Spare Me, Great Lord!

Chapter 837: Chaos Awakening

Lu Shu stayed quietly in a trench under the deep sea. The darkness completely enveloped him. Lu Shu believed that Francisco would not chase it down rashly, but he was also not sure whether Francisco would go or not.

He looked at the chaos in the mountains and rivers that was sleeping a little and hated that iron could not be made into steel. If this thing woke up, why would he be so stubborn?

Lu Shu determined that Francesco had just been promoted to A-level, and the promotion method was inevitably problematic. Therefore, although the Bishop and Francisco had the strength to crush the B-level, they were weak in the same realm.

So in this case, Lu Shu felt that as long as Chaos was awake, he could fight against Francisco.

Can Nie Ting who can't beat the A-level still beat Francesco of the A-level?

This time the harvest was still great. Lv Shu found that there was a whole lot of supplies in the freighter. Not only that, there were 30,000 pieces of standard magical instruments. The quality of these magical instruments was a little better than that of the Faith and Theory Department, but said The truth is not much better.

Lu Shu wondered, this would not be the material provided by the Dark Kingdom to the major organizations. They originally robbed the grain and cut off their logistics, and as a result, a batch was sent.

This is to say that the Dark Kingdom did not play an important role in this matter, and Lu Shu didn't believe it at all.

However, this is a coincidence. Lu Shu didn't expect to hit these three cargo ships.

This made it seem that Lu Shu was not able to get along with the logistics of major organizations. There was no material but him, and Lu Shu was a little embarrassed ...

However, Lu Shu felt that he really didn't blame him this time. He might not believe it when he said it. This time he really found him!

Francisco is really his own blessing. Lu Shu has called him a blessing in his heart. He decided that if he meets Francisco again in the future, he must first say thank you and then start.

Lv Shu looked into the mountains and rivers. The 3 super freighters and 31 transport vehicles lay quietly in the mountains and rivers. There was no one on the transporter. Lv Shu was sure, but there must be someone on the freighter, so Lu Shu Thinking, what will happen if a living person enters Shanheyinli?

At this moment Lu Shu finally realized that all the people on the freighter died of suffocation. Their faces and lips were blue and purple, and the typical suffocation death characteristic. Is this because there is no air in the mountain river?

If there is air, can these people survive? That's the problem. Chaos doesn't need to breathe? Lu Shu realized this.

At that time, when Lu Shu put the freighter into the mountain river seal, he encountered resistance. That was the collision of the spiritual force and the power of the stars. Lu Shu thought that it might be that the person on the freighter was resisting the pull force of the mountain river seal, just like It's because his water system can't directly export human blood to the enemy's body, because the other party will resist.

This is enough to show that Lu Shu ca n’t rely on Shanheyin to do whatever he wants. It ’s really cool to be able to put everyone in during a fight. Lu Shu does n’t have to try to kill people, let the enemy play mud in it. Alright.

When the time comes, Lu Shu can also get them a table of mahjong ... No, one table may not be enough. Lu Shu feels that his current enemy can also make a casino.

It's just that Lu Shu hasn't been able to determine whether the previous resistance is the will of the awakeners in resisting the mountains and river seals, and it's not clear what level the other party is, so it has to be proved ... Go back and find Chen Zuan Anyway, the problem of suffocation can be solved.

Wait, there are still three living people in this freighter. When Lu Shushen went deep into the freighter, he suddenly found that three people were hiding in the cabin holding an oxygen cylinder, and each person took a pitiful turn to take oxygen ...

How could such a large cargo ship not have life-saving equipment? However, only these three people saved themselves for hundreds of people. Lv Shu didn't even think about how to deal with these people for a long time. Ordinarily, the players in the dark kingdom were not sympathetic. It would never be wrong to see one killing one. .

But Lu Shu looked at the endless space inside the mountain river, is it possible to open up a new world in this mountain river? Infuse oxygen, soil, rivers, and study how to form an internal circulation, then here is an independent kingdom, which belongs to his kingdom of Lu Shu!

Lu Shu controlled the three people to come out of the freighter. At this time, Lu Shu encountered the previous spiritual resistance. The three people were holding the oxygen cylinder and struggling to fly to the ship. Then they saw the scene of the mountain and river. shocked……

More than thirty transport vehicles were quietly parked on the gray misty ground of mountains and rivers, as well as gold bars, cash, and dense tridents, and a black dragon with a length of more than 100 meters was lying on the tridents.

The black dragon was as majestic as a totem, the beard was automatic without wind, and the black scales were hard and indestructible.

The three of them held their breath, where is this? ! They didn't dare to exhale loudly ~ ~ I was afraid to wake up the black dragon.

At this moment, Lu Shu was still thinking about how to flicker these three people to plant land for him. If there are plants, soil and water in these three people, it would be more convenient.

However, before he even thought about it, Lu Shu suddenly found that Chaos opened his eyes and swallowed the three of them with a spitting ...

Lu Shu: "... you come out to me!"

Wake up early or late, do you wake up now? Have you eaten them?

Lu Shu immediately pulled the chaos out of the mountains and rivers. The chaos spread the water on the bottom of the sea and stirred the seawater like a joy. As a result, it stirred up a lot of gray haze on the bottom of the sea.

Lu Shu looked at Chaos expressionlessly, thinking that this was a pro son. He couldn't care about his little son for this trivial matter. When Chaos had a fun time, he ran and rubbed Lu Shu: "Boom!"

I do n’t know if it ’s talented or not. Deep in the bottom of the sea, these three syllables are very clear ...

Lu Shu controlled the water flow to stabilize and said to Chaos: "Don't make trouble, go out and kill with me. This time you can't sleep, otherwise the trident will be confiscated!"

Chaos: "Boom?"

"Who killed?" Lu Shu thought for a while: "You can kill anyone, just kill them."


Lu Shu wondered: "Can you fly with me?"

Hey, this was Lü Shu ’s blind spot before. He knew that chaos could fly, but he never thought of letting chaos fly with him!

Does this mean that he can enjoy A-level treatment in advance? !

No human wants to fly, especially after the traffic jam in the city gets worse ...

Lu Shu was a little eager to try. He stood steadily on the chaotic head and grabbed the horns of the other party. Lu Shu also patiently explained: "This person to be killed may be difficult to entangle. You have to prepare for a protracted war Anyway, kill him anyway! "


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