Spare Me, Great Lord!

Vol 2 Chapter 950: Monopoly industry

[Title: 950 King of mercy, monopoly industry (third more) Author: talking elbow]

Welcome to Da Wang Rao Ming's latest chapter 2k fiction net! This site's domain name: \ "2k 小说 \" is a complete Pinyin, easy to remember! Good novel

Highly recommended: The legend of the corpse dragon dragon, the ancient **** Wang Wulian, the peak of the five elements, the door of the heavenly realm, the choice of the night The king of Lu Wangshan is really a mudslide in this vast crowd, and he can't bear to look directly at it.

As a matter of fact, everyone has seen it before. This is a deadly product.

However, when everyone saw whether Wen gave the Wu Weijun the Nan Gengcheng, they already smiled, because the Black Feathers attacked Nanzhou in the past years, and Nan Gengcheng was a must pass. Therefore, if the Black Feathers come again, the Wu Weijun will bear the brunt. .

However, some people think that whether Emperor Tianwen put the Wuwei Army in Nangeng City is a wonderful move, because from then on, if the Black Feather Army fails, it will not come again ...

However, Lu Shu didn't think so. Hei Yujun wasn't coming. He could invite him! After all, there is still business to do?

When the Black Feather Army comes again, his Wu Weijun will first dig into the Lu Wang Mountain, and if you kill a flood outside, he will wait to come out and clean up the mess.

At this moment someone said: "My host congratulates the commander on obtaining Nengeng City and hopes to be close to each other in the future ..."

Suddenly, someone thought about it, and one million gods of money became brothers with this Wu Weijun commander, then ... he suddenly had a bold idea!

A great slave said: "Master, if my master is willing to pay 5 million **** banknotes?"

Lv Shu pondered for two seconds: "Then he can recognize me as a righteous father!"

The big slave was stunned. It was n’t you waiting for a while. There was something wrong with this logic. How could you recognize you as a righteous father?

We paid the money together and finally recognized a dad? !

"Negative emotion value from Li Cong, +666!"

"From ..."

"How is it," Lu Shule laughed happily: "Are you interested?"

The big slave held back for a long time: "We are out of money, and we have a problem with the capital turnover recently."

Lu Shu was slightly disappointed: "Oh, you can come to me again when you have money."

The big slaves hurried to leave one by one. They couldn't stay in this place. After a long time, their heart was not good ...

After sending away the large group of slaves, Lu Shu looked at Liu Yizhao: "This can be regarded as returning to your site."

However, Liu Yizhao's answer gave Lu Shu a mixed taste: "Under the world is the king's land, this is your place."

Lu Shu was thinking, what will he do when he knows the truth one day, will he be so angry that he wants to cut himself? But the problem is that it's really useless to explain yourself ...

He took the Wuwei Army that night and headed to Nangeng City, accepting all the powers of the city's lords. He thought that he would become a city lord, and Lu Shu felt a little excited in his heart. This might be regarded as having his own place in the true sense? Lu Wangshan is probably only half.

Originally coming to this world of Lu Zhou, Lu Shu just wanted to mix up with soldiers of the Wuwei Army, and then bought a place selected by Jianlu. Why did he become the master of a city?

Really saponifying ...

On the way to Nangeng City, Zhang Weiyu was curious: "What are you going to do when you arrive at Nangeng City?"

"Make soap," Lu Shu took for granted.

This makes Zhang Weiyu not understand, how much can this soap business make?

Do n’t look at the fact that his income is now tens of millions of dollars, but the question is not all his income is hit on the armor of the Wuwei Army? And who said that selling soap earns less than United Zhuangzhuang?

To tell the truth, the United Zhuangzhuang is also limited to the Wangcheng. This Lu Zhou world does not have such a developed Internet, and not everyone will bet. Lv Shu has long discovered that most people in the Luzhou world will not enter the gambling house, only those who have a little free money in their hands.

But soap is different. Soap is something that the common people use.

Is there no future for daily chemical products? The future is great ...

Just last year, the world ’s largest daily chemical products company generated revenue of more than 500 billion yuan a year ... This is still the case when there is no monopoly. If it monopolizes, the revenue will reach trillions of dollars ...

Of course, Lu Shu didn't want to be so big, nor could he be so big. As long as he is allowed to go back, he can bring some souvenirs such as spirit stones, magic tools, and exercises.

And slowly, I also have feelings with the soldiers of the Wu Weijun. It is also good to leave a way for this group of people after they leave. Who still thinks that they have more money?

The ordinary people in Nangeng City are very worried that the new city owner will exploit them. After all, Liu Yizhao had never done anything to swindle the people's fat before, but everyone knows how other city owners did it.

Not to mention far, what has the nearby Wuwei Army hunted down Yunan City for so many years? Isn't it the Wuwei Army who is stationed in Nangeng City this time ...

Originally the army was stationed outside the city, but that was because of the large number of people, but now the Wuwei Army has only more than 5,000 people. Lu Shu let them live directly in the city.

So the people in Nangeng City discovered that the first thing after the arrival of the Wuwei Army was to buy a piece of land, and then built more than a dozen three-story buildings, and drew a barracks.

This is also the first time the army stationed in Nam Gung City ~ ~ made the people worry about it. As a result, after a month, there was no case of the Wuwei Army disturbing the people. The city owner was also in the Wuwei Army, and there were many people who saw the faces of the Qing Serbian army before.

Slowly, everyone began to realize that this Wu Wei Jun was not as bad as expected.

Then, the factory of Wu Weijun opened, and the city owner began to subsidize the cultivation of peanuts, purchase alkali mines, recruit workers, and then make soap ...

A series of dazzling operations of the people in Nangeng City are all forced, what is this for?

Then they saw a lot of caravans come to Nangeng City, and took away a box of exquisitely made soap.

These caravans are the basis of the contacts that Lu Shu laid before. To put it bluntly, it is the families behind Song Ji Casino and Lin Ji Casino.

Everyone is willing to sell this favor to Wu Weijun, and the soap is indeed very marketable. When the Wu Weijun fought to make soap, the soap in Wangcheng was out of stock.

Every lady, with her greasy head, complains every day, why is there no such good soap?

Lu Shu regretted that he didn't have the conditions to make shampoo, otherwise, what would be the business opportunity? Before, everyone didn't think there was anything like greasy hair, but it was different to enjoy a clean life.

However, when the soap reappeared in Wangcheng, many people were shocked: Was the soap invented by Wu Weijun? They are not very good at fighting, how can they make soap?

What kind of army is this?

At this moment, the day of Jianlu selection is finally beginning! Lu Shu did not bring his entourage, and he and Lu Xiaoyu embarked on their journey to the north. No one in the outside world even knew that the Wu Weijun commander had left Nan Geng City.


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