Spare Me, Great Lord!

Vol 2 Chapter 948: Mr. Wen

[Title: 948 King of mercy, Mr. Wen (first more) Author: talking elbow]

Welcome to Da Wang Rao Ming's latest chapter 2k fiction net! This site's domain name: \ "2k 小说 \" is a complete Pinyin, easy to remember! Good novel

Highly recommended: The Lord of the Avenue Conquering the Holy Market Snow Eagle Lord thought of the Eternal Dragon King Legend of the Ancient God King Wu Lian Peak Five Elements Heavenly Profound Realm Gate Chosen Heaven Yong Ye King King Scales Lü Shu scalp numb twitching the branches and wood powder in his hand, he thought a little Nowhere, how did the other party break the branches into powder without hurting his palm.

The young man in the black kimono standing opposite stood upright, but there was a sense of relaxation on his body. That kind of relaxation seemed to be assimilated to the world. It was not abrupt, and it did not give pressure or laugh.

Lv Shu took the palm dust off his palm and asked, "Which one are you?"

"Don't you already guess?" The young man put his hands in his wide sleeves and said with a smile: "You see my clothes, is it mysterious? And my strength, is it behind you? You did n’t find me, so ... Guess who I am? "

Lu Shu pondered for two seconds: "Is it so irritating?"

young people:"???"

"Negative emotion value from Wenzai, +199!"

Sure enough, Lu Shu did not guess wrong, it was indeed Emperor Tianwen who drove in person.

It's just that Lu Shu doesn't understand, why does Wen Zai appear in this place? Is it appropriate for a person like Tiandi to run our little Lu Wangshan as soon as he exits the level?

To be honest, Lu Shu wanted to enter Jianlu in a low-key way, and left in a low-key way to find a way back home. Why can't even see the Emperor now ...

This idea was lost because Lu Shu didn't say it, otherwise Zhang Weiyu would have to refute it on the spot. Are you low-key or low-key, don't you know ...

However, at this time, Wen Zai did not seem to be angry, and still smiled and said: "I should have been out of the customs after three months, but for your little military guard, I temporarily disrupted my plan, but I am still that Question, it stands to reason that the Black Feather Army retired because of you. You have great merit, why should you run? "

Speaking of which, Wen Zaifei's smile on his face is more intense: "Or, where can you go? Introduce yourself, I am Southern Heavenly Emperor Wen, but I usually prefer another name."

Having said that, did Wen actually turn his head to look at Zhang Weiyu: "Don't come unharmed?"

Zhang Weiyu made a serious etiquette: "Mr. Wen don't come unharmed."

Lu Shu froze for a moment, Mr. Wen? It ’s a bit weird to call Mr. Wenwen Tiandi.

Does Wen Wen laugh when he sees Lu Shu puzzled: "You don't know their identities? Or you dare not say it? You don't dare to say it, you are not as small as a courageous person. Everything at the casino is done. "

Lu Shu was not happy, but when he thought of the strength of the other party, he did not speak ...

At this time, Zhang Weiyu said: "Mr. Wen was the teacher of my Royal Dragon class, so we all respectfully call him Mr. Wen."

Lu Shute almost took a breath at the spot. He already guessed Zhang Weiyu's identity in his heart. After all, Liu Yizhao did not conceal anything, but just didn't mention it deliberately.

But Lu Shu absolutely did not expect that this article was actually the teaching of Yulong Banzhi in those years, then I am afraid that it is the closest person around the **** king, otherwise how would it be the emperor?

And at this moment Lu Shu suddenly wondered why the old **** king's backers, such as Zhang Weiyu, such as Liu Yizhao, were all put in Nanzhou?

It's just that Lu Shu's most painful thing now is that Zhang Weiyu will not appear beside him. Will Wen Zai misunderstand?

But listening to whether Wen Wen smiled at Zhang Weiyu: "You old guys finally gave up leaving Tiange Town, I originally asked you to leave Tiange Town to help me, didn't you say that you wouldn't leave Tiange Town for life? Just force you out? "

Zhang Weiyu frowned: "Wouldn't you just want to see how we left Tiange Town, so let the Black Feathers leave it alone."

Wen Zai raised his eyebrows: "Haha, how can I do such a childish thing?"

Lv Shu had a strong hunch at that time, Zhang Weiyu's guess, it is very likely to be really right! Lu Shu increasingly feels that there is a problem with the style of the world after the unfolding. As for the problem, he is a bit confused.

Wen Zai shook his black servant clothes and said to Zhang Weiyu: "I have soldiers here to train you. As a result, you are going to practice this military guard. You spend your energy. The army of bandits and wanderers can be trained like this. It's not easy. "

Zhang Weiyu said calmly: "Mr. Wen is a good player to train his own troops. Why do you need us if you can train yourself?"

Suddenly, Wen Zai's eyes widened: "I am already the Emperor of Heaven! Emperor Tangdi, you let me go to train? I can't afford to lose that person!"

Zhang Weiyu: "..."

"This boy ..." Wen Zai carefully looked at Lu Shu: "He is ...?"

"No," Zhang Weiyu shook his head, and the two played a dumb puzzle.

"I don't think it's like that, that person is so domineering ~ ~ And it's indeed a coincidence that you met," Wen Zai nodded.

Lu Shu suddenly felt that although the article was closed, it seemed to know a lot of things from the outside world, and ... why is this emperor so mad? ! Is this what the superior should look like?

To be honest, Lu Shu always thinks that the superior should be insidious, clever, and thoughtful. It should be the kind of thinking one step at a time, but now I think again ...

Whether Wen Wen glanced at Lu Shu, he seemed to guess what he was thinking, and suddenly said: "Some people have spent their whole life's effort, of course, they are used to calculating everything. You do n’t understand the strength, you just do n’t need to reason with people. "

Lv Shu was speechless for a long time. Was such a person really okay?

Lu Shu looked at this posture, hehe, he simply spread his hands: "Then don't run, but why did you a heavenly emperor come to our mountain to reward us?"

"Yes," Wen nodded: "Wei Beiguan, Liyangguan, Guangliao City, Nangeng City, Yun'an City, how about you?"

Lu Shu: "No."

More than five thousand people guard the five city pass? He won't do this unless Lu Shu is crazy.

The Wuwei Army itself is a collection with a very strong comprehensive strength. Once dispersed, it is not as strong as expected.

At this moment, there were twelve people flying from the north in the sky. Lv Shu watched Wen Zai's expression suddenly cold, and the whole person's tone and shelf were put up.

I saw that the twelve people fell on one knee before Wen Zaifu: "Congratulations to Heavenly Emperor."

"If I don't go out again, do I really want to lose ten cities?" Wen Zai asked quietly.

One of them said with some anxiety: "Now that the pass has been fully recovered, Wang Tiandi gives us a chance." 2k fiction reading net

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