Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1132: Anomalies in Raccoon Village

"Hurry your head down, don't show it out of the window." Teacher Saito also doesn't know what happened there, but seeing such a violent explosion, maybe a projectile will fly over far, and rashly expose the body to the empty There may be students injured or even killed.

At this time, Mr. Saito remembered the phone call he received at noon. He used to think that the student’s parents’ voice was strange, but he said that accidents will happen during the afternoon after school. Going home, now he was really told by him.

Parents of more than 30 students in the class, every Saito teacher knew, but she couldn't tell who the voice was on the phone in a short while, and it was not like the most suspicious Yue Zhong?

It’s really dangerous outside now. Teacher Saito is also a very responsible person, so she decided to temporarily leave the students in the classroom before confirming what happened: “Classmates, something seems to be happening outside, the teacher went to see Depending on the situation, you should be careful not to run around. It is best to squat under the table and not stand up.

After talking, Mr. Saito hurriedly opened the door and prepared to walk to the principal's office. If Raccoon Primary School could get the news, the principal should be the first to know.

Just walked down the stairs on the second floor, Mr. Saito's cell phone rang again. It was the man at noon: "Mr. Saito, Raccoon Elementary School has already entered a dangerous person, please pay attention to protect the safety of students, and solemnly warn, That man is extremely dangerous!"

"Who the **** are you?" Teacher Saito feels that he has been involved in a bizarre incident, and there will be dangerous characters?

"It doesn't matter who I am, I just hope you can fulfill the responsibility of a teacher. In addition, you can rest assured that the other party will not take any drastic actions before discovering the target."

The voice on the phone was disconnected when it was said here, but it didn't sound like it had hung up the phone directly. The noise from the interference before it ended was more like being blocked by something.

At the moment, Mr. Saito, who had walked to the entrance of the teaching building and was about to go to the office building, saw Yue Zhong who walked in from the entrance of the school: "Is he the dangerous person?"

Teacher Saito thinks that Yue Zhong thinks he is a very kind person, but since there was a phone call to remind her that she had to pay more attention to Yue Zhong's behavior, this view also found something wrong with him.

It stands to reason that he has been here several times. Raccoon Primary School has only such a place, so he does not have to stand on the playground and look around. What is he looking for?

Because of the strange phone call, Mr. Saito didn't dare to meet him immediately, but the other party had already seen her, and was approaching her with a smile. Teacher Saito couldn't help feeling a panic, pretending not to see him straight toward the office Go upstairs.

I hope he can keep up, if there is really anything, it is best not to let the students be affected...

There was an unexpected accident outside the school. Xiao Meiqing, who was timid, had been squatting under the table obediently at the command of Saito, but she was worried. This emotion lasted for more than ten minutes. Xiao Meiqing finally moved. .

The brother-in-law had already appeared at the entrance of the school just after class, so once the open place was in danger, even the bunker could not be found. Will the brother-in-law be okay?

Thinking of this, Xiao Meiqing felt anxious in her heart to stand up and look at the situation. Seeing the obedient Xiao Meiqing actually wanting to violate the teacher's regulations, Rikako Hikada quickly pulled her and said, "Xiao Qing, what do you do, the teacher said It’s dangerous outside now."

"But my brother-in-law is outside." Xiao Meiqing is stubborn and can't be easily pulled by others. She is worried about Yue Zhong's safety and no longer thinks about other things to prepare to stand up.

When her eyes turned to the playground, the sky outside was now calm, and Yue Zhong, who was standing at the school gate, was nowhere to be seen. Where did he go?

Xiao Meiqing's doubts are deeper. If the brother-in-law knows that he is in danger to protect himself in advance, then he should have appeared at the door of the classroom at this time.

At this moment, the sky has just finished intercepting the missile. The black and purple mech has landed from the sky, and the driver inside can't wait to jump out, and he is intoxicated and called: "Boss, do you see it, I put The missile is down. Is this mech a new technology of Xiaomei's family? It's really amazing. In the case of a missile explosion, there is no damage at all. Wouldn't it be possible to dominate the world if there were more than a few hundred? "

"Don't be surprised, go to Raccoon Elementary School immediately, pay attention to turning on the optical hiding system and don't let others discover that once an unknown high-energy object approaches, it will lead him to a predetermined location, and then report on what happens afterwards."

At the moment, Yue Zhong, who should have appeared in Raccoon Primary School, was actually in the motorcycle repair shop where the speed party gangs Two consecutive calls to Mr. Saito were also made by the leader of the speed party. Now, the communication of the entire Raccoon Elementary School has been completely cut off, and there is no way to get information from it.

"How dare you, how can you bear to look for Xiaoqing?" Yue Zhong's face was surprisingly calm, and he looked up towards Raccoon Primary School. "If so, what qualifications do you have to replace me?"

The opponent has already made a move, and Yue Zhong does not intend to respond passively, so everything that happened this afternoon was indeed deployed by him. Hideo Luzawa's driving talent is very high, although he can't use weapons on the armor to fight, but Controlling it hitting a high-speed missile is not an impossible task.

As for the speed party pretending to be a student’s parent, it’s mysterious and unexpectedly realistic. The target appeared at the door of Raccoon Primary School. The elementary school looked for clues. Today is its first appearance. It is also seen by Yue Zhong, who is hidden in the motorcycle repair shop.

"Warcraft is not a ghost after all, no one stipulates that they can't move in the daytime, I know you want to avoid me to find Xiaoqing, but in any case will not make you wish." Yue Zhong left the motorcycle repair shop towards the raccoon As the elementary school progressed, he and the dark body knew each other, so if they wanted to hide the other party, they could only use the information that the other party did not know to lay out, and the raccoon village was undoubtedly Yue Zhong’s home field. , That is the stage where the other party plays.

While still halfway through, I could vaguely see an abnormal wind appearing in the sky. It came and went in a hurry. A black shadow came out of the office building to chase the gust of wind. Although it was a little far away, Yue He still sees what he looks like.

"See you tonight."

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