Spare Me, Great Lord!

Vol 2 Chapter 961: Night raid

Sun Zhongyang and Mo Xiaoya looked at each other, it seemed that there was really no reason to leave Lv Shu and Lv Xiaoyu. Everyone met with each other, and Lv Shu and they were only in a temporary deal to "find the command of the military guard". Sell ​​to them.

And to be honest, Sun Zhongyang and others are also very confident. I do n’t think Lu Shu ’s second-grade pinnacle can be of great help. Of course, Sun Zhongyang is also thinking that this teenager may have a background, otherwise, how can he be so young Is the second grade peak?

Even if Sun Zhongyang and their genius children were just as strong as Lu Shu in this grade, Lu Zhongyang did not know that Lu Shu had already practiced for the second time to the peak of the second grade ...

But anyway, Sun Zhongyang looked at Lu Shu and felt that he could not swallow that breath. How could it be as dangerous as being with his own group? Wherever they go in the Wangcheng, they are all stars and stars, how come they are rejected by people? His Sun Zhongyang can't stand this grievance!

"Add money," Sun Zhongyang looked at Lu Shu calmly.


When Sun Zhongyang heard these two words coming out of Lu Shu's mouth, the back of the head began to hurt. He suddenly felt that this must not have been sent by the Chou family to undercover, otherwise he would betray everything in minutes ...

Lu Shu's eyes were bright and bright: "How much?"

"One million divine banknotes, you escorted us all the way to Wangcheng," Sun Zhongyang said: "When you arrive in Wangcheng, you can go to any money house in Sun's house to collect."

Sun Zhongyang didn't really expect Lv Shu to **** them, but he held his breath and wanted to leave Lv Shu in the caravan. Didn't you want to leave? Didn't you love money? Then you stay!

Lu Shu thought that the Sun family was really unusual. He was a player who could open a money bank in Wangcheng, but he shook his head: "It should be dangerous to **** you on this mission, so one million **** banknotes is not enough and you get three million!"

No matter what Sun Zhongyang and others thought this time, Lu Shu only felt that the background of the Sun family was larger, so the people who came to snipe this time might be stronger, maybe these big slaves are just to explore the way, so one million still It was not enough for Lu Shu to take this trip with them.

As for the real irresistible danger, Na Lushu can only let Anthony take him and Xiaoyu away.

Sun Zhongyang thought for a long time and finally said coldly: "Isn't it just three million **** banknotes, a lot? It's just my one-year pocket money. Don't challenge your pocket money with your life savings."

"It's so good," Lu Shu said with a heartless compliment: "You set me a note and press a handprint."

"Negative emotion value from Sun Zhongyang, +777!"

Sun Zhongyang discovered that Lu Shu was asking for money, and he didn't look at his own strength to dare to take this deal!

"People like you," said Mo Xiaoya calmly: "You see money as destiny, but you don't think about your reputation, whoever is your employer, who is a fool, and the way to make money in the future will not be narrower. Yet?"

Lu Shu pondered for two seconds and looked at Sun Zhongyang: "She said you were a fool."

Mo Xiaoya: "???

Sun Zhongyang: "???

"Negative emotion value from Sun Zhongyang ..."

Sun Zhongyang they discovered that they have been angry for a lifetime, maybe not more than a few days!

At this time, the caravan ’s meal was ready. Lv Shu had n’t brought Lv Xiaoyu to the meal yet. Xu Mujun had carried the meal and handed them over to the two. With.

Lv Shu and Lv Xiaoyu are also very helpless. This girl is in this state since she entered the caravan.

"Mu Mujun," Lu Shuyu said with a long heart: "Actually, you don't have to do this. With your terms, you can live well wherever you go."

Xu Mujun shook his head: "They don't look as good as you."

"Ha ha ha ha, is it ... Hiss!" Lu Shu turned his head and glared at Lu Xiaoyu, which was so cruel!

As a result, Xu Mujun said nothing, holding an Guqin to play and sing next to Lu Shu and they had to say that the girl's violin skills were really strong. The feeling of a big meal ...

To say whether this article is really enough to save money, Lu Shu always feels a little wrong with such a good girl even arranged directly under her side as an undercover, as if there is a greater plot in the article.

At this moment, Lu Shu suddenly looked at the sky, as if there was a meteor cathode falling fast towards him. It was not a meteor, but a feather arrow!

Sun Zhongyang and others also saw it, but they judged that the arrow was going towards Lv Shu early in the morning, so they looked at it quietly and wanted to see how Lv Shu reacted and wanted to know the judgment of the caravan boss right.

As a result, at the next moment, the thunder that broke through the sound barrier when Yu Jian left the string had just reached their ears, and Lu Shu had led Lu Xiaoyu and Xu Mujun to the side while carrying Qiao Maimian, and continued to eat noodles.

With a bang, the arrow burst a terrible deep hole on the ground, but Lu Shu was no longer sitting there.

Sun Zhongyang and others looked at each other, and then looked at Lv Shu, who is calm and eats noodles ~ ~ The caravan boss is not wrong. Although this product is greedy, it should be true.

Ordinary people will not blow up with a single arrow like Lu Shu, and can continue to eat noodles calmly.

Lu Shu was thinking, even if he rescued the caravan owner during the day, the group of big slaves warned themselves not to be busy.

I'm afraid the other party can't understand the depth of Lu Shu now, so I wonder if I can scare away?

These big slaves probably didn't think about it. Lu Shu had made up his mind long ago. If these big slaves caused Sun Zhongyang and others to have an accident, he would have no money to take it.

The money that Lu Shu deserved, he went to these big slaves to ...

Sun Zhongyang laughed in a low voice: "Maybe he really can give us some help."

Mo Xiaoya said disdainfully: "He shouldn't escape."

"I don't think he is a person like that," Sun Zhongyang shook his head. "You may not feel it, but I can see a trace of killing intent from his calmness. The killing intention is not contained. I am afraid that the shot is Thunder ... … "

Before he had finished speaking, Sun Zhongyang suddenly heard Lu Shu shouting not far away, "Grass! Run!"

Just listening to the sharp voice from the sky, like a meteor shower, the arrows of the sky actually came from the radio, I am afraid that hundreds of people have just completed a round of salvo!

Then, Sun Zhongyang looked at Lv Shu and Lv Xiaoyu in shock. They were carrying the carriage of the carriage alone, carrying the horse alone, and ran away in the distance ...

This is a bit too calm, right? When will there be an empty carriage?

And Xu Mujun's calm back Guqin withdrew with Lu Shu, and took a step across more than a dozen feet, like a fairy stepping across the abyss.

The caravan boss can't understand his current state of the caravan. What kind of people are they ...


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