Spare Me, Great Lord!

Chapter 831: change idea

No one expected that Lu Shu's first reaction would rush towards the seventeenth transport vehicle in such a siege environment.

The air in the air is turbulent, and the awakeners of the air system seem to be able to complete such things as flying after assimilating with the air at the B level. Each department has a unique gift for each department, and Lu Shu ’s water system ... he feels that he uses it There may be something wrong with the method, mainly because the direction of the idea may be a little skewed.

However, when Lu Shu ran to the seventeenth car, everyone suddenly felt that the humidity in the air began to increase, and then the next time, the air-powered person was completely frightened and separated from the assimilation state.

He felt as if he was a little late, then the moisture in the air would crush the air!

The air system and the earth system have always been talented awakening abilities in assassination, but today the air system powerhouse has discovered that the original water system can restrain the air system!

This has never been noticed in the practice world, he does not know how the water awakener in front of him thought of this!

He was patrolling around and was not eagerly approaching because he knew that six B-class strongmen had left the team heading to the forward base and were returning to the port at full speed.

As long as the six companions arrive, even if this water awakener is even more powerful, he will definitely be buried here.

All he needs to do is to prevent the other party from escaping from the waters, which is the home of the water system. If the other party is allowed to escape into the sea, the Faith and Theory Department will lose in this battle!

The air system awakeners tried to use language provocation to interfere with Lu Shu's rhythm. As a result, there were a lot of words, and Lu Shu didn't even return his head. At this time, the air system awakeners suddenly realized that the other party could not understand Italian ...

In the next moment, he changed to English and said, "You must lose in this war, why do you still want to sell your life for the organization that is about to overthrow? Why not join our Faith and Theory Department and use your strength to be reused."

At this time, ordinary awakeners only dared to surround Lu Shu but did not dare to go up and attack hard. It was really that the lethality at the moment when the queyin grey line appeared was so amazing that they were a little timid!

Lu Shu glanced at him and continued to run towards the eighteenth transport vehicle, then nineteen ...

The air awakeners have a feeling of being ignored, do they even understand English?

At this moment Lu Shu suddenly said, "I agree to join."

The air awakeners were stunned, so easy to convince?

As a result, I saw Lu Shuzui said to join, but his body never stopped. He was still transporting vehicles into the mountains and rivers. He looked at the 29th.

Time passed by one minute and one second, while the air force's strong man restrained Lu Shu while arranging manpower to establish a strong line of defense in the direction of the harbor, ready to stop Lu Shu at any time.

All of this is to kill Lu Shu within the harbour. As long as Lu Shu is dead, then it is meaningless for Lu Shu to play the cross sword.

The awakening of the air system is getting colder and colder, and Lu Shu is about to install all the transport vehicles. He really wants to know how big the space equipment of this cargo is!

"Confirm how long it will be before the other cardinals arrive!"

"5 minutes!"

The air awakener was relieved, but he looked harder: "When he finishes loading the last car, you will kill me with your life!"

The siege of the Faith and Theory Department was slowly locked, and the C-level masters slowly moved toward the location of the last car, waiting for the fatal blow at the moment Lu Shu arrived there.

However, at this moment, Lu Shu suddenly gave up the last car and even started to break through to the east!

And all of them suddenly saw the tide rising, and the sea began to flow over the embankment, sweeping towards the members of the Faith and Theory Department on the shore like tentacles.

The air awakener was stunned. He did not expect that the opponent's state was so high, and he could control the sea tide at such a long distance. This opponent's strength is at least B-level high-level!

"Stop him!" The air awakener shouted, looking at the other cardinals. He would have arrived. If he let him go at this time, he could not imagine what kind of punishment he would face!

He sneered at Lu Shu: "Do you think you can help Tian Luo Di Wang to reverse the battle situation by stealing these instruments? I'm afraid you don't know yet. Now even the Dark Kingdom has released a reward mission for Tian Luo Di Wang, a head of Tian Luo Di Wang. You can exchange ten spirit stones with the Dark Kingdom. The number of people on our side has completely reached the level of crushing you. More and more people will come here to hunt you down, no matter what you do, it is futile. "

Lu Shu was too lazy to ink with him. Of course, the most important thing now is to escape to the sea. Lu Shu is very clear that the master of the Faith Theory Department may arrive soon, otherwise the other party will not be stopped by the lives of low-level monks at any cost. Self, and the B-level awakeners themselves are always reluctant to approach.

Originally Lu Shu also thought about whether to kill him while the other party was chasing it ~ ~ As a result, the other party was so cautious, which made Lu Shu a little sorry.

It ’s just that Lu Shu suddenly feels a little weird. Is n’t the Dark Kingdom a business. Although the Dark Kingdom has never minded the practitioners doing bad things, even they are leading the sale of young teenagers, but the problem is that the other party has never participated in person. In what battle, how has it changed suddenly now?

He has a hunch that in this war, perhaps the Dark Kingdom has always played an indispensable role.

The air awakener saw Lv Shu a little moved and continued to sneer: "How many people are you in the B-level strong only? Now we are three times as many as you, how do you contend?"

The other party did not say that the highest-end combat strength was still dominated by, nor did they say how unbearable their loose repairs were, only the number of B-level masters.

Lu Shu, who was making a full breakthrough to the East Harbor, suddenly stood still, but even if Lu Shu stood still so quietly, no one dared to get close easily.

As if Lu Shu had his own aura, everyone else conceded invisible.

Lu Shu smiled, suddenly he didn't want to jump directly into the sea to escape.

Lu Shu turned his head and smiled at the air power: "This is what you asked for. If you have a species, bring someone to chase me. See ... who will live to the end!"

Since coming, now that the other party's masters have been brought down for a part, Lu Shu suddenly felt that he had left like this, which seemed to be a little bit unintended.

Since you have a large number of B-levels, I will first help Tianluodiwang to kill some B-levels to reduce the pressure!

As soon as the words fell, Lu Shu suddenly rushed back to the 33rd transport vehicle, and stuffed the transport vehicle into the mountains and rivers!

At this time, the defense of the Faith and Theory Department was all in the direction of the harbour, but Lv Shu changed his mind and broke out to the north! There is no water system, only mountains and forests!


Goodnight everybody

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