Spare Me, Great Lord!

Vol 2 Chapter 956: Do something

The thief was desperate. After they were caught by Sun Zhongyang, it was a beating on the street. The thief couldn't understand it. They stolen something by themselves. Did you gangsters beat me?

Looking at the thief, Lu Shu suddenly felt that it was like a thief who stole someone's battery car and was chased by four helicopters. The four helicopters were still hung with weapons and could fire at any time ...

But this provided Lu Shu with another way of thinking: Sun Zhongyang didn't know themselves at all, but he had great resentment against himself because of the Wangcheng gambling ...

Previously, Lu Shu told them that the Wu Weijun commander had gone to Wangcheng.

Then, Lu Shu can take Sun Zhongyang to Wangcheng ... to do something!

Sun Zhongyang beat the thief and looked back at Lu Shu: "Happy Lu, is he the leader of the Wuwei Army?"

Lu Shu said silently: "You misunderstood, he was the thief who just wanted to steal my things ..."

Sun Zhongyang was speechless, as expected ... wrongly typed ...

However, Sun Zhongyang didn't care about anything, but waved his hand wisely: "Thief, you should take care of it!"

Although Sun Zhongyang made a mistake in this matter, they also knew that they did not blame Lu Shu. After all, Lu Shu only said a stop from beginning to end, and did not say that this was the command of the Wuwei Army.

Therefore, Sun Zhongyang and Mo Xiaoya didn't think much about it. It's nothing to beat a thief, and they didn't even produce negative emotions for Lu Shu.

At this time, Sun Zhongyang looked at Lu Shu and said, "You also come to visit the slave market?"

Lv Shu froze for a moment, and then he looked at the surrounding environment. There was an open door leading to a wide yard. Inside, there was a wooden platform, and there were people standing with slave marks on them. The table above is subject to the following buyers.

"Let's go in and see too," said Lu Xiaoyu's eyes with bright eyes.

Lv Shu glanced sadly inside and said, "The male slave inside only wore a pair of pants."

"How much better is the swimsuit than this?" Lu Xiaoyu rolled her eyes and pulled Lu Shu to walk inside. She did not think about buying any slaves, but was curious.

Because this kind of market is very, very few on the planet, once such a market is discovered, it is faced with emotional excitement, rather than being in the downtown area as it is right now.

Sun Zhongyang and others glanced at the slaves on the stage as if they had lost interest. Those slaves hung their own strength grades or specialties around their necks. Some of them were good at building houses, and some were in Wupin. However, these slaves came to Sun Zhongyang. It's not attractive at all.

In the opinion of Sun Zhongyang, the fifth-grade slaves belong to the kind of dispensable ones. Those big slaves who are compared among the nobles of the nobles of the Wangcheng can buy a thousand such slaves.

Lu Shu glanced at the price of the five-grade slave, which was 8,000 yuan.

This price once again refreshed Lu Shu's perception of the price of Lu Zhou. He suddenly felt that he was in the hands of thousands of dollars, and he was definitely a rich man.

Sun Zhongyang frowned: "Which one is in charge?"

An old man quickly ran over: "Son, you have something to find me?"

At this time, Sun Zhongyang took out a white jade token from his sleeve: "Do you understand?"

The slave market manager immediately smiled even happier: "It turned out to be the son of the Sun family, you certainly can't look down on this outside, let me go to the infield."

Lu Shu suddenly realized that he thought the quality of the slave market was too low. The original good quality was in the field.

I saw that the steward led Sun Zhongyang and others to the back of the yard, and Lu Shuli followed them vigorously. As a result, the steward saw Lu Shu: "Are you?"

"I'm with them," Lu Shu said calmly.

The former Sun Zhongyang and others suddenly turned their heads to look at Lu Shu, making Lu Shu seem to have participated in a good voice in China, and the tutor turned around ...

Sun Zhongyang smiled: "Yes, they are together."

Several people next to Sun Zhongyang thought about this scene, and they really didn't treat themselves as outsiders, and they were so thick-skinned.

Lu Shu was too lazy to take care of them. He wanted to be able to enter as much as he could in the infield. Just report the name of the Wuweijun commander? The commander of the First Army must be qualified to enter the infield.

Now they follow Sun Zhongyang directly in. On the one hand, it is easy to save, on the other hand, they are also afraid to fight them directly.

The inner courtyard is much more elegant than the outside, where the slaves stand on the stage in embarrassment, as if the beast is being watched, while the inside is an elegant pavilion, as if a door separates two different worlds.

The old manager introduced Sun Zhongyang with a smile: "What kind of slave do you want to buy this time? We have just sent a few very good ones here."

Sun Zhongyang said broadly: "Pull it out and look at ~ ~ The old manager gave a glance to the man next to him. I saw that the man trot all the way to the side, and waited until Sun Zhongyang and others were seated in the courtyard. People quickly served exquisite snacks and tea.

Sun Zhongyang seemed to be a bit dismissive of these dim sum styles, but he squeezed a piece and suddenly his eyes lit up: "Not bad!"

Mo Xiaoya also squeezed a piece and sighed after eating: "I didn't expect you to have such a delicious snack in this place."

Lu Shu also pinched a piece, and then pushed the plate in front of them to Lu Xiaoyu. He is now curious about the whole Lu Zhou, including snacks.

Lu Shu pinched a piece of dim sum, and then put it back before eating half a piece. He said to Lu Xiaoyu: "Just try it, don't eat too much, it's a bit unpalatable."

The old manager next to him is a personal elite. He saw that Lu Shu and Sun Zhongyang and others should be unfamiliar. There must be no such background as Sun Zhongyang, so when Lu Shu said it was unpalatable, he was a little unhappy. So particular? Their dim sum is notoriously delicious throughout the West!

Mo Xiaoya, although they didn't say anything on their mouths, they felt that this teenager was too bragging, and looked at you as if you hadn't eaten good food. You even said that this delicious snack is unpalatable?

However, for people like Lu Shu and Lu Xiaoyu who have eaten the food of the earth, eating this dessert is like eating a milk cake and then going back to eat the old-style cream cake of the 1990s. It can't be swallowed ...

At this moment, the guys in the slave market came with 7 slaves, and the manager hurriedly said: "This is the best slave here, all of them have experienced a lot of battles, and their strengths are all in second. Good quality! Their requirement is that the buyer must have more than good quality. "

Lu Shu suddenly realized that these people turned out to be slaves for the sake of practice?

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