Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 983: Ministry of Internal Affairs

After all the matters were discussed, the departure time was set at 7 o'clock tomorrow morning. After Litorio went to convey the order to the other ships of the Flame Alliance and the ships of the S Star Fleet, Veneto put on his coat and walked to the autumn wind. Street of Vienna Star. [Latest chapter reading]

It has been a long time since the heavy flame fleet recovered the lost ground. Refugees who fled to the stars because of the weak resistance of the coalition forces found that the heavy flame coalition had the ability to consolidate the defense line, and many people moved back.

Refugees in Star I and Star F who want to return to their homes will naturally not be hindered by anything, except that their government in exile has a huge difference with Veneto in the issue of the merger of the Federation of Flames. Differences, so the plan to reorganize the new government was put on hold indefinitely. Today, these returning refugees are mostly entrepreneurs who have the vision of rebuilding their homes or who want to seek opportunities in the future. They return to their homes. Very quickly, some abandoned factories and manors were restored and put into production, to a certain extent, backed up the loss of the heavy flame fleet.

These people may not really agree with the **** of the Chongyan Federation, but their return at this time also shows that their national spirit and national thought are not extreme. Those real extremists either insist on waiting for their government to be re-established When he came back, he was either hiding in the returning crowd and coming to his former homeland, playing in the dark or on the bright side to try to encourage these return home builders to support their political positions.

Veneto will not be soft on these people. Immediately after the first march, he appointed Amfu from Algiers to form the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the occupied area. A lot of behind-the-scenes principals.

The various universes of the Europa Galaxy Allied Forces have never given up their plans to subvert the Flame Alliance. The other ship mothers will be upset when they know it, but Veneto, who is already mentally prepared, knows that this is inevitable, but just tells Amfu Be moderate and don’t cause too bad an impact.

Whether it is inciting popular sentiment, infiltrating spying intelligence or conducting sabotage activities, in Veneto's view, it is only a small incident at the moment. The rise of any powerful force will inevitably withstand these tests. As long as she firmly holds the military power in her hands At the same time, the return of refugees to the core area of ​​the Flame Union is prohibited, and her rule is extremely stable.

What really worried her was the team of Fan Hanshi, the legal court. None of the people that Amfu caught belonged to this organization. What is the level of information they have now and when can they determine the position of their admirer, Veneto? So far nothing is known.

Veneto, dressed in a black coat, walked to the street and watched the original grassy trunk road have been repopulated after being cleaned up, but at this time, the people of the Au Starland who returned were basically working at work so they could not see Pedestrians and sporadic shops open their doors, and they only sell necessities of life. The service industry will not prosper for the time being when the flow of people is insufficient.

The sunlight in autumn was not warm enough, the cold wind blew, and Veneto tensed his coat with both hands to block the thin arms and thighs, and strode toward the headquarters of the Internal Affairs Army.

Amfu has done a great job in purging the work of eliminating the hostile elements. Now no one will be active in the factory estate and the main street to promote the disadvantages of the ship’s rule to the returning people and criticize the power of the Chinese Federation for not allowing them to form a new government. These people were either caught and sent to the dark heart of Afrika for forced labor, or squatted in a penitentiary prison with mouse flies, and only a few people who escaped the arrest lurked in the crowd.

Her experience after the Algiers coup made this already cold-hearted girl even more cruel and ruthless. Basically no hostiles were able to survive her torture and spit out important information. Sometimes even Veneto I couldn't watch it, let her converge a little bit, but after a while she returned to her original appearance.

Now that he is leaving the Au field, he is assured that the military in the recovery zone will be handed over to the Soviet Union Veneto, but the civil affairs temporarily under the control of the Ministry of the Interior has given Veneto peace of mind. What a secret, this time to go to her naturally asks her to know how to score.

It was known in advance that Veneto would come. Although he was reluctant, Amfu still brought someone to the door to greet him. After all, Veneto's current identity is no longer just an excellent ship mother like before, she has become The supreme ruler of the Heavy Flame Federation, all things within the Heavy Flame Federation are under her jurisdiction, and it is normal and necessary to greet the supervisor's inspection as a subordinate.

Before and after going to the general department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Veneto had already seen the figure of Amfu. This black and thin girl is now much taller, and she is not as thin as before. The former immature has disappeared for a long time. Her sense of spookiness, her middle class subordinates with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and bodyguards also have bodyguards, and her safety on the Vienna star still needs to be guaranteed. You cannot take a person as carelessly as Veneto on the street.

"Marshal." Amfu discovered that Veneto came with a soldier immediately after he came alone. Because the Ministry of Internal Affairs is under the jurisdiction of the military, she did not call the president but directly called Marshal.

Veneto just nodded: "Go in and say."

Walked into the warm house surrounded by a crowd of people, Veneto took off his coat, someone immediately picked it up and collected it, she looked up to the front office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which revealed a sense of terror in the busy, frowned The head said: "At present, civil affairs work is temporarily concentrated here, this atmosphere will scare those civilians."

"I'm going to start rectification..." Before he finished talking, Amfu was interrupted by Veneto's wave.

"What kind of leadership you have will have the same temperament. In addition, a hall will be dedicated to civil affairs work. Find a kind person to take charge." Veneto said as he moved deep into the house The Minister's Office went.

Amfu wrote down her words and followed the pace of Veneto. The other attendants could not enter or leave the minister's office without permission, so they scattered and stood like guard posts along the way.

The gloomy atmosphere in the minister's office became more intense, and the dark side of Amvu's heart could be seen. Veneto felt a little uncomfortable, but he walked to Amv's seat and sat down.

"Is there anyone in the legal court?"

Amfu stood in front of Veneto and replied seriously: "The internal military forces around the country have not returned any news from the court of justice. We can't even find traces of their activities, let alone find people."

"Increase the search intensity and scope, their technology is indeed a lot ahead of us, but as long as there is activity, there will be clues." Veneto tapped his finger on the desktop to emphasize.

"Yes." Amfu bowed his head.

After hesitating a little, Veneto asked, "Is the Admiral's location safe?"

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