Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 954: Supply Base Story

After Zhu Zhongxue knew this, it was too late. Since the rescue fleet knew that Shiraishi believed that such a magical thing existed, he would not let him keep it. Saratoga did need to restore her combat power as soon as possible, otherwise she would need to stay at the supply point. Leaving some warship escorts will also reduce the combat effectiveness of the rescue fleet, and Liaoning will not stand on his side on this issue. Ranwen Novel Ranen

Therefore, Takenaka Shiba believed that Shiraishi had talked, not accused him of concealing the repair of the stock solution, nor did he say that he did it wrong, because Takenoya himself could not be sure whether the repair of the stock solution was correct by Bai Shijian. His only purpose is to warn Bai Shi that he believes that he should think more about the incident and not be so easily led by others.

As for other aspects, everyone has the power to make decisions for himself. As long as he can be held responsible for this decision, no one is qualified to blame.

The supply point recorded on the star map was quickly found by the rescue fleet. The supply base hidden in the asteroid belt was basically flawless in appearance, and S Starfield was specifically targeted at the abyssal fleet when it was against the abyssal fleet. The characteristics of the material are used to configure the material composition here, so that the total mass is no different from the surrounding asteroids.

In the eyes of the Abyss Fleet, it is like a normal asteroid containing metal minerals, which successfully escaped the cleaning, and provided help to the rescue fleet at this moment.

The supply station hidden inside the asteroid used to provide cruise supplies to the fleet and army of the s star domain, but since it has joined the human coalition, in order to cooperate with more ship mothers, there is a small ship repair factory and treatment of injuries The ship's medical facility.

Missouri believed from Shiraishi that he got the ship repair fluid, and immediately started the medical equipment to start the repair work of Saratoga. There is no technological factor in it. The repair by the diffusion of supernatural liquid is not only for Saratoga. In the treatment of internal and external injuries of the body, the collapsed hull also absorbs a large amount of metal components of nutrient solution to reshape the damaged hull.

Although psychologically prepared in advance, Missouri could not help but be surprised after seeing this phenomenon.

Wearing damaged clothes and ship equipment lying in the treatment cabin covered with nutrient solution, Saratoga, who could not support it long ago, fell into a deep sleep. The effect of the excited repair liquid was very obvious, and her body soon looked No wounds were found, and even the clothes on the body were repaired again, only the ships with great quality after being gathered were repaired slightly slower.

As a secretary ship that often takes care of the affairs of the entire fleet, Missouri has a very comprehensive knowledge without obvious shortcomings, but everything she has never seen before, knowing that the shipyard’s gathering of ship equipment is actually a transformation A huge conspiracy, but Missouri, which has also brought many benefits to itself, has long been interested in Xiao Meiyan, an outsider, and this interest is now even stronger.

"Just like nothing can harden her, no matter what incredible things are in her hands, it is a pity that she did not speak to her when she came to Saratoga. People like her It is indeed not just a small place like the Seven Galaxies, I hope she can retreat from the galaxy, and don’t stay here anymore.” Missouri saw Saratoga’s situation stabilized, and her combat power could be restored soon. , So she no longer worried about her safety, reached out and turned off the lighting of the treatment room, allowing her to continue quietly receiving the treatment of the original solution.

Shortly after Missouri left, Saratoga woke up from a coma, surrounded by a dark piece, only the light blue light in the treatment cabin appeared quiet and peaceful, feeling that the body seemed to float past the clouds and drift away from the universe Xinghai is in an unknowable mystery.

The pain of the body was no longer felt. What surprised Saratoga most was that her ship's outfit seemed to regenerate itself again. She didn't know what black technology this was, but as the repair fluid flowed into the body a little bit, it began to wrap up The source of the void that flowed in after the destruction of the abyssal warship was originally a little darker in the heart.

I don’t know what is working, but even the dull Gaga quickly thought of Xiao Meiyan, and her eyes were alive again with a lively breath, looking forward to her: "I am still alive, but It seems that this regeneration has not stopped, will it be repaired immediately after being injured?"

Saratoga survived the desperation, but the two destroyers, Brian and Anthony, who had already sacrificed, had no possibility of returning.

Taking advantage of this time, the ship maiden of the a star domain buried the wreckage of the two ship maidens found on the battlefield on the other asteroid, and a navy flag of the a star domain was inserted in the wreckage. Above, all the ship mothers of a star field gathered here for a brief farewell ceremony.

Although the destroyers have not always been so eye-catching in the fleet, their spirit of sacrificing the self-salvage fleet is heartfelt admiration. Out of this respect, Liaoning also appeared with the c-star territory liberation navy ship ladies to say goodbye At the ceremony.

The star flag fluttered naturally in a vacuum, and their black stone tablets engraved their names and a paragraph of words: "No They will be forgotten."

All the ship mothers bowed their heads in silent condolences. They are the proof of the heroic deeds of those who remembered their sacrifices. Going down with this responsibility and entrustment, it is an everlasting bond, and it is also a star domain navy. A mission to be taken for granted.

"I can't take you back to Arlington Cemetery for a while, but as soon as we reoccupy this place, we will pick you up." The company whispered as it reached out to touch the inscription and put the white flowers on its hands Under the tombstone.

After the warships passed by, they presented flowers, and finally, Washington dragged the wronged and sad South Dakota to the tomb.

Every warship in this battle is struggling to fight, but only South Dakota is afraid at a critical time. She seems to have a natural fear of torpedoes. When the torpedoes of the abyss submarine attacked densely, they panicked.

Because of her mistakes, the company would not have sacrificed the cost of life for its companions. The enterprise's tactical arrangements were improper, but South Dakota's poor performance directly led to their death.

"Apologize to the sacrificed companion, and then I will apply to the Admiral for your retirement." Washington's voice said emotionlessly, and by chance, she has always taken care of South Dakota, but the performance of the other party has repeatedly disappointed her. There were indeed grudges between the two before, but it was a fact that he saved her, but South Dakota not only did not feel grateful but he was hostile to himself, but this is not important, the key is that South Dakota's behavior of abandoning his comrades when in danger is shameful.

South Dakota was not tall, and when she stood with Washington, she seemed much shorter. She had been bowing her head, and she shouted excitedly when she heard the words: "I don't want to retire!"

"A star fleet needs to maintain glorious purity, you are not suitable to stay here." Washington said coldly.

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