Spare Me, Great Lord!

Chapter 770: Cultivation College Forum

Luoshen Academy of Practice has created a small forum by itself, which was not originally intended. After all, chatting in various professional groups is also good, but when Lu Shu ’s sweeping across majors came out, everyone suddenly felt that only this professional chat was really Not too enjoyable ...

Then, the forum of Luoshen Xingxian Academy came into being ...

After the forum is completed, there are still people who go to various professions to advertise, but no one dares to go to the species research major. Everyone went to the forum to discuss this matter, and slowly someone even sorted out the things that Lu Shu had done in the Yuan class of Luocheng Road, and the things that had been done in the Beigong ruins.

People who did n’t know Lu Shu in the beginning were shocked. Are Lu Shu players so good? Looking at Lu Shu ’s black history, I would like to sympathize with his classmates.

Everyone thought that this was something that someone made up of Lu Lushu. After all, Lu Shu didn't always worry about it in Luoshen Academy of Practice. Some people asked the students from Luocheng Daoyuan class for proof.

When the students of Luocheng Daoyuan class saw the post, they did n’t know why they still had a kind of intimacy, just like remembering the past ...

Of course, there are some things that they do not know, so the authenticity of some things in the post is difficult to verify. For example, Zhang San knows the first thing, and Li Si knows the second thing. As a result, everyone ’s information will not be right for a while.

But everyone glanced at the poster ID ... Liu Li.

The students of the Luocheng Daoyuan class confirmed with a solemn face to the people next to them: "It should be true."

Everyone confirmed that Lu Shu's excellent deeds were true, and then he had a bit of a toothache: "This is a member of, isn't this the big devil, did nobody kill him at the beginning."

Someone vomited: "You can't beat him, old iron! There are so many things to be able to fight!"

"Looking at the species research major, I'm going to participate in the competition on behalf of the Luoshen Xingxing College. I don't know what other colleges see when we are participating in the species research professional war ..."

"Who can stop the big devil? Can't stop ..."

Suddenly someone posted a message at this time and said, "The Great Demon King is too unpleasant to call him Lord Lu."




Lu Shu is cooking dinner at home. Both Lu Xiaoyu and Xiao Xiu are waiting at the table. Suddenly Chen Zuan and Cheng Qiuqiao came to the door. Lu Shu glanced at them: "What are you borrowing today?"

"No, no, let's rub the rice today," Chen Zuan said with a cheek: "Brother, do you know that our Luoshen Xingxian College suddenly has a forum?"

Lu Shu froze for a moment: "Is there such a good place ?!"

It's like someone gave a pillow when dozing off. He just tasted the sweetness of earning negative emotional value from his classmates yesterday. Someone built the forum today, good person!

"Ah," Chen Zuan heard Lv Shu's words inexplicably: "Brother, you can resist, the forums are all discussing your posts, now you have a new nickname ..."

"What nickname?" Lu Shule laughed, he even had a nickname, it must be domineering, after all, he just swept all majors yesterday.

"Master Lu ..." Chen Zuan said.

Lu Shu: "???

"It's Lord Lu," Cheng Qiuqiao determined.

Lu Shu blacked: "You straightened your tongue and talked to me."

"Lv is your surname ..." Chen Zuan looked at Lv Shu's running edge and quickly added it carefully.

"Negative emotion value from Lu Shu, +666!"

When Lu Shu saw this negative emotion value, she was stunned. This negative emotion value appeared on the Lu Xiaoyu page!

He put down his wok and wiped his hands and walked out of the kitchen. He was just seeing Lu Xiaoyu walking quietly outside the door with a small murderer Xu. Lu Shu said in a deep voice, "Stop! You two will come back to me, neither of you can go! Did you do it? "

The little murderer shuddered and quickly took out the small book and wrote: "Not me, you admit it wrong, no, patriotic, save my mother."

Lv Shu froze for a long while: "What's this? What are you talking about ?! You two go and stand for me!"

He turned on his phone to find the login method for Chen Zuan to come to the forum. When he went up, he found the post. When he looked at the ID, his face was black. "Lv Xiaoshu"!

"Come on, Lu Xiaoyu, please explain to me what is going on," Lu Shu has determined that this must be done by Lu Xiaoyu and Xiaoxiu Xu, and his negative emotion value will not be false.

After having a negative emotion value, he is Lu Sherlock Holmes Tree!

Lu Xiaoyu thought for a while and said, "Xiao Qian Xu Qian, it has nothing to do with me."

"Negative emotion value from Xiaoxiu Xu, +666!"

Of course, Xiao Xiu was reluctant to carry this pot, and quickly wrote: "I just made a suggestion, but I didn't do it alone. Lu Xiaoyu agreed!"

Ha ha ~ ~ Lv Shu's face is sullen, how can he shake each other's pots?

"Come on, you come and repeat the scene yourself, I will see who the pot is," Lu Shu sneered.

Xiao Xiu thought about it and wrote to Lu Xiaoyu: "Let ’s call Lu Shu a nickname, Lord Lu Wang?"

Lv Shu looked at Lv Xiaoyu, and Lv Xiaoyu calmly said to the little murderer: "No, we can't do that."

Xu Xiaoxu: "???

"Negative emotion value from Xiaoxiu Xu, +999!"

The human world ... this is too special and sinister!

Xiao Xiu patted his chest with shock and wrote: "Lu Xiaoyu, won't your conscience hurt!"

If nothing happened, Lv Xiaoyu picked up the little murderer and threw it out of the window. She thought about it and said, "The culprit has been found, but don't blame it. It's just playing casually. I didn't expect it to be spread like this. wide……"

"I've done it," Lu Shu clutched his head. "Don't talk anymore, my brain hurts."

"Negative emotion value from Lu Shu, +899!"

I am a good devil who is ready to absorb negative emotions. How can I become an unreasonable "Master Lu" when the style of painting turns? !

This style is wrong!

Moreover, Lu Shu looked at the forum for a long time, and it seemed that this title was very welcome. For a time, the title of the Big Devil all disappeared, and all the waters were calling him Lord Lu!

Slowly this forum became popular, and other cultivating colleges came to join in the excitement after knowing this forum. It was originally just for Luoshen cultivating college to play by themselves, but suddenly it became a mixed place of the entire seven major cultivating colleges overnight, no matter which The college has all come here.

The managers of the forum are also absolute. When they saw this trend, they directly changed the name of "Luo Shen Cultivation College Forum" to "Cultivation College Forum".

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