Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1060: The final war-Yinhui

You didn’t look at me until you died, and by this time did you not understand my thoughts? Yixian, I have never regretted my choice.

The abyss fleet that just sunk Yixian and others rushed towards Chongqing without any pause. This time, the shipyard who carried out the operation of opening the transportation route only had Chongqing besides Yixian, so the abyss fleet was assigned. The combat power has just been able to destroy them. Instead of investing more combat power, they are finally assembled at the other end, preparing to launch the main attack together with the blockade fleet surrounding the circle.

That was the means of final victory, and even the slightest mistakes could not appear, and now they have not successfully sunk Yixian and others? The remaining Chongqing without frigate protection is just dying under the sea of ​​endless abyss carrier aircraft... right?

"Don't be kidding!" Chongqing's figure turned into a bright silver light, hitting into the abyssal carrier fleet unprecedentedly, she was very clear that the carrier of the abyssal fleet in the aerial fleet here would not be too far, no The solution to so many carrier-based aircraft is to completely destroy the people who control them.

At this moment, Chongqing seemed to be a silver nightmare when it was transformed into the goddess of dawn. It passed through the thousands of carrier aircraft groups, and the bombing and lightning strikes of the carrier aircraft groups flowed like flowing water beside her. Under the debris of the star fire, the silver light and the star sea seemed to be one. The almost all the artillery fire came through her figure. If Veneto was here, he might recall some unpleasant memories.

It was a silver demon that had appeared many times around the i star field. She keenly avoided Veneto's active attacks again and again, but she was cruising like a ghost and turning the frigate fleet of i star field into stars. In the ruins, the attack of the light cruiser lady of the same level seems to be unable to hit her at all, as if she punched out and passed her ghostly figure.

This near-peak circumvention ability is even more peaked by Chongqing after gathering the ships, especially in the face of the sea of ​​carrier-based aircraft, Chongqing does not lose at all to the a star deportation legend irritated by pain Lafite, they are also almost unsolved due to their talents and efforts in aviation warfare. At this moment, Chongqing, which has become the mother of the battle cruiser, is undoubtedly more destructive than Lafite.

In the previous battle with the Abyssal Fleet, Chongqing was just an ordinary member of the navy battle line of the c-star domain. Her bombardment ability is far less than that of the legendary battleships, so even the Abyssal Admiral did not realize it. This person is much more terrible than Yixian and their entire fleet combined.

The silver glow with a bombardment of sparks rushed to kill the Thousand Miles Star River. With the sadness and anger that was hard to vent, the awakening of the killing and crazy souls irresistibly broke through the attack line of millions of shipborne aircraft The cannon pointed steadily at the mother of the abyss carrier that sank Yixian and them.

"Go to die, go to die!"

Chongqing's heart roared like a storm, but her face was calm and silent. Her hands were holding the naval gun and bombarded the abyss aircraft carrier in a hurry. She had insufficient shelling ability. Kill the enemy in front of you.

She wanted to kill this enemy, because of hatred and duty, she was meticulously flawless. Until the wreckage was all dusted up, Chongqing stopped for a while.

The abyssal admiral once again attacked and dispatched such a stingy, a common golden abyss aircraft carrier, that is, the death knell he finally sounded for Yixian and others who broke through the heavy blockade, and also paved his own death. trap.

When one shot after another in Chongqing sent the abyss carrier into the real abyss, the abyss submerged in the surroundings had begun to converge towards where they were.

If you kill a little later, those killers in the dark will also arrive as scheduled. The thing that the Abyss Admiral really didn't think of was that he broke through the air line so fast.

But even if the abyss aircraft carrier is killed, Chongqing is avenged for Yixian and others, but the losses and gains paid by both parties are not the same after all. Even if they personally bombed the abyss aircraft carrier cleanly, Chongqing has even a trace of revenge. Have no pleasure.

Yixian they wanted to **** the carrier carrying the carrier aircraft back to the Guadalupe Naval Base, but only half of their way left Chongqing alone, even if she could escape the abyss The submarine's pursuit and killing the transport fleet are still useless.

She was no longer accompanied by a frigate.

"Once the c-star domain navy only left me now? But this will not be cut off, the guy with the head hidden, you give me a good look, even if the weak will still accomplish the miracle that no one believes!" Chongqing solved The braid on her long silver hair, let it float away, she threw the naval gun into the depths of the Xinghai fiercely, like a cigarette **** with embers falling into the sea and disappeared instantly, liberated In the form of light patrol under the battle patrol, Chongqing murmured softly, "This way you can conduct anti-submarine warfare. Your broken line of blockade, I will bring the transport fleet back and tear it up again!"

The silver demon returned to her original form, dragging the stars and colorful colors across the smoke from the abyss carrier to the me star field again, and when she returned, the firework of revenge would fall to the head of the abyss submarine of the blockade line. Absolutely...

Chongqing continued along the unfinished road of Yixian and others. Her attempt to tear the blockade again was more ridiculous and bold than Yixian's decision, but Liaoning, who received the news, could not stop it.

That was her cause and effect, and her unbounded fate. At the beginning, the unswervingly good together, but for various reasons, the first six people were separated. Today, only one of her is dead, but she belongs to the former c star domain navy. The legend continues, as Liaoning, who is their junior, has any qualifications to stop it. Even if she said, Chongqing may not listen to it at this time.

She can initiate rebellion to the glorious admirer for her dream, and she can also ignore Liaoning’s orders for her previous fetters. Liaoning doesn’t want to make this happen uncontrollably. If she can come back, it has happened to herself and Karting. She does not intend to repeat itself with Chongqing, but in her heart, she might not expect a real miracle to happen. Perhaps the navy glory of the c star field is blank because of these predecessors who bravely set foot in the star sea outside the c star field. What about the next brilliant page?

This is the glory of the c-star navy alone, and it will also play a key reversal to this war, that is, the variables she and Nagato expect. rw

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