Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1130: Loneliness

The day when Yue Zhong returned, it was also the day when Qi Xiaomeng completely abandoned this memory.

After knowing that Yue Zhong is still alive in another world, the magical girls will no longer come to this grave to worship a person who is still alive. At that time, the only person who didn’t know and would come here to worship is to pay respect to Yue in the heart. Qi Xiaomeng has always had the longing.

Even though she knew the truth later, the kind-hearted Qi Xiaomeng had not forgotten what kind of misfortune had happened to the body that lay here. She had longed for the oldest sedimentary flood history, sometimes lying right The decaying people in the tomb are more interested than those who are still alive. All evaluations have settled with their death, that is the eternity that can be remembered in the mind forever.

Everyone has forgotten the existence of such a body, will not remember his body carrying the rich darkness, nor will they know that the darkness has turned into a new soul consciousness, and become another individual besides independence and Yue Zhong. But Qi Xiaomeng still remembered that even knowing all of this, she wouldn't try to wipe it out, after all, it was the long sleep of the real hero in her heart.

That dark weight runs through the ancient and modern human civilization, and it can only suppress it to continue to sleep. It can only be a long and generous historical girl, but when Qi Xiaomeng's memory is smashed into the infinite plane, he can no longer find it. Come back, then no one will remember.

"So you feel lonely when you come out?" Bamamei said silently in her heart. She suddenly had sympathy for a Warcraft, maybe it just wanted everyone to notice it again?

The goodness in Bamamei's heart began to prevail, and the practice of the other's forehead seemed to be very harmful but did not hurt anyone, nor did he ever think of killing himself, just like the fierce battle in the mall building, it was actually just a battle Pranks with ulterior motives?

Yue Zhong kept watching Ba Mami's expression changing until he saw the hesitant emergence, and then said aloud: "Sister, don't be fooled by the surface phenomenon. What I am good at doing should be clear to you. "

"At least don't make a conclusion easily without a thorough understanding." Yue Zhong felt strange, after all, he was talking about his bad words.

Ming Ying who couldn't understand the dialogue between them ran back and shouted deliberately: "Don't say anything that people don't understand, come over and see what I found!"

At that time, Bama Mei, who had been awake, looked at Yue Zhong and nodded. A dark experience was justified. Yue Zhong invited them to come here to make her understand the same thing, but Ming Ying can have What I found was a windfall?

I walked a hundred meters to keep up with Ming Ying, and here has reached the edge of the orchard base, and what Ming Ying said is a hole in the corner of the wall.

Orange's little head looked up proudly: "The breath here is stronger than anywhere else. I asked the patrol people. They said that they didn't find this hole when they arrived here yesterday."

As Ming Ying said, Ba Mamei also found anomalies in Warcraft breath after stepping forward, it seems that the person has stayed here recently.

"Let's dig and see." Bamami called the patrol at the orchard base. With the efforts of a few people and a large security guard carrying a shovel, the pit in the corner of the wall was quickly excavated. The tall and very heavy box was buried underneath. When the patrol members were struggling to lift it to the ground and were about to open it, Yue Zhong stopped it.

"Don't move first, this thing is not safe."

If it is a trap left by Warcraft, it is indeed a very dangerous thing for ordinary people. The people of the base patrol are also very interesting flash people, leaving Yue Zhong and three others alone to face the heavy wooden box.

"Isn't there a bomb inside?" Ming Ying took two steps back and said in awe at the wooden box.

"We will come here and he can surely guess, so leaving something that will be discovered must be one of his plans." Bama Mei pondered for a moment and then said, "And according to his previous style of seeing Takihara It’s really possible that it’s a bomb."

Yue Zhong held a resolver, an instrument that can completely resolve the surrounding space components, and can also confirm the contents of the object, so Yue Zhong shook his head and said: "Inside is a remote control center that controls the Self-Defense Force anti-ship missile. The open mechanism locked a corporate building called the Inoue Consortium in Takihara, and if it was opened, the missile would be launched immediately and the building would be blown up."

"It must have discovered one of the murderers who murdered my father-in-law, but we intend to use our hands to start this program." There is no secret between Yue Zhong and the dark body, so all the layouts that the other party can think of , Also within Yue Zhong's scope of thinking.

"It turned out to be revenge for my father-in-law, and borrowing your hand can also allow the pan-planet to catch a current situation. It seems that it knows a Bama wants to understand the key, "But how could such a simple conspiracy hide from you? "

Yue Zhong smiled and shook his head with a wry smile: "The key is that the missile will also be delayed if we don't start it. It was already set when it was just excavated. I didn't get the data immediately. This is the time difference it hits."

"But if you didn't start it, the Legal Supervisory Court can't find you on your head?" Bamamei asked doubtfully.

Yue Zhong raised his head and looked at the sky. The original clear blue sky unconsciously appeared a dark dark cloud. The sense of crisis that was very familiar but also strange was constantly coming towards him. He used this method once. I have dealt with many people, but today it’s my turn to feel uncomfortable.

"The Law Court will naturally distinguish right from wrong, but how can we explain to this world that a World of Warcraft is premeditated revenge? Once the chain of revenge is opened and everyone knows it, then I must be the enemy of the whole world again. In the process, it There will be countless opportunities, and I will only be able to cope with it." There is no anxiety in Yue Zhong's eyes, instead he shows a strong interest. Presumably this time the same expression will appear to that person, "But once my game starts, it will not Stopped easily. If there is no wrong guess, the delayed launch time of the missile will be three o'clock in the afternoon, when Xiaoqing just finished school."

Yue Zhong finished the prelude of this layout in one sentence. Since the other party knew that nothing could be concealed from Yue Zhong, then naturally he would not take a conspiracy way slowly. As soon as he shot it, the thunder will force Yue Zhong into desperation. And the counterattack under that desperate situation is Yue Zhong’s strength, but it will not give him this opportunity, and there is no secret between them.

"Sister Xue, Sakura Sakura, ready for the battle tonight. Since it has already shot, there is no reason to stop. The night of seeing Takihara will not be too peaceful."

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