Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1038: The final war-Tianhang

The will of the Abyssal Admiral convinced Shiraishi to launch an offensive. Even though he is a somewhat different abyssalized human being, this will will not be violated as if it were a matter of nature. Bai Shi believes that he can grasp it better.

The technology of purifying the origin of the void was firmly believed by Shiraishi to be brought to the a-star navy. In order to be able to persuade the human coalition of the Asian galaxy, he sent troops to rescue the joint fleet, so he remembered all the indicators of this technology, so he was a-star navy. After the signs of change of defense appeared, the waiting abyss fleet immediately launched a fierce offensive.

Only the same size of carrier-based aircraft can fight the sea of ​​unrestricted carrier-based aircraft. The ordinary abyssal warship will only be beaten by the astral terrifying industrial strength and excellent aviation combat tactics, even if the current abyss is put in A. In the sailing of the star field, I am afraid that there will be no return.

The star-level navy’s dominance in aviation warfare can be seen from this. For the other side, the abyssal fleet has concentrated the most elite aircraft carrier power, and in order to weaken its naval combat power as much as possible, Shiraishi firmly believes that he has shouldered the star a The domain navy returned to the mission of overcoming the San Francisco star before, but he failed to do so for various reasons.

Speaking of course, this is not entirely his responsibility. A star field is not a fool. They understand the importance of the San Francisco star and this star zone to the war better than the Abyssal Fleet. In the early stage of the war, they accurately grasped the left wing. The frontline has heavy aviation and the main ship’s artillery is slightly weaker. The planetary fortress in the centerline is urgently deployed and armed. The cooperation of the land-based space fighters relying on the cooperation of the land-based space fighters is procrastinating Baishi firmly. arrival.

Enterprises and Saratoga have some distinctive carrier aircraft carriers who have backed off to recuperate. The new replacement is the Essex-class aircraft carrier group that is famous for the high efficiency of collective operations. They are the real j stars. The main force of the United Fleet pushing into the abyss is not so exciting in the face of several familiar old opponents. The commonality of restraint rules makes this group of warships always calm and calm.

As their juniors, the midway island-class aircraft carrier juniors have participated in two battles, while learning the experience of the predecessors, and generally contributing their own combat effectiveness. The astral aviation inheritance is much stronger than the battleship. Their The figure is also several times more active than some battleships, such as Iowa, who can do nothing and can only serve as air defense pivots.

Every collision between the abyssal navigation and the astral navigation will always cover the galaxy, the dark matter sky seems to be replaced by a sky composed of steel and colorful flames, the light spots on the strategic star map are spread out and calculated in real time The number of enemy and enemy carrier aircraft varies from ten digits to eleven digits. Even the commander of the battlefield can only see the general direction of the ship's maneuver. It is impossible to command the details.

Under such circumstances, it is only the warships who personally control the carrier-based aircraft to control the battle situation. The enterprises, Saratoga, Lexington and others who have previously undertaken the main battle mission are the creators of the aviation war system. The style of play between them is unique, and they are more aggressive. The combat methods that were not perfectly compatible with each other have relied on full tacit understanding and cooperation to play a subtle and excellent cooperation. The first wave of aggression fleet offensive That's how they were beaten back by them.

Now the Essex have taken over the battlefield, because the warships trained by the mature tactical system and the combat time are not long enough, so there is no particularly strong individual among them, but it is composed of a comprehensive offensive operation The line of Tianhang is more unbreakable. The carrier-based aircraft shuttles across the sparkling battlefield. They cannot achieve fine C control of each carrier-based aircraft, but they can achieve that each carrier-based aircraft can be integrated with the whole. Connect.

Two very different combat styles have caused great trouble to the abyssal fleet's attack. The abyss Akagi and others who have previously prepared for a star navy to seize the initiative have already made sufficient preparations, but they have only waited for a long time. In order to achieve the tactical offensive time and time again, in order to achieve the strategic goal that Shiraishi firmly believed, they had to take the initiative to launch the offensive.

The flagship core of the aircraft carrier cluster is undoubtedly the Abyss Chicheng, and she was already a well-deserved pioneer of the aircraft carrier when she was serving in the joint fleet. She has no objections to this abyss, Kaga, Xianghe, and Ruihe, but is willing to cooperate actively. As for other ordinary abyss carrier mothers, they are even less qualified to fight for this status.

Defensive is not something that Chicheng likes to do. This once-beautiful but lazy girl is more aggressive than all the aircraft carrier mothers of the same period. Before being defeated by companies and others, it was just because she lost her initiative Quan, now the attacking party has become himself, and the Abyss Chicheng immediately showed her terrible offensive talent in aviation warfare.

Chicheng’s aviation command is unique in the world. It is not as good as an enterprise. It is not good at cooperating with battleships to prop up a sky and tear a mouth apart. It is also not like Lexington that can affect the surrounding ships to provide more accurate real-time intelligence. The combat strength is less like Saratoga, the more the aircraft carrier cooperates with her, the stronger it will become.

They are all tactical aircraft carrier mothers, but Chicheng is strategic. Just like Tierbitz, Prince of Wales, Hood, they have strategic significance in Beneficial influences spread to all the companions in the fleet.

The attack carried out by the Chicheng organization is like the shadow of steel from the most prosperous Yanyang surprise. The extremely oppressive attack has a very obvious impact on the psychological pressure and strategic suppression of each enemy.

The Essex-class aircraft carriers did not have any turbulence under the suppression of Chicheng, but their front line was strongly impacted but it was a fact. Psychological calmness did not change the strategic command disadvantage. At this time, Chez Te William must stand up and provide the correct direction for the Essex's integrity with an admiral's vision and cumbersome and detailed command.

Bai Shi firmly believed that C would not get started in this situation. He was not a formal advisor, and his strategic plan could only be occasionally cameo, so at this time, he could only be fully entrusted to Chicheng to command.

The sharpest spear in the air battle hit the strongest shield, and the sparks that burst through the alloy tears once again rendered the entire starry sky, and a command was issued from the commanders of both sides and efficiently transformed into the battlefield. In reality, although the blood that has not been sacrificed under such a war reflects the cruelty of the war, the violent beauty between the fighting between fighter planes is even better.


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