Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1022: Fate

"Marshal Veneto has taken the fleet to the capital star of S Star Territory. We have no way to prevent her decision, and Marshal Veneto's action has great significance." Kirov also just received from the Caucasus In the news from the Star District, the Royal Navy learned that this situation was only a matter of time, so she had no need to hide it.

The avant-garde tough face frowned, Alster also said this possibility, but thought that the probability was not big, but did not expect Veneto to really do it. Did she not know that she was no longer a pure ship mother Is it so simple, she is shouldering the future of the entire Flame Alliance, and even the expectations of all ship mothers.

"How can we take such a risk, it seems that our cooperation needs to be considered carefully." The avant-garde felt that Veneto's impulse showed no reason at all, and she could understand if she led the army to attack e-starry to rescue her admirer, but Not only did she not show anything, but the lone army went deep into the control area of ​​the abyssal fleet.

Kirov raised his eyes and looked at this supposedly cutting-edge battleship, but because of the emergence of the Lion-class battleship, the ship embarrassment was somewhat superior. Although she was born in the Royal Navy, she did not have the experience and experience of the previous war. Realizing the powerlessness of the abyssal fleet during the invasion, she could not understand some spirits, if the Prince of Wales would not say such things here.

"Major avant-garde, I hope you can soberly realize how great the threat of the abyssal fleet is. Marshal Veneto's action is not for a certain person or a group. She is creating a fearless spirit for the entire ship mother. It is also an opportunity for the seven major galaxies to win. I cannot accept your evaluation."

The avant-garde was stared at by Kirov’s eyes, and she knew she was questioning a legend that had proved herself and was still in the era of creation. To kill the enemy, every time I saw the seniors, I dreamed of being able to work side by side with them. Until today, I finally realized it. I hope Colonel Kirov can forgive me for my weakness and worry."

Although she served earlier, she is also a generation deeply influenced by the seed of thought planted by Yue Zhong, just like the new class warships such as the Lion-class battleship. One era is coming to an end. The avant-garde hopes to witness the arrival of another era. Neto's short disapproval was just a worry that all this would be short-lived.

"I think that Mr. Yue Zhong has made your advisor aware of some problems, otherwise he will not agree to carry out military cooperation with our army in secret. This small area will have small-scale attacks on the abyssal fleet at any time. We will contact you here The Royal Navy is cooperating with the actual combat. Another encirclement operation has reached a critical point. Lord Sukhbaatar also needs to fill the vacant front, so here is for you." Kirov firmly grasped In view of the initiative of the conversation, there is no opportunity for the avant-garde to spy on intelligence.

Sukhbaatar left, but the trust remained, and the fleet brought by the avant-garde this time was recruits, and she also served as an instructor as a senior destroyer warship. The church was unable to find these daze, expectation and fear Some necessary experience for the ship's mother in the inner direction.

  Trust finally had the opportunity to respond to the message sent by Xiao, but it was not Xiao but Lu that was communicating with her. This change surprised the introverted trust.

   "Trust, I haven't seen you for a long time." Lu Ao greeted her with a warm smile, unlike the indifference in trust imagination, not to ask the teacher to blame.

   Trusted his back in embarrassment, as if the child caught by the teacher was wrong and squeezed the clothes corner nervously in the back: "Sister Lu Ao, hello."

"Where can you tell me now?" Luao knew the past sounds. The more she explained, the more nervous she would be, especially in this sensitive period, trusting introverts, but does not mean that she do not understand anything.

I don’t know if I should answer it. Her origin of the joint fleet is very cautious in the navy of the s star domain. This star domain has a very strict censorship mechanism. Once you find that you are still connected to the joint fleet. What would be the result of waiting for her, she dared not even imagine.

   Until a while ago, she quietly got in touch with her sister, and her trust was always very nervous. She no longer wanted to be watched by others who looked at the traitor.

"Ring, I know this question is embarrassing to you, but Sister Nagato said that she only believes in you now, can you tell us whether you have been in contact with the Royal Navy over there?" Apologies, she did it after all by using the feelings of trust, "You know the status of the United Fleet, we need an accurate message."

Trust glanced quietly at the avant-garde who was commanding the deployment of the fleet in the distance. The newly enlisted warships always have their own vitality that the warships that have survived countless wars have not survived. Now they have no worries, maybe It will not face the dilemma of choice and the fate of displacement. It only needs to face the test of life and death directly on the battlefield.

In this process, there will be a lot of friendship and bondage, and there will also be extreme feelings of death and the rest of life, but this is not what I can own anymore. I have been to the two fleets, and I have watched many of my companions die in front of me There won't be that simple expectation anymore.

"Sister Luao, the avant-garde is here with me." Trust said that he actively cut off the communication after leaving this sentence, leaving Luao with a blank of unstable is separated by countless light years Xinghe and Luao seem to have felt the determination of trust. She can tell herself this information and betrayed the principle that a ship's mother should abide by. It is also a complete settlement with the joint fleet.

   Sorry for the United Fleet. Not only did she send her to the strange environment of s star domain, but now she uses her feelings to make her violate her own principles. Does trust really understand anything?

   "Sister Nagato, there is news."

After saying this sentence, one person hid behind the interstellar defense platform that no one else could see. The nails were deeply embedded in the flesh of the arm. She clenched her teeth without tears. She was able to get in touch with Xiao before. Although she was nervous, she was also very happy, but now it seems that this is just a plan for the joint fleet to use their own. What they need is only the information they can get now?

  Introverts are easy to be paranoid, and so is trust, because Lu's inquiry makes her suspect that her sister is just using herself. The loneliness at this moment is more terrible than any battlefield of life and death.

The trust that Zhengqiang endured the inner pain received another newsletter, which was sent directly from the Soviet Union. She understood that her actions did not hide from each other after all. Now she was discovered, but she did not have the fear of trust. The pleasure of relief.

"Trust, don't think about anything else. Tell the United Fleet that you are not wrong, but you must remember that this is your current home and your only home." The Soviet Union is here, but today it is not drinking, " You haven’t treated us as companions, can you do this now?" rw

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