Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1100: Go out

"That's really a problem." Yue Zhong said scratching his head, Xiaoyan and Peng Ju felt the same situation as their father and daughter. Peng Ju watched her grow up as if she was watching Xiao Qing grow up now. If you let him know that he has lost Homura, no matter what the reason is, he will inevitably be beaten. "Am I making up a reason to deceive him?"

Xiao Meiqing listened to them while speaking, and seemed to mention an uncle named Pengju. When Pengju was still in contact with Xiaomei's family, Xiaomeiqing's age was too young, and the impression of this person had long been blurred. Qing, so she will not have a deep affection with Peng Ju like her sister.

But she knew that it was wrong to deceive people, and when she heard that Yue Chong was about to deceive herself and did not dare to speak out, she could only stare at him with watery eyes.

Xiao Meiqing looked a little guilty, and Yue Zhong was not used to the same deep eyes and Xiaoyan who did not feel sorrowful and joyous in the eyes like Xiaoyan, and hurriedly screamed, "Let's be honest. "

"Well, he is too old to beat you anyway, anyway." Ba Mami covered his mouth and smiled to fan the flames, and seemed to want to see Yue Zhong and Peng Ju fight together.

"Sister Xue, you don't think it's too much to see the excitement. He dares to fight me." Yue Zhong said. "It seems that it's a wrong choice to come back here now. You can bully and bully me if you come out alone. "

Bami raised her neck like a proud swan and exposed her white neck: "Do you regret it so soon?"

Yue Zhong hadn’t had time to answer. I didn’t know that Yue Zhong couldn’t leave. He simply believed in his joke. Xiao Meiqing was afraid that Yue Zhong would suddenly walk away. After wiping his forehead, the sweat walked to Yue Zhong and gently pulled his clothes to shake After shaking, begging eyes appeared in his eyes.

Although the time of meeting and sleeping have not exceeded twenty-four hours, Xiao Meiqing already has a feeling of dependence on this brother-in-law who seems to have driven away the terrible adults from the sky, and the same words he and his mother said Completely for my own consideration, although Xiao Meiqing's age is small, it is hard to get a general understanding of who is really good for her.

Yue Zhong feels that some of his habits really need to be changed, especially because he likes to talk about nonsense. The sisters are used to it, so they will not take it seriously, but Xiao Meiqing will simply believe in herself and make a joke. Can make her nervous.

"Ah, if Xiaoqing is still there, I won't go, but Xiaoqing, when you grow up, you must help me to deal with those who bully me." Yue Zhong's eyes gently raised, and he touched Xiaoyan's He said, "Let's get ready when we are ready."

The bodyguards and deacons in Xiaomei’s manor have always followed the actions of everyone in the main house. They are usually well hidden in invisible places, but as soon as they are called, they will jump out immediately, although it is not more than that. The super power that the Ogihara housekeeper instantly appeared, but for ordinary people is already the limit.

After letting them prepare a car, Yue Zhong refused to follow the drivers and bodyguards, and had lost all industrial control of the Xiaomei Consortium, but the manor and assets all over the world were still under the name of Xiaomei’s family. The annual equity dividend of the Xiaomei Consortium is enough to support Xiaomei’s continued prosperity as a world-class giant. Unless the family really does not have a strong owner, the hyena hidden in the dark will not be led by a more proud lion. , They dare not easily reveal their fangs.

This is Yue Zhong’s greatest role in staying at Xiaomei’s home. Even though he seems to have made the move to abandon his ambitions, no one easily thought he would deal well.

As a new giant, Xiaomei's family is not only the main family, only Xiaomeiqing, the only heir, Yue Zhong's use of the consortium's control in exchange for a momentary and stable behavior will definitely offend those collateral relatives who serve in the consortium. Whatever happened to Xiao Meiqing, they can take away the inheritance right in a grand manner.

This is also the main reason why Yue Zhong still hovered when he did not let the bodyguards go out. Xiaomei Yan’s father led Xiaomei’s rise to offend the entire world, but he can live to let others now. He had to use a helicopter to hit the office, at least to prove that he had a unique vision in choosing people around him.

These bodyguards, deacons and even maids have a very high loyalty to Xiaomei's family, and they also monitor each other. Everyone's family and friends need to gather at the designated place every day to ensure that they are not kidnapped, plus high-paying treatment and Helping to solve all the difficulties in life, they are the most precious treasures left by Xiaomei's family when the people betray their relatives.

Standing on the driver's seat, Yue Zhong waved towards the bodyguards: "You don't have to worry about Xiaoqing's safety, even if you don't believe my ability, you should trust the sister of Aesthetics. No one dares to help her in the three-point area of ​​Takihara. Agree to move."

This seemingly unreasonable reason eventually became the key to persuading bodyguards. The most dangerous existence in the world of people’s consciousness today is not those criminals who kill and set fire, but is formed by the negative emotions of human beings, only the magical girl. The World of Warcraft that they can cope with. They are killing invisible. They are the most horrible and unknown. The police of a city can take a vacation, but the magical girl who guards here cannot leave for a day, otherwise dozens of people are waiting for the city. The disaster of nearly a hundred people.

It is undoubtedly a taboo to kill in the face of a magical girl. This is very easy for the magical girl who guards this city to lose trust in humans and leave. There will be no new magical girl willing to come to this city. Eventually here Turned into a paradise for Warcraft.

After thinking of this, the bodyguards were finally relieved~ Yue Zhong personally drove the car toward the Chinese restaurant opened by Peng Ju.

Sitting in the back seat, accompanied by Xiao Meiqing, Bama Mei giggled. She should have suggested Yue Zhong's driving route, but found that he did not ask himself so he deliberately waited for him to be ugly.

"Sister Xue, don't take you to play like this." Yue Zhong raised his eyes and looked at this very strange city, running on the street, selling in the store, hanging on the house, and flying in the sky, almost every one The objects are all marked with the Xiaomei Consortium. With such a powerful power, it is no wonder that Xiaoyan's father will swell.

At first, she allowed Xiaoyan to leave a little black technology. She kept all the scientific research data backups without thinking, which contributed to a huge and comprehensive business empire and completely disrupted the development laws of the world.

In fact, she cares about this family more than anyone else, but the cold-faced black-haired girl's way of expressing feelings is not easy to notice.

"Why did you suddenly have a bad brain? You are not familiar with this city and don't ask me?" Bamamei did not feel too embarrassed after she smiled. She quickly pointed out a way for Yue Zhong to drive a special license 'S car ran all the way. 8)

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