Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1079: The final war-final

Under the **** of the abyssal admiral's will, Syllan Scheep and Shiraishi firmly believe that even if they want to have a reserve in the attack, it is impossible for his meager ego to break through the darkness and command the body to do it. Act against the will of the abyss.

But the fleet under their command was obviously getting more and more chaotic, and the cooperation between the abyss ship mother transformed by humans and the other ship mothers in the abyss fleet was completely disconnected. It seems that Sylon Scheep and Shiraishi firmly believe that at this moment I completely forgot how to command the battle. Not only that, but also used my own poor command to continuously destroy the cooperation between the abyss Chicheng and others and other abyss ships.

The offensives of the individual battles rely entirely on the performance of the ship’s mother to impact the defense lines of the second and third fleets of the coalition forces. When Liao () Ning accurately judged this point, she already understood that Veneto wanted her to play. What is the drama? The opponent’s attack has completely lost the overall coordination. The frequency of accidents that cross the line of defense and threaten the space debris array is constantly decreasing. Liao () Ning Ruo boldly commanded the entire army at this time. Attacking, with the abyss fleet completely out of control will have no resistance.

Veneto's words are to let her give up the opportunity to seize this victory. Now the eyes of the world can be focused on them. At this time, the pursuit of victory will definitely create the most glorious record since the war with the abyss, but if you miss the opportunity, the future The accusations and criticisms that fall on oneself will certainly not be less.

It’s just that Veneto may have reached such an agreement with a person in front of him. No wonder that when he was in the Siberian star zone, this person would give up his independence and freedom as a human being, and sincerely persuaded to leave the broken The ships of the combined fleet fell into the abyss together.

The situation he was facing at the time, in exchange for anyone else, was determined not to be so calm. If it was for the purpose of going together with his favorite Xianghe, he was sure of his relationship with Xiaomeiyan. There will be a better way, even if it is possible to find a chance to die.

The Abyss Admiral will believe that it is because its understanding of human nature is not enough. There is an existence in the Abyss Fleet that can definitely see through Bai Shi’s firm belief in the deep meaning behind such a move. She should have told the Abyss Admiral about all this, even if it needs to be used. The strength of Chicheng and others should also be more prepared.

But she didn't say that this was very unreasonable, and even more unreasonable than Bai Shi firmly believed that the seemingly affectionate companionship, however, all this was normal in the cognition of the void life.

Trying to understand the existence of mankind will eventually be defeated by the evils that exist in mankind. It turns out that this is the greatest chance of victory against the abyssal fleet. The significance of the war is only to achieve this purpose. Among the abyssal fleet The most dangerous person has the deepest understanding of humanity and the one who is also the most influenced by human civilization. She is called Northern Qiji...

War is a continuation of politics. The former invasion of the Abyssal Fleet was able to win because they did not follow the rules of humanity, but this time they faced the new form of the ship mother with the technology of gathering ships and facing the ubiquitous plane. The first-level wanted criminals of the Judicial Tribunal faced a Veneto that completely exceeded the limits of the times. They had to change. From that time, they began to enter the political field as a void life, but they dominated all this. Not the Abyss Admiral himself, it is still ignorant to this day.

In the eyes of trillions of people in the seven galaxies, in the eyes of the tens of billions of ordinary officers and soldiers and thousands of warships of the human coalition, even in the eyes of politicians in various star regions, the abyssal fleet that has swallowed all the murderous terror has actually entered the outside Within the calculation of the author, Yue Zhong never regarded the threat of the Abyssal Fleet as the number one enemy. Standing in a state where others could not see Yue Zhong, who had seen all the information, had written the ending.

Everyone, including Admirals such as Ulster, struggled and wandered in the whirlpool of illusion created by Yue Zhong, but his vision could not keep up with his vision. Everything was in vain, and the emergence of the age of the ship's mothership became a necessity after all.

"Maybe you, maybe Xiao Meiyan and Yue Zhong. Since you have promised Bai Shi what you believe in, I will kill him and Xiang He here. It will undoubtedly make you lose faith, even if no one will know that you will Feeling uneasy? I'm carrying this charge of passive resistance for you, but you and I will never owe you ever again." Liao () Ning is no longer looking at the abyssal fleet in front of her. She looks away from Veneto, "seven What is the scenery of the tallest peak of the big galaxy? I won’t be under you forever."

The ending of the second battlefield has been finalized early, but Veneto still maintains the pursuit of the abyssal admiral. The target of her attack has not changed from beginning to end. That is the special ship mother in the abyssal fleet~ special type of ship mother who is separated from the abyssal admiral's mother body will die one battle, the abyss origin it has will be uncontrollably dispersed to find the nearest stable point to gather, the abyssal admiral's mother body It is undoubtedly the most likely to recover the origin of the void, but there is always a figure of a white-haired girl beside it. When other special ship mothers are constantly sunk by Veneto and other ship mothers of the first fleet, a lot of escape The origin of the scattered void traces back the footsteps of the Abyssal Admiral, but more than half of them are absorbed by the Little North "inadvertently".

The origin of the void converging on Xiaobei continues to become full and thick, and even has approached the abyssal admiral itself, but she is the first special type of warship bred by the abyssal admiral, and she is very dependent on her usual performance. Abyssal Admiral, even now, the Abyssal Admiral is still not wary of her. Instead, she pays more attention to other special warships who have always stared at themselves.

Veneto’s pursuit is not hopeless and aimless. She deployed the surviving ship maiden to bypass the ordinary abyss ship maiden and attacked the special case of it. If the human coalition did not dare to drop the mouse because of the presence of Veneto. Using super weapons, then the abyssal adversary dared not sink Veneto before breaking out of the attack range of the space debris array.

One...two...three, the first fleet that launched the attack madly completely abandoned the defense, only the top of Veneto blocked the attack angle of most of the abyssal fleet, and then took successive successes.

"It's still two, keep attacking!" Veneto's face was no longer as calm as before. When the dawn of victory was clearly visible, she was only one step away from her dream. All the accidents had been touched. Triggered and ruled out, only the last goal has not been completed, how to make her not excited, not urgent?

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