Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1052: The final war-storm

After being ridiculed by Liao () Ning Leng, Kart still had a fake smile on her face. Liao () Ning hated such hypocrisy and hated it from the beginning, which is why she would break with Kart.

Ship Niang can’t choose her own admirer, just like the former celebrities of C Starfield who can’t choose their husbands. It’s lucky to meet the right person. If they meet a scumbag, it seems they can only lament. I have to endure my misfortune.

Choosing him is the misfortune of Yixian. The beauty who once shared the name of Yue Suling is still too intimate. She is not as brave as Yue Suling to choose a husband for herself. Even if Li Peiyun is nothing but scientific research ability, he is right Yue Suling is at least unreserved and wholehearted, and Kart...maybe he just wanted to set off a wave of his own political storm through the construction of the c-star navy. A famous daughter-in-law like Yixian was willing to stand still Wang Chaoli became a low-profile ship maiden, and Liao () Ning could not believe it without his reasons.

Liao () Ning does not like Karting, but it is undeniable that he is really a pioneer in the era of c star domain, if he can succeed in c star domain at first, maybe he has nothing to do with himself. At the same time, Liao () Ning did not hate Yixian. In any case, she still had a friendship with her comrades, so she could not watch the star pioneers of the c star domain navy follow the karting moths.

"I still want to give it a try." Kardin's words were a little bit ruthless. He was able to entrust his future destiny to the illusory possibility, and he would also take Yixian and them together in a political struggle vortex that could not see vitality. He really thought that Yue Zhong was easy to deal with without Veneto?

Taking advantage of the loss of direction of the ship maidens of a star domain navy, he thought he would be able to stir up some situations, not to push for the advent of the era of renovation, but wanted to occupy a key position in it, Liao () would rather not tolerate him like this Do, want to come to Veneto will certainly not be allowed, in the end is just an unsolvable dead end, Yixian they will only follow him along the way to black, identified a warship after the admiral, how can easily change their mind .

Cardin did not get the support of Liao () Ning, but this was what was expected, so he didn’t need to stay here anymore. : "Then you stay, don't go anywhere."

"What are you talking about?" Kardin turned a little unbelievably. He couldn't think of such simple and rude words that would come out of the old and important Liao () Ning.

"If you want to go out, I'll break your leg." Liaoning called several guards and ordered them to follow Kart's side to prevent him from contacting anyone.

Chester William handed over the authority of the battlefield command to her, and Liao () Ning naturally took over the operation of the entire naval base. Kart, who was guarded by the guards, was still unable to accept the fact that he was about to be placed under house arrest. Staring at Liao () Ning asked: "Are you afraid of causing civil strife by doing this?"

Karting was suddenly detained by Liao (Ning). They knew that the Yixian who knew the news would not be willing to give up. The world knows the direct contradiction between Karting and Liao () Ning. She does not even have room for excuse. Yixian they are not strong enough, but if there is one kind of internal chaos, it will ignite the original, and the human coalition will have turbulent thoughts. The choice made by Liao () Ning at this time will definitely bear a lot of pressure, so Karting will be so incredible. .

Liao () Ning does not plan to explain anything with Yixian. Even if she is determined to do something that is not understood or asked right or wrong, as long as she feels that it is necessary, no one can persuade her. She wants to hold on, the turmoil inside the human coalition forces. She wants to suppress it with one hand, the ponytail that is shaking high and leaving is so proud in front of Karting, he finds that he has never understood this former subordinate .

"Veneto, you'd better hurry up, otherwise I will have no chance to return your favor."


a Starland Capital Star, the long-awaited people and coalition forces finally saw the mighty fleet coming from the sea of ​​stars, and the young girl with red hair and silver hair wearing a black plush shawl was sailing in the forefront of the fleet. Her petite figure has long lost her childishness, and the majestic President and Marshal of the Confederacy Federation is already the most talked about topic, and now they have witnessed them passing by the starry sky of the capital, and the huge fleet makes everything uneasy as if All dissipated, and those souls who tried to be crazy once at the last moment of life also fell into a deep shudder.

a The Speaker of the Star Field raised his head and looked at the warship girl flying over the sky, and there were words in his heart that could not be spoken to anyone.

Today Veneto's prestige is increasing day by day, and the seven galaxies can no longer find a presence that can contend with it. Holding the military and political power across the Samsung system, the naval gun is unparalleled in the world. She is only in a The sky of the starry capital star flashed, so that everyone had to crawl with red high-heeled shoes, and in the future, with the unprecedented achievements of repelling the abyssal fleet to rule the world, anyone who tried to block her was undoubtedly Mantis is a car.

"If you don't die, the seven galaxies will have no future for me, so you have to die..." This is the word that the Speaker of the Astral Field wandered in his heart after seeing the figure of Veneto.

Veneto took the real main force of the coalition from the astral capital star and passed away without greeting anyone Her sudden actions unabashedly showed her ambition to conquer the seven galaxies This undoubtedly touched the core interests of many people with vested interests and even the safety of their lives. What about human beings?

What is even more shocking is that the Royal Navy unreservedly cooperated with Veneto for this armed cruise, which undoubtedly marked the original strongest navy of the seven galaxies and could not resist the pressure of the Confederacy Federation and began to lean towards her. On this side, this is unforgivable to the speaker of a star domain, so they must all die.

The main forces of the coalition flew from the sky and immediately entered the frontline battlefield, but the storm they brought was just beginning to sweep the astral politics. Although the main target of this storm is still attacking the abyssal fleet of the astral capital star defense line However, even its aftermath has made politicians headed by the Speaker of A Star Territory feel deeply frightened.

On the front line of the war, Veneto gently raised his eyebrows to see where the abyss Bismarck was: "Reenactment of the Federation, Grand Marshal Vittorio Veneto, now officially takes over command of the battlefield, Royal Navy, G Star Continental Army , F star domain navy, heavy flame federal non-Soviet fleet... all the advancing fleets will defeat the enemy in one fell swoop with me, this battle piece will not remain!"


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