Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 947: Hibernating fangs

Saratoga’s battlefield was very straightforward. During the Parkfield War, she also used this ability to work with the joint fleet and finally supported the arrival of reinforcements. The fastest update

The Abyssal Fleet has never relaxed its suppression of the Allied Human Forces. After occupying Vladivostok, they have already taken the initiative. They will naturally not give up this advantage. They have been discovered when the rescue fleet entered the Abyssal Control Zone. During the opposing party's actions, all the patrol ships on the front line began to shrink in depth, and at the same time, an ambush was set up on the channel where the rescue fleet might pass.

Several major battles have taken place on the Asian battlefield. Both sides have invested a lot of aircraft carriers and carrier-based aircraft in pan-star sea battles. The flames of war have spread to every corner of the interstellar, like the dense stars lit up the dim universe.

However, this time the main carrier cluster of the abyssal fleet and the human coalition is still conducting conventional operations at the border of Vladivostok. It is already the limit for the human coalition to deploy five aircraft carriers to form a rescue fleet. The abyssal fleet is generally inferior to humans in terms of individual strength. In the case of the ship's mother, it is impossible to transfer too many warships to ensure the superiority of the number. Therefore, in this ambush, the abyss submarine that rarely shows up has become the main force of the battle. They rely on the world that has begun to become empty and hide in the darkness. Prepare to bite **** the rescue fleet with poisoned teeth.

Rafi, the cat-eared ship mother who was very active in the aircraft carrier battle, was also included in the rescue fleet's combat sequence at this moment. She did not handle the submarine as well as the aircraft carrier, but as an experienced ship mother, this was not her shortcoming.

In the first time Saratoga warned, Rafi and other destroyer companions dared to search deeply under the cover of the carrier aircraft, but they did not find the abyss submarine ship mother, but saw many ambushing mine cruisers. The mother launched an attack on them: "Anti-submarine warfare against the enemy, color rendering bombs dropped... No signs of submarine activity were found, the abyss thunder patrol team in front was launched by lightning strikes, and everyone was ready to evade!"

The dense lightning strike of the abyss was very close to the destroyers when they were discovered, but this time the rescue fleet came mostly from the elite in the astral navy. In the face of the dense lightning strike array, the overall formation was adjusted without panic, etc. The abyssal fleet has lost its threat after striking the main fleet.

However, Liaoning was very unhappy and ordered with a pretty cold voice: "Enterprises, Saratoga, Bumblebees, York City, don't be robbed by a group of mine patrols to preempt the attack. Since no other carrier is found, quickly resolve the battle here."

Fighting in the abyss control area where the void begins is much harder than expected. The interference of the human coalition’s enemy search system will increase exponentially. In many cases, they will even be unprepared for the deliberate information blockage of the abyssal fleet. Enter the encircling circle.

This time the early warning is that Saratoga is a talented and experienced ship maiden, but not all battlefields have her ship maiden, and not all fleets have a supernatural detection system like Veneto can assist Scouting, otherwise the powerful joint fleet will not be lost in Eslatu.

Not because I couldn’t find my way home, but all outbound attacks would encounter the ubiquitous abyssal fleet interception and submarine ambushes, and finally had to return without success. Now the rescue fleet knows the location of the joint fleet. Breaking through the defense line of the Abyssal Fleet and finding them faced the same problem.

Rafi did not find any signs of submarine lurking. It does not mean that the submarines really did not exist, but that they were covered by the void under the home battle, and the shortcomings of the human coalition's offensive were immediately exposed.

The abyss submarine's concealment far exceeds that of the human warship in home combat. The conventional detection technology with void addition and material rendering bombs can't find them at all. Thanks to this powerful concealment, the abyss submarine The firepower and protection are far beyond that of the human warship. On the contrary, the human submarine will have no place to escape after entering the enemy-occupied area that has begun to become void, and it becomes no different from the general warship.

The overwhelming fleet of carrier-based aircraft completely submerged the Abyssal Thunder Cruiser in gorgeous artillery. The abyss fleet lacking air control had no room for resistance when facing the best human carrier mother, and soon it became a starry sky. Wreckage.

Looking at the calm battlefield, Liaoning frowned deeper.

The abyss submarine forces watched as the friendly forces were destroyed by air strikes. From the beginning to the end, they had not launched any attacks, as if they did not exist at all.

But intuition tells Liaoning that they are there, as if hibernating in the waterway of their own fleet. Once their fleet passes that place, they will reveal their poisonous fangs, even if they can’t bite the rescue fleet, they will be irreparable. Hit hard.

"Will you go?" Liaoning thought secretly, if bypassing this star zone would certainly avoid being ambushed by an abyss submarine, but who knows how many ambushes they deployed in the subsequent channel, if they blindly avoided, then save the joint fleet 'S battle really became a joke.

The Abyssal Fleet will send some mine patrols to cooperate with the submarine to ambush. It is not to hope that they will achieve many results. It is to put them in front of the human warship mother and clearly tell them that there is an ambush here. Whether they choose to force a breakthrough or detour, they face a dilemma. Choice.

"If this is the purpose of the Abyssal I am afraid that the Joint Fleet is really dangerous now, but can we still get back through the risk of breaking through the past?" Liaoning was a little hesitant, she was able to move forward with unprecedented momentum It’s because she has nothing to lose, but now she has become the owner of the c-star domain, dominating the future destiny of this country that is full of wastes. This is a glory, a responsibility and a bondage. Is it worth the adventure of a fleet that is not friendly to yourself?

In the final analysis, Liaoning lacked the experience of becoming a superior, and she did not have a clear direction for the future path. After all, there was not a rich person around her who had seen all kinds of politics. Yue Zhong planned a suitable path for her. Before Veneto became the first person to rule the country as a ship maiden, but Veneto now easily surpassed her.

"Continue to detect signs of abyss submarines, carrier-based aircraft formations carried out carpet bombing to clear the road." Liaoning did not want to bypass, nor did it want to put the fleet in danger, and only issued a command in compromise. The fleet's time becomes more urgent.

Zhu Zhongxue sighed after hearing Liaoning’s order. He knew that Liaoning did not fail to listen to her words, but she was far less trusting than Veneto to Yue Zhong, and persuasion would only arouse Liaoning’s resentment. Only other methods can be used, and the worst must be prepared. (To be continued...) rw

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