Spare Me, Great Lord!

Chapter 806: Tian Luo Hunting (3)

There is a dark forest law, which basically means that the universe is a dark forest. Every civilization is a hunter with a gun. It sneaks in the forest like a ghost. Everyone quietly plucked the bushes to make no sound.

This hunter must be careful, because this dark jungle is full of hunters like him, and any exposed life in this forest may attract other civilizations to destroy.

In fact, this is the case in this mountain forest. The combat team of and the practice teams of major organizations actually don't know where the other party is. Whoever is discovered first may fall into a passive position.

This is why the Tianluodi net combat team was so cautious when approaching the campfire.

However, the captain could even imagine that before they found the boy, the combat teams of other major organizations should also be close to them after seeing the bonfire, and then they were overjoyed when they found that there was only one person, and finally despair ...

No one dared to light an open fire to warm up in the middle of the night. Suddenly, when I saw a bonfire, I would n’t take a look. Everyone is here to kill people, but not playing games to the end?

Gou won't necessarily have a reward in the end, killing people and cutting their ears can still go back and exchange rewards.

Yes, what made Lu Shu most angry was that when he went to the Tianluodiwang camp, he saw the sacrificed warriors who had their right ears cut off.

At this time, Lu Shu looked at the members of the Tianluodiwang combat team and smiled: "I'm saving this method. I call it the reverse dark forest rule. It is too much trouble to find them one by one. Let them come to me."

The members of Tian Luo Di Wang's combat team were all shocked. Everyone for the first time said fishing law enforcement so fresh and refined.

"You can also use my method," Lu Shu said.

"You can't use it ..."

The members of the Tianluodiwang combat team are speechless. This is really daring for the art masters. The number of corpses on the ground may attract three or four teams. If you count the people in the eastern woods that Lu Shu said, I am afraid The boy slaughtered four or five teams in one breath?

The captain made a look and let people go to the woods in the east to check, but the people who came back almost stuttered: "I am afraid that there are four or five teams that have disappeared there ..."

That is to say, in the middle of the night, Lu Shuguang killed seven or eight teams using this method of fishing law enforcement.

In the early days, Lu Shu could still sit there and harvest, but later the corpses accumulated next to the campfire would not be fooled by the other party, and he ran away at a glance. There was no way, Lu Shu could only chase out and kill.

The captain was stunned for a while. Was this his own person in Tian Luo Di Wang? Haven't Feng Tianluo and Li Tianluo returned to the camp to rest? And everyone has seen two Feng Tianluo and Li Yi smile.

Lu Shule asked cheerfully: "What's your name?"

"Ma Youjin," the captain replied a little nervously.

Lu Shu pondered for two seconds: "Your name sounds quite rich ... what strength?"

Ma Youjin said: "C-level peak, I feel I can be promoted to B-level within six months!"

Lu Shu nodded: "Go back, don't go forward, there is too dangerous for you to go."

"No," Ma Youjin said suddenly. "We came out to fight. There is no saying that we will not go because of danger. We are going to ambush near the Ladder River, so we might kill more people."

Lu Shu looked closely at Ma Youjin and said with a smile: "Go north, the direction of the tiger's back is too dangerous."

"We are not a horde," Ma Youjin was a little excited. Now the invasion of Changbai Mountain makes all members of angry. Everyone regards death as their home. Who cares if it is dangerous or not: "If they choose not to go because they are too dangerous. , Who else will go? "

Lü Shule stood up and patted the dust on her **** and smiled and said, "I'm going."

Ma Youjin looked at Lv Shu's back for a while, and the other person's back when they walked into the dark forest. It looked like a sword. The sword cut through the dawn, and the red light of the sun slowly soaked in the sky. Into the clouds.


In the bangs alley of Kyoto, Nie Ting packed his bags and prepared to go. The off-road vehicle in Hutong was ready. The elite masters such as Hao Zhichao accompanied him.

Hao Zhichao and others were wearing Tian Luo Di net uniforms and stood hands outside the courtyard, silent.

They were the last group to go to Changbai Mountain, everyone is waiting for this day.

Nie Ting's space equipment is no longer available. The black iron box is behind his back. He said to the house, "I'm gone."

The door that was closed for two days suddenly opened, and Shi Xuejin came out holding the book in his hand: "Wait for me to find a way ... Wait a minute, what about my walnut tree !? What about a big walnut tree? Should it be cut down? Somewhat wrecked? "

Shi Xuejin has not been out of the house for two days, and he is determined to find a way to make up for Ning Ting.

"Lv Shu walked ..." Nie Ting said for a while.

"Negative emotion value from Shi Xuejin, +666!"

Shi Xuejin said after two minutes of silence: "Less than last resort, don't use it!"

"Well," Nie Ting nodded: "Lv Shu may have entered the hinterland of Changbai Mountain now, and the front is pushing back east. If I really don't need my shot, I won't use it, but ... Stay on the trail, so you can't be so selfish. Everyone is fighting in blood, and I should be with them. "

Shi Xuejin held the hand of the book and lifted it up, and was unable to let go: "Forget it, I can't persuade you, you have been more opinionated than me since you were a child."

In fact, both of them are very opinionated people. If Shi Xuejin is not interested, he will not be determined to go through the three religions and walk out of another dangerous path ~ ~ Nie Ting turned to leave, just before he was about to walk to the door Suddenly he turned back and smiled, "Lv Shu, I'm not wrong, right?"

Shi Xuejin was also happy: "I didn't suspect that he was the Big Devil in the previous paragraph? But although he can't destroy the world, his atmosphere of destruction is indeed a good player. Now it is not too much to say that he is the Big Devil. "

Nie Ting thought for a moment: "How do you say if he came to control Tian Luo Di Wang in the future?"

Shi Xuejin didn't have a good air: "He can give you a lot of trouble, and less consider this kind of thing."

"Well," Nie Ting also seemed to feel that this was a bit unreliable, and turned and got into the waiting car outside.

A group of black cross-country teams drove wildly towards the east. Nie Ting sat in the back seat of the car with his eyes closed to refresh his mind. Many people saw the team passing by, and also saw the logo of the car on the net.

Hao Zhichao hesitated in the position of co-pilot and asked: "Nie Tianluo ... Lv Shu may kill so many people this time that you can't count. Are you afraid that he will kill the wilderness?"

"Relax," Nie Ting said calmly: "Shi Tianluo said he was the heart of the Bodhisattva."


Sorry, sorry, I arrived home after 1 o'clock, this is the third more

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