Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1107: 0Gold

Cars pass by the city of Takibara. Although the prosperity is not lost to Tokyo, the resident population is less than five-fifths of the Tokyo metropolitan area. Therefore, vehicles on the flat white-lined road are not congested.

As the car left the cement pavement and entered the dark black asphalt road, the surrounding tall buildings were quickly replaced by lush forest fields, leaving the slightly dull air of the city. The under cover of the car rolls down the window, shaking its head with the dynamic music in the car player.

"Where is this?" Yue Zhong has nothing to do with seeing the Takihara car god. The world of young people like them doesn't seem to be understood by Yue Zhong. It may be that this one was buried in music by driving. The gifted genius drove the car into the ditch, and Yue Zhong had to talk to him first.

During the final decisive battle with Qiubi, fires and floods staggered, and the broken terrain of the mountains and rivers collapsed. Seeing that the landscape around Takihara is no longer the same as in the past, so Yue Zhong was not clear about the surrounding conditions.

"Ah, here is the nearest raccoon village. The villages and towns are gathered on the small hilltop plain of the Panshan Highway. From there, you can see the whole picture of Takihara City." Xiaolvmao quickly answered Yue Zhong's question as a view of Takihara Che Shen, he ran almost all the village roads, which is why Peng Ju would send him as a guide.

Yue Zhong felt the name was unlucky: "Is there a biochemical research institute in Raccoon Village?"

"Yeah, the biochemical research institute of the Xiaomei Consortium is just under the mountain less than ten kilometers away from the center of the market town, but the main economic source here is the square watermelon. Although the output is not high, the price is very expensive, and it can be fed. People in every village and town, and every other family has raccoon cats. In the past, foreign tourists mistakenly thought it was a raccoon, so they called the name of the raccoon village." Xiao Lumao said that he happily patted the steering wheel here: "Those tourists are really fools, you are right, boss."

Ba Mami was wearing cool short sleeves today. I wonder if it was blown by the wind or other reasons. She narrowed her neck and said, "I always think this village is very dangerous."

"If you accidentally explode into a crisis, can you be dangerous?" Although Yue Zhong plans to let Xiao Meiqing go to an ordinary or even chaotic school to exercise his interpersonal skills, but this kind of zombies may come out one day. Never mind the place, even if you have the ability to protect Xiaoqing, it is not good to scare her.

"Oh, do you want to go or not, boss?" the little green hairy mumble asked.

Yue Zhong thought that the scenery here is still good, even if Xiao Qing was taken out and set foot, the main reason is that he was afraid that this Takihara car **** would return to play a drift for him: "Time It’s still early, let’s go check it out."

The car in the car **** finally arrived in the heart of the village. The children on vacation were happily everywhere in the afternoon. The adults in the village were busy in the fields. The absolute elevation of the raccoon village was not high but the sunshine was sufficient. The end of the month is the best season for watermelon planting. Many older children are busy following the adults with straw hats.

Xiao Meiqing looked very strangely at the edge of the car window, looking at these "strange" people. The women who appeared in her world were radiant regardless of their age, and the men were mostly elegant and elegant, like this pure rural scenery. Dressing with simplicity is something she has never seen before.

"Brother-in-law, those children are not in class at this time, wouldn't they be scolded by their parents if they ran around barefoot in the ground?" Miss is proud, but envious of their unfettered.

"They are helping Dad and Mom, and when the delicious watermelon is planted in the land and the money is sold, the parents will buy school bags and clothes for them." Yue Zhong never felt that there should be anything to hide from the children. The so-called protection is just a simple and rude solution without appropriate guidance education. "Xiaoqing does not have to worry about this problem. Your family is rich, but the quality of these children is worth learning."

Xiao Meiqing nodded thoughtfully, watching some children accidentally fall into the mud and was cut into the skin by sharp stones, blood flowed out but continued to work after licking carelessly, Xiao Meiqing felt Body pain.

At this time, she vaguely felt that her life was actually not so bad, at least she didn't have to fall apart at any time.

Yue Zhong asked Xiao Lvmao to park the car and left him alone in the car to follow the music and let himself go.

Holding Xiao Meiqing and Bama Mei walking on the rural field, the children around him cast their eyes in curiosity and envy. Today Xiao Meiqing is wearing a black elegant princess dress and pink diamonds embedded in red round-toe shoes Glittering and shining, the purple beads adorned with twisted braids also radiate a mysterious and restrained light under the sun.

The decoration on Xiao Meiqing's body is not like the previous Xiao Meiyan's. They are bargains bought on the street. Where have these children who lived in the country seen them? The purple beads are worth more than 10 million yen. Wuwu is not only a personalized model specially designed by a well-known designer, but the entire body is a lot of gold. With this gorgeous and perfectly supporting image, it is matched with the appearance of a beautiful embryo. She walks from the bustling city to the countryside. The wilderness is like a fairy in the sky.

Children of similar ages were accustomed to the wild girls around them, and suddenly saw a princess-like girl walk into their eyes shining brightly, and they inevitably set off in an uproar and stood silly.

The young children may not know what the waves in their hearts but the yearning for the good is the commonality of human beings. The parents around them see that the children are not working, and give Their brains came up and down: "Look what you see, work fast."

Seeing this scene, Yue Zhong also laughed, ridiculed and said to Ba Mami: "Sister Xue, it seems that your charm has been overshadowed by the little girl."

Bama whitened Yue Zhongyan, because her heart would naturally not be angry because the moment of the limelight was overshadowed by a little girl, and she would not think that the favor of the group of little **** children was the key to determining whether she was attractive.

She just squatted down and squeezed Xiao Meiqing’s porcelain doll’s white face: "Xiao Qing, when you walk out of that glorious fan cage, it is destined to shine, these little boys are just you The first step in conquering with charm, the most proud of a girl is her self-cultivation and conduct, which will determine how much perfect elegance you have under your gorgeous appearance."

Speaking of which, Ba Mamei looked at Yue Zhong's eyes with a smile: "You will surpass your sister, she can make your brother-in-law no matter what setbacks and betrayals they experience, but you don't need to leave them. Indelible scars, I believe this, I hope you can have such self-confidence."

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