Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1118: Raccoon Village and Raccoon Elementary School

Yue Zhong's eyes became Ling Ran with the arrival of this news, and he had just adapted to the peaceful life now, but Madoka probably returned to break the balance that Jian Ting had originally had.

"What is she coming back for?" Yue Zhong's memory of Lumu Yuanxiang has been much weaker. After all, they are never passers-by. Yue Zhong will admire her fraternity and selflessness, but she has never been able to accept it.

Lumu Yuanxiang is more pure in mind than Qi Xiaomeng. She is a person who will not give up her love for the whole world for herself or for a close friend. Unless there is a common ideal, she and her In the beginning, I will always feel unconscious of my humbleness, and also drift away from it because of the selfishness of existence.

"There is nothing important, and she will not come back naturally." Ba Mami said nothing in front of Xiao Meiqing, "Sayega is busy dealing with a difficult World of Warcraft in Europe."

Yue focused on nodding to understand the meaning of Bamamei. Although the magical girl went from the dark to the bright side and began to protect the world, the nature of the world will not change in any way. The monsters formed by negative emotions are always threatening. Due to the safety of humans on Earth, even humans hiding on the lunar base cannot be spared.

This is a world of supernatural abilities, and it will continue to run as the disordered source system starts.

Seeing that Takihara would usher in a powerful enemy, neither Bamamei nor Sakura had the confidence to deal with it, and Sayaka also had a task and could not rush back, so Lumu Yuanxiang returned to his hometown as a matter of course.

Xiao Meiqing is very sensitive to see that the atmosphere has become more dignified, but she is not a curious person, and the trust in Yue Zhong tells her that if the brother-in-law feels that he can tell himself, he will definitely say, The reason why you don’t interview yourself is because you know that it’s useless, but it will make them worry.

Ba Mami saw Xiao Meiqing sitting quietly without asking, but touched her little yellow hat happily.

The car walked up the Panshan Highway, past the farmland where the watermelon was sown and the renovated white small western-style building. When I last came to Raccoon Village, Yue Zhong had no chance to go to the heart of the village and town. This time I could finally see the true face of the village and town Too.

Although the development level of Huanxiong Village, which is based in the urban area of ​​Takibara, is lagging behind, the rural development level of Country J is not bad. The houses in the heart of the village are mostly bungalows with more than two floors, and the streets are paved with cement, although not spacious. But there are more than enough large trucks to meet each other. Each family is independent and has its own yard. The road of the poles extends from the front of each yard. There are two lazy raccoons on the wall or Ordinary tabby cats lazily basking in the sun.

This village of Yue Zhong’s memory in the backward areas of country C is quite different. He has never been to the rural areas of developed regions, and the time is not good or bad, but he feels that this is more demure than the fast-paced city. Peaceful face.

On the street, there are children who have carried school bags and little yellow hats to the school. They either hold baseball bats or play football under their feet. They are happy to wear new school uniforms sponsored by Hideo Lusawa With ears on the road, there is only one elementary school in Raccoon Village, and older children above the country have gone to the city to study.

The car finally stopped at the door of Raccoon Elementary School. The two-meter high stretch fence has been fully opened, and you can see the five-story teaching building and the attached office building in front of you. The front of the teaching building is a small football field and track and field. The field is built around a football field, and there is also a field for playing baseball and ball.

"Although the school is a bit smaller, the facilities are quite complete. I really don't know what my mother is worried about." Yue Zhong really felt that the school was quite good, and the environment was much better than when he was in school.

Xiao Meiqing has never been to school, so all she saw was strange, but Bama Mei was somewhat dissatisfied and said: "You are really easy to meet. There are no houses for club activities. The afternoon time can only be on the playground. If you are basking in the sun, aren't you afraid to make Xiaoqing a little black girl?"

Thinking of Xiaoqing's fair face being tanned, she would be unhappy even if she didn't scold her when she returned home. Yue Zhong shuddered: "Xiufu, bring some sunscreen in the afternoon."

"Wait for you to think of it." Ba Mami tricked a lot of bottles of sunscreen in her hand, opened Xiao Meiqing's school bag and put it in.

Yue Zhong smiled embarrassingly. Many things he really didn't think about carefully, but if she wasn't willing to help take care of Xiao Meiqing, she would definitely mess things up. After all, he never took a child, What's more, she is a little girl with pink makeup and jade.

The guards of the guard apparently knew Hideo Ozawa. When he came with him, he kindly greeted them and went directly to the principal's office. He jumped over the track and field and entered the principal's room on the third floor of the office building. Uncle Nian, seeing the bright green hair of Hideo Lusawa greeted him with both eyes shining brightly: "The show is coming. Today is the opening ceremony. Do you need to speak on stage as an outstanding student of our school?"

Yue Zhong looked suspiciously at Hideo Luze. When did he become a graduate of this elementary school?

"You don't need to talk, it's a piece of heart." Hideo Luzawa played haha, making way for Yue Zhong to take Xiao Meiqing up. "Principal, this is the child I want her to go to school next to. This is her parent."

It is Yue Zhong’s request not to disclose Xiao Meiqing’s identity, but in order for the principal to be able to pay attention to her personally, she can’t just come in and read like an ordinary child, otherwise something bad will happen.

The headmaster who has a very rich life experience can see the difference between Xiaomeiqing and those ordinary Her temperament and dress are not something that can be brought up by ordinary people. Never give him a blink of an eye, and he has taken Xiao Meiqing early in his heart.

"I don't know what grade the child should go to?" the principal asked with a smile.

Xiao Meiqing knows where to answer, and looks at Yue Zhong with help.

Yue Zhong was already known from Mrs. Xiaomei when she was born, and she will be seven years old in a few months. In order to get her and her peers to go to school, Yue Zhong said: "It is time to start second grade at school. Is it the right class?"

"Of course." After the principal nodded affirmatively, he pushed his glasses over the desk and turned over the material and then said: "Go to the third class, where a girl happens to be transferred to another school this year, and the teachers in the class are all It is the elite of our school, the teaching quality is good, and there are no naughty boys in the class."

"Let's meet the teacher." Yue Zhong naturally decided not to listen to the principal's words.

"Okay." The principal picked up the phone and dialed a number, and the other party quickly responded, "Come to my office."

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