Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1057: The final war-ship mound

When Yixian went to Liao () Ning to exchange conditions, Lexington had gathered all the ship mothers of the A Star Territory. There was no figure of Chester William here, and there was no will to guide him. Most ship mothers His eyes are still empty with a touch of sadness.

They do not place their sacrificed companions near the fallen battlefield like the joint fleet. The joint fleet believes that the war will not end without the martyrs and cannot return to their hometown. Their will will stay on the battlefield and watch the companions continue to fight. Heroic posture.

However, the A-star navy used to collect the ship’s wreckage after the war, and piled up the cemetery of the ship’s wreckage of the companion who had been sacrificed. This is an unattended desolation around the Guadalupe naval base. On the planet, the wreckage that pierced the earth was like a monument. Lexington stood in front of a monument, and behind her was the name of South Dakota.

The fat young lady was dead, and she was guarded in front of Princess Philippine Starfish like a loyal knight when she was dying. She used her flesh and steel body to block the deadly blow of Northern Qiji.

She is no longer afraid of anything and self-willfulness in all things. Even if the will to fight is not high, she has fulfilled her mission. The company hopes that she can perform better, but it is well protected for South Dakota. She is always the most important thing.

All ship-owners of the A-Star Warfare carried a white paper flower on their chests. Since the sacrifice of the first companion, this has been a scenery in the A-Star Warfare Navy. Bai Hua took it off and put it gently in front of South Dakota, then raised his head to look at everyone: "Everyone, I don't think our A Star Navy can go on like this, South Dakota has no need to sacrifice, and there are many companions. Should not sacrifice, ask yourself, how many of us are responsible for their death?"

It was Saratoga who attacked with the company at the time. It was precisely because she was committed to her personal offense that there was a loophole in the aviation front, which gave the perfect track of the bombardment of Little North. Little North seemed to be a harmless little girl with personal animals. In the face of Xiao Meiyan, there are still some S2 and offline, but her real combat strength is very strong, especially to the extent that the individual will awaken, no one in the abyssal fleet can beat it. 【】

The air line is the key for the human coalition to cover itself under the extremely insufficient firepower of the battle line. There is a problem in this regard, and it is caused by Saratoga. No one has thought of it in advance, but it is only once. The negligence, but the price paid for this is quite painful.

Hearing her sister’s words, Saratoga bowed her head in shame. She had never set a precedent for the sacrifice of her companions because of her own intentions. After the death of South Dakota, she had already blamed herself very much, but Lexington was in front of everyone. Having said this made her almost self-confident. 【】

Lexington didn't mean to comfort her sister. This was her responsibility, and she should take it on her own.

The atmosphere of the whole wreckage cemetery became more dignified by the words of Lexington, and the starry ship A who was already in a poor state of mind all stared at Lexington. She should not call everyone here to criticize who Everyone knows that their current state of combat does not have all the brilliance of the A Star Territory Navy, but the Admiral still does not appear. What if it is just Lexington?

This is the biggest shadow shrouded in the navy of the A Star Territory. They are not afraid of the enemy’s strength, nor are they afraid of the resentment carried by the abyss special warship, they just found the admirer who lived and died with themselves. In the end, it was ultimately necessary to step on their despair and blood in order to reach the top. Already accustomed to under the command of Chester William, the navy A starry navy suddenly felt that the more fighting, the more they are digging for themselves In the grave, why did they fight...

Lexington didn't understand it, but Chester William hasn't stood up yet and firmly said that he will always be in the same place as the ship's mother, because he can't do so shamelessly to deceive and wait until everything is revealed. He did not dare to face the eyes of his subordinates, so Chester William’s silence continued, and Lexington stood up today and was ready to make this decision on behalf of his husband.

"We can't go on like this until we lose the glory of A Starland Navy. After consulting with the Admiral, he finally decided to confess something to you. As everyone is worried, with the arrival of the ship's age, the A Starland government The politicians in China are afraid of our strength. They have formulated a plan to cleanse us after the war. The Admiral is not willing to watch everyone be cruelly treated after setting down the merits of the handed down, so he decided to reform A Star Territory. plan."

Lexington’s words don’t seem to be sensational, the ship maidens of A Star Zone have also been prepared in the heart. Even if it was not Chester William who said it himself at this moment, Lexington would know that he must have told him, and it has been hanging. The stone in their hearts was slowly laid down, and they knew that Chester William would eventually protect them, just as he had always done.

That's the only sentiment besides the friendship among the comrades-in-arms. They don't want to be the only alien in their own country, so Chester William's identification with them is particularly important.

After a period of precipitation, the ship mother of the A star domain navy has already accepted the fact that she is opposed to the current A star domain government. They must seek change like Veneto to have a ray of life, but the only person they can’t betray It was Chester William, and now he can make such a decision, so that everyone is relieved.

Lexington saw that his face was warming up, and he knew that what he had said under the pretext of Chester William had effect. He made a decision on behalf of his husband without asking his In fact, neither Lexington nor Yixian feels very uncomfortable, but who makes them are subjective individuals, and they are not affiliated with them. When their husbands encounter unclear confusion, they are not allowed as wives. Not standing up to dispel the fog.

"From the day when I became a ship mother, all the instructors tried to tell us that we no longer belonged to ourselves, but must fight for the country and the government, but when I met the admiral, he did Tell me to be the best self," Lexington recalled calmly. "He should have said this to each of you, so that we can live out our personality and freedom as the ship’s mother. The free and easy will is alive in the ship’s world. It’s not the puppet puppet who took the line. When the war came, he rushed to the front line to **** fight, but gave the most glorious moment to the glorious standing behind the sun. Under the politicians, when the war is over, they will either be sent into narrow and cold cabins or dismantled directly."

"If all this is really beneficial to A-Zone, we may be able to endure it, but the facts have proved that it is better for us to control the destiny of ourselves and our country than they do, then there is no reason to be silent!" Lexington waved his linen long hair and said with a determined look, "From today, even if the star sea is waiting for my dream stage, no longer be bound by anyone, no longer be confused by anything, I will fight for myself first. !"


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