Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1135: New moon rising in the twilight

"Please believe that he is not malicious. If it does exist, Raccoon Elementary School will no longer exist." Yue Zhong unexpectedly said good things to the dark body. "It actually just wanted to meet Xiao Qing, but it was out of the question. For some reason I didn’t intend to let him see Xiao Qing, so you understand, teacher Saito."

Teacher Saito still seems to understand, but Yue Zhong did not give her too much time to think and then said: "I did have grievances before it and need to be resolved, but that should not involve Xiaoqing, or even want our The incident affected her normal life, so she will continue to go to Raccoon Elementary School in the next time. If it appears again, I will inform Teacher Saito by other means in advance."

Yue Zhong put the kitchen knife aside, turned around and sincerely looked at Saito Chiwa and said, "I will have other arrangements for other people too, at least don't let it touch Xiaoqing until my grievances with it are over, please You must do me a favor."

Teacher Saito hesitated for a long time before he nodded and sighed: "Yes, who makes me like Xiaoqing, does that person really threaten the safety of other students at Raccoon Primary School?"

"Thank you, I can assure you that no one knows him better than me." Yue Jiantou thanked, "I will keep this kindness in my heart, and it will be difficult to repay a dinner, so I Will do some other things. Teacher Saito just needs to wait for my good news."

Teacher Saito looked at Yue Zhong with some surprise. At this moment, his temperament finally overlapped with the person he saw in the office building. Their eyes were equally penetrating. The secret that he had hidden for ten years was in the eyes of the other party. Nowhere to escape.

"Mr. Saito shouldn't be from the raccoon village. In fact, this is not a big deal. Even if you are used to the life here, you still have to pay for some mistakes." After saying this, Yue Zhong again Change back to the smile like Mu Chunfeng, and turned to continue to deal with the ingredients for dinner.

He has only met with him a few times, and if he wants to investigate anything, it should have started today, but with this little understanding, he really has no room for rejection.

Half an hour later, a dinner that was not rich but full was ready. Yue Zhong went upstairs and called Xiao Meiqing to eat with Mr. Saito. During the meal, they were very tacit. Speaking of what happened today, Yue Zhong only learned about the recent study of Xiao Meiqing from Mr. Saito, and it is completely a posture of the teacher's home visit.

The time soon came to 7 pm, and the home of Mr. Saito was near Raccoon Primary School. After Yue Zhong walked with Xiao Meiqing to take her back, she met the uneasy Luze Hideo on the road.

The crescent moon is still dim in the afterglow of the setting sun. It’s really not easy to find it if you hang it in the sky without looking carefully. The dark black asphalt road exudes a quiet fragrance, and Hideo Lusawa squats on the side of the road and sees them coming. Later, with some reluctant smiles and Yue Zhong greeted: "Boss."

Now that Hideo Ozawa has met with his dark body, Yue Zhong surely guessed that the other party would not do nothing, but as long as he seizes him and does not understand the situation of Raccoon Village, he is ready to take the lead. , Don't worry too much about things after that, as Hideo Lusawa will betray him...

"I'm going back to see Takihara in the evening, please give it away." Yue Zhong wouldn't say that much in front of Xiao Meiqing, so it was just a simple command.

Luze Hideo nodded, but he still looked weak. He knew him and knew that he was not a bad person. Xiao Meiqing treated him like an uncle and aunt gardener in the manor. Quiet concern: "Brother Xiufu, do you have any concerns?"

"It's okay, but suddenly I'm in a bad mood." Hideo Lusawa made his smile brighter as much as possible. Any misunderstanding in his heart was a burden when facing such a kind and innocent little girl.

The reason why he showed this look is that he deliberately showed it to Yue Zhong, because Hideo Luze was not sure what Yue Zhong would know after he talked with that person, even though Yue Zhongping usually looked very Kindness, but with this experience of contact, Hideo Ozawa always feels that everything is an illusion.

"Oh." Since Hideo Luzawa didn't want much, Xiao Meiqing didn't ask one more question even if she was curious in her heart. In the evening time, she and her brother-in-law had the most leisure time of the day, and she couldn't waste it on other things.

As if I had completely forgotten what happened this afternoon, and walked happily on the dim road of Xiaohui, Xiao Meiqing's face was only light and warm.

Before returning home, Yue Zhong spoke and said: "Xiao Qing, my brother-in-law has something to see in the downtown area of ​​Takihara. Remember to go to bed after watching a comic."

"Oh." Xiao Meiqing nodded cleverly. Just now Yue Zhong said that she would meet Takihara at night. Originally, Xiao Meiqing thought that her brother-in-law would accompany himself to watch a Wait until he sleeps. left.

However, Xiao Meiqing did not linger on Yue Zhong. In the past, parents and mothers were too busy to spend time with her. It was already used to staying alone at home.

Yue Zhong bent down and rubbed Xiao Meiqing's head with a smile and said, "If you are bored, invite your classmates to play together. Today, my brother-in-law will come back later."

After talking, Yue Zhong took out the prepared mobile phone and the address book of the two-year and three-class students from Mr. Saito, and gave it to Xiao Meiqing. He had already thought about these things during the cooking.

"Thank you brother-in-law." Xiao Meiqing took the mobile phone and the address book in surprise. She had never thought of inviting other classmates to be guests at home. The brother-in-law is certainly very good, but some topics can only be said between peers. More interesting.

Yue Zhong smiled tenderly, waved his hand and said goodbye to Xiao Meiqing, and then walked straight into the car driven by Hideo Lusawa.

"Boss, Boss, I have something to tell you." Hideo Luzawa had been hiding in the car before, thinking about it or deciding to tell Yue Zhong what he talked with that person today, "Today you let me lead The person who left asked me about Raccoon Village..."

Yue Zhong opened the window and let the evening wind pass by the speeding car, squinting slightly under the strong wind: "What do you think? If you think it can achieve its own revenge and ambition, it should be now It is already driving the mech and it is gone."

The mech will naturally not be easily taken away by others. Xiao Meiyan has already done preventive work when designing it. If Yue Zhong is willing, the internal folding space will easily tear the driver inside. , Yue Zhong said this is just a joke, he is not interested in the content of the conversation between Hidezawa and his own, because that is also what he can say.

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