Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1020: Return from Blowing Snow

This is not the first time that the force of the A-Star Naval Station has been done. It was pressured by the general situation before. The Liberation Fleet, the Joint Fleet, the Kart Fleet and the S-Star Continental Army temporarily formed an alliance to put pressure on it. The integrated human coalition responded from afar, and even the astral navy with the first actual strength was played by Alster between applause. Veneto's side must have planned to reapply this time.

Politics belongs to politics, and ship maiden to ship maiden. This is Goben's condensing of the flame of the Union's political ideas. But to achieve this is not as simple as shouting slogans. In fact, the current strength of Chongyan Federation alone is not enough to represent this.

  Unless Yue Zhong’s e-Star operation completed what ordinary people did not dare to expect, he broke the Royal Navy’s strongest fortress, allowing them to generate new ideas including their admirals.

   "If this is the case, then the situation of the second forced palace may be formed. The gap between the old political forces and the new force of the ship mother is the best time for us to regain the j star domain."

  Longmen left a message, Luao led away, but not long after she ran back hurriedly: "Nagamon, blowing snow back, she took the body of the Admiral."

   only heard a sharp tear of metal tears. The combat experiment table deeply embedded in the ground moved two centimeters in the hurried rise of the long door, and her figure had thrown out of the combat headquarters in the blink of an eye.

  Everyone was afraid of Zhu Zhongxue, the admiral, and only Nagato could calm down in front of him. He even imitated Zhu Zhongxue's set, which was once not understood by other warships.

The impact of Zhu Zhongxue's death on the Nagato is not a big deal, but she is the one who understands the significance of Zhu Zhongxue's sacrifice best. Just like when Zhu Zhongxue ordered the sacrifice order she was responsible for, as long as it had a certain significance, Then it can restrain inner sadness.

   It's just that Zhu Zhongxue is gone. She couldn't hide her feelings.

   Muao did not go to greet Blowing Snow's return flight. She went out to catch the boss of the six-wheel drive formation, and threatened Li to get the trust from her mouth. Today's contact information.

"Sister Lu'ao, can't you tell Sister Changmen that if she knew that I was in contact with the ship mothers of other fleets, it would definitely kill me!" Xiao Xiao, who was repaired, had a restless little tail The same was continually explained behind Muao, "I promise that I haven't contacted Xiang before, but afterwards, the ship's mother had some free space after it was transformed, and Xiang took the initiative to find me and ask everyone about the recent situation, But I never told anyone about her."

Luao had been hurried to the interstellar communication station. He heard Xiao’s constant chatter and stopped. He pressed the hat with the anchor mark on the little girl’s black hair and said: “I know you can’t forget her, She is your most beloved sister, but don’t treat Nagato and me as stupid, your contact has long been discovered."

"Ah, what should I do... Sister Lu Ao, you're going to save me, I can't really care if she's helpless in other fleets," Xiao said, rubbing her clothes corner nervously, " I really have no enemy!"

Lu Ao was so entangled that he had no choice but to tell the truth: "It's so serious, it's not during the strict control period of J Star Zone anymore, your elder sister needs her to do a favor, which is related to the life and death of the joint fleet. , It is a good thing that you can maintain the relationship with her."

   "Is that true?" Xiao was still a little uneasy, his thighs tucked together, his two small hands clenched tightly to watch the landing.

"Relax, but don't let her ring again in the future, her current name is trust... If you let the current ringing hear, I'm afraid she will have any bad thoughts. You are the eldest sister of the 6WD formation, no matter in the past The sound of the ring is still yours, it can't be biased." Lu Ao knocked on Xiao Xiao's head lightly, and finally shook off the stunned dark-haired little girl.

Xiao, who had come back to God for a moment, could not find Luao anymore. Thinking that Blowing Snow was returning with the body of the Admiral, she had to go to greet her. While running to the outside space, she had a wandering thought in her heart: "Is it really different from before?"

Blowing snow can't remember how long he took the body of Zhu Zhongxue in the Xinghai. A person lost in the Siberian star area without cruising and couldn't find the direction to go home. A few days ago, the energy was on the verge of exhaustion and encountered any battle. There is no ability to resist.

She tried to find the secret supply point left by s star domain, but she was not authorized to open it, but she wasted a lot of time. Finally, she desperately chose to move in the direction of Vladivostok. There are also enemies of the Abyssal Fleet, who had to be killed with the admiral.

Blowing snow was finally lucky. At this time, the United Fleet lost all the strongholds of the P-Star field and transferred to Vladivostok. After the message she sent was responded by Lu, the long-term mental pressure and fatigue finally came After being relieved, the auto-cruise route was set up and I couldn't hold on any longer. I slept quietly holding the admiral's body.

Nagato brought almost all the survivors of the United Fleet to welcome their admiral's return. Even if he couldn't open his eyes anymore, they still appeared in unison, so this is not a deliberate attitude~www. is nothing but inner respect.

Even if there have been confusion and resentment in the past, but he can even sacrifice himself, then there is nothing to be forgiven. In the hearts of the warship ladies of the United Fleet, their advisor is greater than anyone else, not to mention he has been The renaissance of Xingyu and their future structure have paid the price of life. This little respect is negligible.

The Vladivostok defensive circle consists of a defensive platform and auxiliary energy shield charging points to form a silver ring, and the shadows of hundreds of ship mothers under the armament of the icy ship constitute a thick warm current , It wakes you up in a deep sleep in the blowing snow, tears can't help but flow out in the bloodshot eyes, and the arms open when the long door comes, Xi Li took the body of Zhu Zhongxue from her hands, blowing snow can no longer bear The lively cry burst into the arms of the long gate.

   "Sister Nagato, I failed to protect the Admiral..." Blowing Xue's head was deeply buried in Nagato's chest, and tears burst into his mouth, "I request lightning strikes."

There was also a touch of tenderness on the stereotyped face of the long door. She knew that it was not the responsibility of blowing snow, and she would not naturally punish the blowing snow: "It’s good to come back. The Admiral protects you with his life. What qualifications do I have? To dispose?"

   Didn't wait for Blowing Snow to say anything, sisters such as Shirayuki, Chuxue, Deep Snow, etc., as well as Yuri, Muyue, etc. flocked together, burying what she wanted to say in warm greetings: "Blowing Snow, welcome home."

  Nagato touched Blizzard's head, but his eyes involuntarily saw Zhu Zhongxue. Even if he was dead, he was still so beautiful at the moment. This is a mark that can't be erased from life and death: "Admiral, welcome home." rw

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