Spare Me, Great Lord!

Vol 2 Chapter 952: Event

[Title: King of mercy 952 events (second more) Author: talking elbow]

Welcome to Da Wang Rao Ming's latest chapter 2k fiction net! This site's domain name: \ "2k 小说 \" is a complete Pinyin, easy to remember! Good novel

Highly recommended: The lord of the holy ruins Snow Eagle Lord wants to remember the legend of the eternal dragon king, the ancient **** Wang Wulian, the five elements of the door of the heavenly universe. He tried to follow it in a sneaky way, and was lured down by Lu Shu.

Lu Shuyu said with a long heart: "I'm going to explore the way, and when I'm sure it's ok, I will call you a group of people in the past. You can practice at home with peace of mind. If you have higher strength, you may still be able to help."

Li Heitan nodded quickly, as long as the king promised to call them over!

When Lu Shu and Lu Xiaoyu went to meet with the caravan, the caravan didn't think much. There were many nobles who took their team on weekdays. The car was charged according to the price. The caravan was responsible for their meals and daily accommodation.

The caravan did not think much about Lu Shu and Lu Xiaoyu. First, they never saw it. Second, they did not think that the owner of Nangengcheng would go out at this time, and Lu Shu and Lu Xiaoyu did not look like Lord of the city ...

The bishop who drove the bus is now the bishop of Lupin and Lv Xiaoyu. The bishop who drove the car used the bishop and the post used to stand guard. After all, the night came to the caravan many times. There is no sober person around him, Lu Shu is really not at ease. He and Lu Xiaoyu have not yet been promoted to the first grade, so there is no such ability to be alert when stared at.

The caravan people did not deliberately take advantage of Lu Shu and Lu Xiaoyu. In their view, the two sides are a trading relationship. The caravan just brought Lu Shu and Lu Xiaoyu to the Wangcheng. As for Lu Shu and Lu Xiaoyu, What identity does not matter, and it has nothing to do with them.

In the eyes of the caravan, how can masters use them to piggyback? Those who need them to piggyback are those who are afraid of bandits. How can a master be afraid of bandits?

In fact, the leader of the caravan has not thought about it. He may be the bandit this time ... or the famous bandit leader Lv Zhoutianzi now ...

Before Lu Shu joined the caravan, he knew that the highest rank in this caravan was only a second grade, so the threat from the caravan was almost negligible. After all, now Jasang Yi, Anthony, and the bishop have all had a first grade.

Even if there are so many giants of Lu Zhou, there are few giants who can protect the trip with one product ... or not at all.

There are more than 20 people in the caravan who paid for it, but neither Lu Shu nor Lu Xiaoyu went far, but the caravan will always absorb such "passengers" along the way, so there will be a steady stream of people. Come in.

Lu Shuyu and Lu Xiaoyu stayed in the carriage when they rushed during the day. Lu Xiaoyu would sit next to the bishop, and his two legs would be boring outside. Lu Shu sat in the carriage and practiced his sword.

I saw him sitting cross-eyed in the carriage with his eyes closed and a good mind, and a newly folded branch was placed on his knee. It was the same as before, with branches and leaves still on it.

Now it seems that Lv Shu does not need any more action to practice the sword. The sword is hidden in his heart. Occasionally, the branches placed on his knees will buzz and tremble, but the branches are always safe and sound.

At the same time, the heaven and earth spirits are always gathering towards the body, strengthening his muscles and flesh.

If there are Jianlu people nearby, it will be amazed. Even in Jianlu, no one can give up the practice of external swordsmanship before they become a product, and go directly to the sword intent.

Lv Xiaoyu dangled his legs outside, listening to the discussion in the caravan, saying that if the caravan is going smoothly, then you can see the grand selection of Wangcheng Jianlu.

The caravan leader smiled and said that every year the selection of Jianlu is a grand event, and it is more lively than every New Year. The disciples of Jianlu are all wonderful and wonderful, and these small cultivators finally have the opportunity to observe the monks in the end What kind of style it is.

The disciples of Jianlu from other places will also rush back. Many places were originally fighting. As a result, disciples of Jianlu will stop at this time, even if the hostile parties on the battlefield will be called brothers in Jianlu at this moment.

The war is for the benefit, but the magic is that the war between life and death cannot break the friendship between the disciples of Jianlu.

Lv Xiaoyu listened to his lip, "How can there be such an ideal place?"

The result was heard by others and said with a smile: "Little girl, you also go to the Wangcheng, where you will understand, Jianlu is a magical place."

Lv Xiaoyu pouted again, according to what these people said, Jianlu never strives for any benefits here, and it can be maintained by the disciples' spontaneous offerings. Moreover, Jianlu also forbids the deification of his master, it seems that Jianlu It's just something that you can get out of hand, but you don't plan to do anything other than help the **** king.

Neuropathy is the only way to do things that are beneficial to others, and Lu Xiaoyu thinks so.

However, when these people discussed Jianlu, Lu Xiaoyu thought that Lu Shu would soon become a disciple of Jianlu in their mouth, and then he heard them saying how powerful and glorious the disciple of Jianlu was, and suddenly became happy.

It stands to reason that Lu Shuyu's current identity actually does not care whether he can become a disciple of Jianlu ~ ~ but he is just happy.

Moreover, in her consciousness, Lu Shu wants to become a disciple of Jianlu, then it must work.

The caravan likes to call the guests who are piggybacked as employers to show respect. At this time, suddenly the "employer" in the caravan is curious: "You caravans should be piggybacking a lot of people, and there is nothing new. and people?"

"Haha," said the leader of the caravan. "Of course I did. Three years ago, a noble child from the east said with pride that I got a recommendation letter and would go to the Jianlu selection. We all held him along the way. What's the matter? When I arrived in Wangcheng, I was scared and begged us to take him home quickly. Haha, Jianlu selects who can go there? "

"Then the goods you usually deliver are valuable?" The middle-aged employer laughed.

"It's not worth much money," the team leader suddenly lowered his profile: "What we are doing is buying and selling reselling, how much money can we make?"

The team leader knows the truth of wealth, but Lu Xiaoyu, the former big housekeeper of Nan Gengcheng, of course knows that this caravan is very powerful. The number of purchases ranks in the top five of all caravans, and the Song family does not buy them. More.

Lv Xiaoyu remembered that Zhang Weiyu was angry when they handed over the accounts. Why are a group of big masters so poorly mathed that they do n’t understand the calculation? !

At this moment, someone suddenly asked Xiaoyu: "Little girl, are you going to Wangcheng? Why, surrender to the main house?"

The leader suddenly wondered: "Wouldn't it be to participate in the selection of Jianlu?"

Hey, the more the leader said, the more likely it was that it was not a day or two for the Wu Weijun to sell to the noble children. The current Wu Weijun is not stationed in Nangeng City. Caravans entering Nan Geng City.


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