Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1035: The final war-the rest of the life

The speaker can go from the general election of hundreds of thousands of administrative planets in a star domain to the election of the star district, and finally get nominated by the speaker and stand out from other competitors. His political skills and city government are undoubtedly able to make such a person bet on All the things that political capital pursues must be terrible.

The tide of the ship's mother's era came fiercely. Under the impact of the old era, it was like a thousand-mile long **** collapsed into an ant den. The powerful star fields of the past collapsed one after another, and the surviving ones were still lingering and breathing. The hope of victory in the conscious struggle.

Yue Zhong left almost no solution for everyone, but not everyone willingly gave up. Like Chester William, like Ulster, they know that the destiny is the most true in their hands than anyone else. But because this bureau has implicated all the ship mothers, their emotions have already been implicated in the ship mothers, and they are not loyal or loyal?

  How easy it is to talk...

   They can't do this step of the break, but there are still people trying to do it. The speaker bet on everything he used to protect the afterglow of the old era.

The basis for achieving this revenge must be based on driving the abyssal fleet back to the other side of the shining galaxy. The Speaker holds this common goal. Even if some things are done abruptly, it will not cause the warships to be vigilant. After all, they are still a group Newcomers to politics are too naive and simple. They don’t understand that some struggles will surely kill you, and they don’t understand things like power. It is worthy of countless people willing to give up their lives, glory and emotions to protect them with all their strength.

San Francisco star, that is the most important scientific research center and industrial town on the bright side of a star field. The star ship navy ship ladies desperately want to rush over to protect it, as long as they can hold San Francisco, then The battle on the left is still stable.

However, the PACFI Xinghai is very long. This time it made them feel more desperate than before. Relying on the vastness of the PACFI Xinghai, the ship maidens of a star domain once insisted on winning the joint fleet, but now this This vastness has become the biggest obstacle preventing them from returning home.

The Abyssal Fleet sang forward. They could only watch, the middle of the a star field was the most thorough and halfway through. At this rate, when the two winged human coalitions all gathered, they must have broken the a star field from the center. The battlefield is divided into two halves, and the special warship ladies in the middle will lay the foundation for victory no matter which side they support, which is really not good news.

   The only thing fortunate is that the left wing showed a slightly better situation. Each interstellar fortress tried its best to block the pace of the former United Fleet legendary ship maidens and a large number of abyss ship maidens. Persist at this speed, a star domain navy may still have time...

Richelieu can’t remember how long he spent in the battle. The only time she can pay attention to is the scale of the arrival of the advance fleet led by the Royal Navy Lion. In order to stick it to the end, f star domain The ship's maiden's life and death made of steel ship and flesh and blood form a persevering line of defense.

The sacrifices of the companions have already made people numb, and the dreams that have arrived have not been able to reunite with their sisters. They have already fallen under the iron hooves of the abyssal fleet with the most difficult task; early before Richelieu The main battleship women who were in service did not fall behind. They knew that they did not belong to the new era after all, so they left as much life as possible to the energetic younger generations. They left behind with a generous smile. The younger generation, for their repeated blocking of the terrible artillery fire of the abyssal fleet, even if the ship's equipment is broken, even if the limbs are broken, as much as possible to squeeze their own defensive value.

The ship maidens in the f star domain seem to have forgotten tiredness, and all rely on instincts to barely support it, but the ship maidens of the abyssal fleet do not know what fatigue is, and their round by round attacks are as continuous as the tides of day and night. Endlessly, stepping on the ruins of the wreckage left by the opponent, facing the weak but extremely tenacious enemy, it is very difficult to walk step by step, but it is very stable.

The warship's will to defend their homeland cannot be overwhelmed by repeated attacks, but their flesh and armor can be destroyed by materiality. As a branch of the mother's will to war, the abyss warship doesn't know what sympathy and respect are , But this does not hinder their shock as life itself.

   The more they bear witness to the stubbornness of the human warship, the more they can’t wait to wipe them out completely. As long as there is one of these people, the war of the seven galaxies will not be over.

   The last soldier in the battle is never just talking.

The line of defense from Philadelphia to Baltimore eventually fell, and the F-Star Fleet remained intact. Richelieu with the last remaining soldiers was still struggling in front of the line of defense after the fall, but the royal ship mother led by the lion advanced The army still has time for a cosmic day, looking at the abyssal fleet approaching the outcropping on a large scale, leaving Richelieu with only hopeless death.

But in her eyes, there was no despair from beginning to end. The role model as a knight never feared sacrifice. Those destroyers who were much smaller than themselves sacrificed. Those predecessors who were more qualified than themselves also sacrificed. As a Mesozoic The ship's mother, as the soul and pillar of the f star domain navy, her heart does not allow her to despair.

   Even if the whole army is annihilated, the splendid page that remains in the history of the navy of the F Star Territory is still a glorious page. Their inheritance has been established, and their faith will not end because of this, so there is nothing to fear.

Leading the last shipmaids to launch the last wave of counterattacks, Richelieu just wanted to cause a major damage to Bismarck during the opponent's But she never did it from the beginning to the battle At the last moment, the devastated saint had already clenched her **** Lorraine cross to attack.

   Artillery is the eternal prelude and the final chapter of the ghost. It runs through the interstellar war. Under the situation of great disparity between the enemy and the enemy, it is the weak who never fires.

The abyss, Bismarck, who was as hearty as steel and only war-like, never slackened. The final attack organized by Richelieu eventually brought only some beautiful fireworks. The ordinary abyss warship, which was insignificant, fell under her shelling, but as The flagship's own is unscathed.

  F The space where the Starfield Naval Salvo fired and cooled was the best time to completely destroy it. Bismarck, the abyss, never missed an opportunity, so the overlying shelling rang.

But before the volley of their encircled volley, the shelling on the right rear of Richelieu was always late, because they hurriedly pulled the front line, but encountered enemies who should not appear, and there was no room for reaction. It was wiped out by a round of artillery that symbolized a new life.

Richelieu, who never gave up, seized the volley of the commanding fleet and avoided the killing blow in a panic. She looked a little surprised in that direction, wearing a white dress and crown of crown prince The lion was there, majestic, and arrived as scheduled.

   "Are you here?"

"The Royal Navy can only arrive in advance and never be late." Lion and Richelieu have no grudges and affections, and there is a little more appreciation for her ability to fight until this moment. "Richelieu, take your fleet away, here first hand over I am."

  What Richelieu would like to say, but the lion waved impatiently and interrupted: "Leave a flame for your f star domain, I like to have strong competitors."

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