemed a little preoccupied: "For a long time."


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Seven flea new book "The Most Powerful Guys in the Sky" by 6 million-word boutique author: Chu Yi opened his eyes and found himself lying in the clean room, an old **** holding a knife and gesturing towards his hips ...

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