Spare Me, Great Lord!

Chapter 852: 1 more time?

The energy of the thunder is too huge. Lv Shu determined that if it were not for the major organizations to help Nie Ting to disperse the power of the Heavenly Tribulation, Nie Ting would definitely not be able to bear it in his current state.

However, the problem is coming. Lu Shu is very anxious now. There are too many people dispersing Thunder's power. His Thunder Sword tire charging speed is much slower!

So when everyone else ran out, Lu Shu was still holding Nie Ting's side with the power of the thunder, and the power of the thunder continued to spread outward, and the deaths and injuries of members of major organizations exceeded one third. .

Probably from today, there is no longer any force in the world that can contend with Tian Luo Di Wang. Everyone seems to be put together by the Nie Ting, and it is too bad ...

The bronze armoured men were suddenly excited: "Ninth Tian Luo is still approaching Nie Tianluo!"

"My God, I'm getting closer!"

Youzuan Chen said: "I knew he wasn't going to help Principal Nie. At this moment there is someone around Principal Nie who can threaten him ..."

The power of Thunder continued to fall, and Lu Shu exhausted the power of nine cows and two tigers and finally shivered and moved to the range of 200 meters around Nie Ting. Just thinking of himself, I slowly absorbed the power of Thunder here to charge.

The result hadn't waited for him to react yet. Nie Ting suddenly rushed straight up. He had to change to a denser area of ​​major organizations to disperse the thunderstorm, because the **** dead and wounded wounds around him, but there were many others The organization.

In an instant, Nie Ting had fallen into the crowd of vows and tanks, and the people of vows and tanks were not good at the time. This thunder will still move!

Dad, you're about to hang a third of people. Don't let one go without it. Shouldn't you not be troubled when you cross the robbery? We can't carry you flying here!

And Lu Shu stood staring at the spot and almost scolded, and finally got here, did you even run away? !

There are more than two hundred pieces of Jianqi embryos that have not been charged, and you flew away? If you have multiple injuries, don't you have any points in your heart, can you just stand there? !

The bronze armoured soldiers watched from the fortress, and on the ninth day, Luo ran towards Nie Ting again ... But when he was about to approach Nie Ting again, Nie Ting changed places again ...

The robbery lasted for more than ten minutes on this day, but Lu Shu only caught up with the first wave, and ran after Nie Ting.

Lu Shudu doubts that Ning Ting was deliberate!

The day after the robbery was over, Nie Ting flew to Lu Shu and looked at Lu Shu surprisingly: "How come you are down."

Lu Shu: "... Maybe I think it's too stuffy? Come down and relax."

Lu Shu found that Nie Ting's face was pale again. I'm afraid this was also the end of Nie Ting's crossbow.

It's just that Nie Ting's efforts in this battle have been rewarded. The major organizations are now completely scattered and unable to organize effective combat power. Of course, even if they are organized, their people may not have a lot of network ...

And Lu Shu, he saw that the negative emotions in the background were unimaginable, let alone the fourth star, even the sixth one was more than enough!

Su Shu suddenly felt a little puzzled. It turned out ... Is the negative emotion value so profitable, as long as he can kill enough people?

It is really difficult to kill tens of thousands of practitioners, but the negative emotional value of killing civilians is the same as the awakening. The death is given to 1,000 points!

Lu Shu was suddenly alert, how did he think of this, what is the killing of civilians, in Lu Shu's view, power and strength are indeed important, but not yet important enough to allow him to wave the butcher knife to unarmed civilians!

This is a multiple choice question, one can immediately become stronger, and the other requires a long effort, but Lu Shu chose the latter because he still has his own perseverance.

The first choice is very tempting, it seems to be within easy reach, but that is not what Lu Shu wants.

Su Shu suddenly felt a bit wrong. It seemed that the world had given him two possibilities from the beginning, and then let him choose, and these two possibilities might be two very different paths.

But Lu Shu feels that he is not too slow to upgrade, does this light up the sixth one?

It's just that Lu Shu glanced at his Qihaixueshan more than 200 sword qi that hadn't been charged yet ...

In fact, Lu Shu can find Carol again, and the thunder on the Eternal Gun is not weak, but the problem is that Carol now has amnesia and ran to suddenly say to others: "Don't talk, call me."

It always feels weird ...

So, now that the Heavenly Tribulation is gone, how should he charge more than two hundred sword tires?

At this time, Nie Ting looked at Lu Shu calmly. He hesitated and said, "Thank you, thanks to your willingness to bring out such a precious fruit."

And Lu Shu looked up and watched Nie Ting pondering for two seconds, and then took out two more fruits: "This is the case. If you really want to thank, you will go through the robbery again ..."

Ning Ting: "???

"Negative emotion value from Nie Ting, +999!"

It's just that Lu Shu looked at Nie Ting's complexion, and he quickly laughed to stop his idea of ​​fully charging the sword tire: "Haha, make a joke! Don't take it seriously, don't take it seriously!"

Nie Ting understood, co-authoring this fruit in Lu Shu's hand ... there are still more! But Nie Ting couldn't figure out how this kind of artifact fell into Lu Shu's hands, so many? !

Things that can improve the qualifications, if the number is enough, can form a most elite genius troops.

Suddenly Nie Ting frowned and looked at the sky toward the northwest. Lu Shu froze for a moment: "What's wrong?"

"Someone is cracking the knife array," Nie Ting frowned closely. "The knife array can't stop him!"

Lu Shu thought about it and asked, "What the **** is under the knife array?"

"Under the sword array ..." Nie Ting said: "It was the place where the puppet master and others appeared!"

Lv Shu glanced at Nie Ting's face. At this time, Nie Ting was at the end of the crossbow, and Chen Baili and the Saints were both defeated in the battle. He knew what Nie Ting was worried about. The person who could crack the knife array must be above A-level Powerful, not Francisco, not a saint, not a bishop ~ ~ So who would it be?

Lu Shu had a hunch that it might not be Yun Yi and Hu Zhi, but the chess player who exposed Lu Xiaoyu behind the scenes!

"Don't go anymore. Old Master Chen and you are not his opponents now. Don't just return to the God Hidden Realm to be cold. Tianluodiwang still needs you," Lu Shu said calmly. "I'm going."

Nie Ting suddenly remembered the original words of Lu Shu, a captain of a combat squad called Ma Youjin, and he was touched.

This young man has finally grown into Tian Luo.

I saw Lv Shu shouting into the sky far away from the chaos of the Heavenly Tribulation: "Let's go, kill!"

Chaos swooped down, it didn't stop when passing Lu Shu's side, and Lu Shu jumped up and grabbed the chaotic horn, one person and one dragon flew towards the Daozhen Canyon quickly!


The public account "Talking Elbow Star Man" has sent a recent photo of Ren Xiaosu. The child was photographed by his mother himself.

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