Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1066: The final war-offensive

This turning point is the beginning of the end of the war. From the beginning of the confrontation, it has never been the grandest among the seven galaxies, and it was the attack that was first launched by the weaker party. 【No Pop-up Novel Network】

Countless artillery focused on pouring to Veneto. Her existence has always been the most valued by the Abyssal Fleet. On the contrary, Andrea? Doria and others are far less cared for by the Abyssal Fleet than other fronts. Battleships came fiercely.

The firepower attracted by Veneto’s quadruple presence in front is already the local limit of the abyssal fleet. Even though the abyss special ship’s attack is much more severe than other abyssal battleships, it is loaded with supernatural modules and new magic fusion In front of the defensive barrier, Veneto is difficult to play a killing effect in a short time.

At the moment, Veneto unreservedly played all the cards that Xiao Meiyan left to her. Not only was she not suppressed by the abyssal fleet for a time, but she stepped forward step by step* The despised Andrea Doria, Richelieu and others can threaten the abyss of his special ship closer.

The Soviet Union often said: "If the attack does not hit, it is only because the distance is not close enough."

Although this is a disguise of the poor fire control ability of the early s star domain naval ship mother, it is also a subversive truth on the battlefield battle stage.

After gathering the ships, the size of the ship's mothership has almost been reduced to the limit. Today's battle line is no longer the spectacular scene of the cannon giant ship display. Forming a fire curve between each other and leaving enough space to avoid, not only emphasizes The ability of the battleship ship's mother to defend against and increase maneuver to avoid damage during artillery warfare has also put a higher test on each battleship ship's fire control technology.

Although the shelling distance close enough will also increase the probability of being attacked, but Veneto is the focus of attracting firepower, and the close distance also facilitates Richelieu and others to play a greater advantage. Liu itself has a very fine fire control skills. As the battle line draws closer her attack almost never fails, and the talent and ability of Andrea? Doria can also rely on the occasional lucky flash to keep High hit rate, but for other battleships, this is a key step to ensure that they can play a role.

The ship maidens who followed the battle of Veneto were not famous legendary ship maidens except for a few, but their mission was heavier than everyone else, and they could not be given to them at the beginning of the war under tremendous pressure. Build self-confidence, even if Veneto is present, it is difficult to complete the task of attacking the abyss special ship mother.

At present, it seems that they are doing well. The heavy atmosphere of the battle with the Abyssal Fleet has not overwhelmed these non-first-class ship ladies. After the battle began, the opportunities created by Veneto gave them confidence, and they no longer have At the beginning, it felt blunt and the movement of the entire fleet became smoother and smoother.

The Abyssal Fleet's cognition of Veneto has always come from her performance in the Europa galaxy, and will hoard heavy soldiers at the beginning of the battle to try to eliminate them first, on the one hand because of the threat to her enough, and the other The aspect is also because she is not aware that she is stronger than expected.

Deployed nearly one-third of the elite force but failed to suppress or even sink Veneto. Instead, the fleet led by her opened the situation, and the Abyssal Admiral would not really go all the way to black when it realized that Vene Tuo is not an abyss fleet that can be eliminated in a short time, and immediately changed the combat strategy to start a balanced offensive against the ship mother around her.

As the combat methods of the Abyssal Fleet changed, the warship mothers of the main attacking fleet immediately felt pressure, and Veneto no longer allowed them to fight independently, and began to dispatch the main attacking fleet to start a tug of war.

Veneto’s bombardment pattern is ever-changing, making it difficult for the abyssal fleet to understand her details. Under the combination of Veneto’s attack and the responding allies, the first abyss special warship appeared, named Nanxi. The air battleship of the battle became a merit under Veneto’s gun, but Veneto himself was well aware that his hidden card could not occupy the advantage for too long. As the abyssal fleet continued to deepen his understanding of himself, he still had to Rely on the competition of hard power to compete.

In addition to the main attack fleet under the responsibility of Veneto, the air defense and anti-submarine nets formed by the destroyers and light cruisers of the Royal Navy will exclude all factors that may interfere with the mission of the main attack fleet as much as possible. Waiting for the mixed army mech units to stay in line and wait for a while, just like the Great Wall of Steel, constitutes a thick defense line.

On the one hand, the main attack fleet is coordinated, and on the other hand, the fleet commanded by Chester William on the other end provides accurate coordinates of the attack.

Beyond this great wall of steel, Hood's prestigious battle patrol squadron started a large-scale detour, restraining the abyssal fleet to have some of the firepower deflect with the movement. The overall maneuvering route provided by Hood for the Royal Navy Under the deployment of command, the mobile speed of the battle patrol is extremely fast. They are circling the battlefield like light bow cavalry in the cold weapon era. Seizing the opportunity is a fierce long-range strike.

The three-dimensional attacks that have been mixed such as Hindenburg and Zeppelin in the Royal Navy are carried out on the wings of the main attack fleet in cooperation with the Prince of Wales, Glory, Royal Ark and other Naval artillery strikes, Air combat, the expulsion of assault torpedoes, and the two wings, Suhrbaatar and Odin, the two super battleships, cooperated to focus on patrols to form a defensive network, and they exerted a repressive effect with inferior forces.

The nominal commander of this fleet is Veneto, but each combat division is under the command of the ship’s mother. Veneto is not arrogant enough to think that he can surpass the traditional advisor to complete such a large-scale division of labor. Command, so their chain of command is a multi-terminal mode. After a period of defensive operations, the Abyssal Fleet also began to open their minions against this weakness.

The main target was gradually transferred from the second fleet under the command of Chester William to the first fleet. After all, the abyssal fleet had already defeated the coalition forces such as a star navy, the liberation fleet, and the joint fleet in previous operations. For the time being, let them first suppress the momentum of the attack of the tired first fleet, which is the effective means to win the final victory.

By Veneto, they rushed from the astral capital star to the star of San Francisco, and then to the Celon? The main force of the abyss fleet? The Schepper fleet took the responsibility to fight back the vanguard, and the ubiquitous wolves attacked Covering the dark areas of the battlefield under the cover of fire, the abyss Bismarck and Tilbitz also highlighted the front and began to try to push back the battle lines of Hindenburg and the Prince of Wales.

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