Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1082: Our times

"Notify each of the seven galaxies that the war is over and we have won." Veneto said to Andrea Doria quietly as he watched the direction of the disappearance of the northern Qiji.

She knew very well that the contradictions within the abyssal fleet were used to temporarily repulse them, but sooner or later they will make a comeback, and she will not be able to grasp the mind of the northern Qiji in the end. The other party seems to be deliberately playing with herself An exciting play was also staged.

This opponent will definitely be more difficult to deal with than the Abyssal Admiral in the future. Her understanding of human civilization is more profound than imagined. From the perspective of the void life, some problems will be more intuitive. She will be a difficult enemy in the future, maybe Some tricks are no longer needed. At that time, it will be a contest of real swords and real guns, and here will also become a real void battlefield.

The abyssal fleet needs to continue to exist. They will be like swords hanging over the heads of the seven galaxies. They remind people here that they cannot forget the existence of dangerous moments. Veneto needs it as a goal to transfer the contradictions of human civilization. The seven major galaxies are combined into a whole as soon as possible...

But that is something to be considered afterwards. Now all the survivors need to enjoy the joy of victory. They are all united in one city and united together. They will fight back the enemies from the void and enter a new one. In the era, no matter how you look at it, it is a happy event worth celebrating.

a The starry sky of the parliament building sings a grand triumphant song, the e-star king palace is replaced with the flag of the Confederacy Federation, the flowers and ribbons on the triumphant avenue of the f star domain are flying in the sky, the i star domain is the highest church The former cardinal is preaching faith.

All the planets inhabited by humans boiled after the report of the great victory ahead. Very creative human beings used their imagination to turn reality into reality. They are celebrating arbitrarily from factories, houses, and satellite platforms in the sky. , Underground quantum laboratory, etc. walked to the main street, and the name of victory in the mouth fell into a carnival.

All the urgently prepared celebrations in various places were fully prepared in just twelve hours. The gorgeous fireworks and vocal vocals pushed the victory to the peak...

Veneto gathered all the ship's maidens who were still alive after the war in front of the A Starland Parliament Building. They used to be ineligible to enjoy the cheers of victory and the courtesy of the heroes, but all that has become the past, with the fearlessness The will and the splendid combat performance will take the final victory to the ship's mothers. Now you can appear as a human hero and wear the glory of glory under the public attention to accept the glorious moment of flowers and applause.

Pennsylvania Avenue, the sky is a group of patrols. The colorful tail flames render the sky. The brightly dressed guards of honor on both sides of the avenue hold a silver ceremonial form a long dragon. The silver-haired girl with a black cape walks the most on the road of triumph paved by flowers In the front row, her face was filled with a calm smile, her feet were wide and calm, her right hand raised high and she kept waving to the people around.

Behind her is the former First Secretary of the A Star Territories Speaker, now the Chief Officer of the Chongyan Federation A Star Territories, but the former Secretary is very aware of his current identity. He is not the protagonist of the Triumph Ceremony, so he buried his head very low, Nobody around him could see his face.

Most of the ship ladies who participated in the triumphant ceremony behind Veneto for the first time experienced such a scene. When the war ended, everyone remembered the sorrow that was crushed in their hearts and the pain of losing their comrades was relieved. The joy of victory in the war, their interest is not high.

I can really feel the respectful eyes from the people and the cheering one after another, and the ship mothers who are still in sorrow suddenly feel that everything they are fighting for is worth it. The unreserved people from the compatriots must be as a human. The most proud achievements of the individuals belong to their time. No matter how painful the price is, they have guarded all this. All sacrifices have value, and there is a day that is affirmed by others.

"Emperor, have you seen it? We are no longer the unsuspecting ship's mother. Our efforts can finally be seen by others."

"The glory of the Royal Navy may decline, but the glory of the ship mother will rise like the sun, and all the navies fighting for today will be in the future."

"Even if the glory of freedom and democracy is the most dazzling beacon in war, the people who have given their lives for the will of freedom will never be forgotten, adhering to your will and moving on, may God bless America."

"F star domain navy, fighting to protect our homeland, we have fulfilled our commitment to our hearts, even if we have left a lot of corpses along the way, but it will eventually be reborn."

"Seniors who have fallen like cherry blossoms for the supreme dream, if you wait in the heavens, you will surely see the bright world today. The tragedy of the United Fleet will inspire us to move forward tomorrow, your The soul can go back to sleep in his hometown."

"Partners of the High Seas Fleet, the juniors of the war navy, we have always been treated as villains, but from now on the ships will be united to face the crisis of the new era, and the tragedy of fighting each other will not Repeat again."

"Pinghai, the navy of the c-star domain is on the right track, and its realization is no longer just an unrealistic navy dream has been realized."


The triumphal celebration that lasted for a day only calmed down a little bit at midnight, and the ordinary people were still immersed in the atmosphere of joy and joy, but the ships who hurried across Pennsylvania Avenue left only one or two representatives with Veneto Together, they went to Rome, the capital of the Flame Federation, and the rest of the ship's mothers returned to their hometowns with the remains of their sacrificed companions.

The threat of the abyssal fleet still exists. In order to meet the future war, the comprehensive integration of the seven major galaxies into the Flame Alliance has been included in the current most important work schedule. The rulers of the old world no longer have the ability to stop this trend. After the short return of the glory, the shipgirls who had the power of returning from the great victory immediately took a short-term return to the new work.

The consuls of the various star domains must start to be completely separated from the military. All the warships will redistribute the combat sequence, formulate and implement unified government orders, reorganize and appoint various departments... This will be a complicated and tedious task. It is also the first test faced by the ship girls when they enter the political arena. The new high-level power needs to show an efficient and concise side to let the world rest assured and look forward to. Times are nothing more than short-lived castles in the sky, which will soon collapse into a new storm. rw

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