Spare Me, Great Lord!

Chapter 824: Roar and reject

Lu Shu is very worried now. When he saw the blood demon also appearing here, he suddenly felt like he was surrounded by puppet masters ...

What about the tiger's handle? Will it be there ... Lv Shu looked around for a long time, but he suddenly remembered that he hadn't seen the original face of the tiger's handle, so he couldn't find it at all.

He knows that puppet masters have been gathering the old part for the so-called kings on earth. The little white fish eaten by Chaos is one, and the blood demon is also one. At first, the blood demon did not seem to be voluntarily conquered, so that means puppet masters watch They are very loyal, but others are not necessarily.

Hey, Lu Shu suddenly thought at this time. Puppet master Yun Yi is suddenly making such a big moth to herself now. I'm afraid she doesn't want to let her "King" of his Rush son sell his life?

Lu Shu was thinking, Yun Yi might have seen his potential, so he wanted to draw in? After all, Lu Shu, as the ninth Tian Luo, sounded very powerful, and he also had a great sword ... At least Lu Shu thought so.

But if the puppet master really holds this idea, then they can find the wrong person, and Lu Shu will not kill anyone.

This seems to be an instinct. Even if Lu Shu went to work, even if he sent someone under the fence, he had a strong desire to get rid of the status quo. Lu Shu is always dissatisfied with that state. He yearns for an ideal life of freedom and unchecked balance. It seems that it is this nature that caused him to struggle when he joined Tian Luo Di.

From Lu Shu's point of view, your king may be very powerful, and may be even more powerful than the Tibetan realm, but as long as he does not want to sell his life to others, Wang is a green onion!

Of course, the inner drama is very surging, and Lu Shu has begun to think at this time, if the puppet master draws himself, how should he refuse without angering the other party.

How to refuse? Lu Shu has a headache ...

But he is most fortunate now that Xiaoyu has listened to him and went to the Tianluodi net camp in Changbai Mountain. Otherwise, if he hasn't found a chess player behind the scenes, he will start a war with the puppet master.

If the tiger is not here, the blood demon and Yun Yi, whose strength has now been reduced to B level, I am afraid that if Lu Shu wants to go, the other party may not be able to keep it. After all, chaos has been A level.

Of course, this has to be a case of chaos and reliability.

Now Chaos is sleepy every day, sometimes can wake up, sometimes can't wake up ...

But the most important thing is that if he fights with the puppet master at this time, if he loses or not, he will not talk about it.

I do n’t know why Lu Shu suddenly felt that this thing was not planned by the puppet master. It may be because his impression of the puppet master had changed. Of course, there were other considerations: the player behind the scene has been hiding in the most Everything is planned in the dark corner, how could it appear so easily on the chessboard?

The blood demon pulled out the crimson long sword from the body of Sanxu. The Sanxu fell into the pool of blood as if he had been emptied of all his strength. The blood demon looked at this side with a smile, but he found out Yun Yi's expression froze, seeming to be dissatisfied with the blood demon's unauthorized killing.

Junyi's blood demon didn't know where to hide before, and it was like ordinary casual repairing in the crowd. As a result, now everyone was shocked by the shot.

After the blood demon finished killing this person, he stopped, and said coldly: "We must also unite between the casual repairs, otherwise it will always be the life of bullying by major organizations."

After talking, he sat back next to a big tree, where they were about tens of meters away from Lu Shu, and the other party did not intend to come and join Yun Yi.

Lv Shu didn't care at first. Before long, he suddenly found that the blood demon who was sitting beside the big tree was gone. He didn't find out when the other party left. The casual repairers didn't seem to find it.

Sure enough, the puppet master's group of people has too many strange means.

Compared to the puppet master, it is as if the earth's development stage is weaker by one level ... even by several levels.

It's not about how strong they are, but the degree of diversity. It is like the earth is a practitioner who has mastered more than ten kinds of means, but the other party seems to have mastered hundreds of kinds, with many means and many understandings.

At this time, the blood demon silently lowered his hand to stand in a shadow in the woods, it seemed a little uncomfortable, and the tiger in front of him stood upright, overlooking the entire casual repair team from the top of the mountain.

Hu Zhiping said calmly: "Don't deliberately show off. It's not time for you to do meritorious service. Killing a few casual repairs is not a meritorious service. Put away your small calculations, and now you can't do anything. The Wang's idea is You can figure it out. "

The blood demon bowed his head and said, "Yes, I understand."

"I know what you want," Hu Zhi glanced at him, and the original sturdy brave man now looks overbearing: "It should be yours that you will never miss ~ ~ When the king returns, we will know It is clear to him that how my king discusses merits and demerits is his business. Doing things well is the most important thing. "

"Yes, I see." The blood demon's head was lower, but there was a hint of excitement in his eyes.

Now that his blood is controlled by the tiger, it is completely impossible to rebel, but when he realizes that there are greater benefits and glory on the road ahead, it seems that freedom has become a secondary choice.

Everyone has everyone's choice, and blood demon is no exception.


Tiger back camp.

Tian Luo Di Wang has transferred the base here, and many Tian Luo Di Wang monks suddenly discovered that the logistics infrastructure demon wanted to build a huge fortress on this huge camp ...

The early period was just a simple fortification, but now it is different. More and more logistics come here. This huge logistics team has everything in the fire department of the gold soil system, like there is a huge Planned.

It must be said that no organization in the world will have such a huge logistics sequence.

Tianluodi chose to list those lower-level practitioners, such as F-level and E-level, as ordinary security and logistics sequences, because they would be very passive to the elemental system even when the battle scene was included, and they did not have the ability to quickly get close in power. There is no remote attack method, so the order of security and logistics is their most suitable position.

Other major organizations can't help but a little more, and E and F can't even become full members of the Order of the Phoenix.

However, Tian Luo Di has never intended to use human life in exchange for victory.

Looking at the prototype of a huge fortress, it is slowly appearing, Tianluodi is trying to make this a copper wall and iron wall, and then greet the enemy.

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