Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1159: Weekend holiday

The railway that originally collapsed due to the influence of its own dark body lost much of its uncontrollable maneuvers, and the repair progressed much faster than expected. Not only did the collapsed stratum regain balance to allow the land to penetrate, it has been shrouded in Tokyo. A large cumulonimbus cloud in the direction of Takihara ran unscrupulously during this time, and I saw the sun shining on the earth for the first time today.

However, Yue Zhong had fallen asleep when the sentence was broadcast in the news. If the main railway from Tokyo to Osaka was unblocked, it would mean that her arrival time would be earlier.

There are some problems Yue Zhong wants to get answers from her, but when facing her, she cannot be as calm as when facing Qi Xiaomeng, because as long as there is a little conscience in her heart, she always feels a little bit self-confident.

The course arrangement of Raccoon Elementary School is much easier than in the city. Xiao Meiqing herself also arrived at the school today. When her friend invited her to visit her home in the afternoon, she realized that there were no classes in the afternoon.

Today Yue Zhong didn't even have time to prepare breakfast. Naturally, he didn't prepare Xiaoqing's lunch at noon. It has to be said that letting men take children is indeed a very unreliable thing. Sometimes they even deal with their own lives in a mess.

Fortunately, there was no class in the afternoon, Xiao Meiqing declined the invitation of the classmates and explained that she would go home to visit her mother every weekend. In just four days, Xiao Meiqing had completely accepted the students who are members of the class. It suddenly occurred to me that Xiao Meiqing was not the child here, but Miss Qianjin from the city.

However, after a brief silence, many children who had never seen a big city erupted in greater enthusiasm, and asked Xiao Meiqing to take them into the city to see, knowing that their identity is best not to be exposed. It's a dilemma. On the one hand, she is willing to spend a happy weekend with her classmates, on the one hand, she is afraid that she will make trouble for her brother-in-law.

Xiao Meiqing gently squeezed the corner of her clothes and somehow refused to prevent the friendship that was finally established because of her "littleness", so I didn't expect a word for a long time. I could only sit on the seat. When you look out of the window.

Before she was allowed to wait for long, Teacher Saito appeared like a savior. She saw that the students were still in the classroom after school and didn’t go home. They didn’t know what happened, so they came and looked at it. For Xiao Meiqing, Xie Qing said: "Xiao Qing's family is in the city, did your parents agree that you left home on the weekend? They all hurried home to help. Although the sowing of watermelon has been completed in recent days, the spring tillage is not over yet. a little."

Teacher Saito is still very influential among the students. The children think of one out and one out. Now they think of going to the city to play without consulting with their families. Doubles, so both of them quickly extinguished this thought.

Knowing that Xiao Meiqing had to wait for her parents to pick them up, the students in Class Two of the second year did not ask her to leave school. The classroom that was full of Dangdang was soon emptied. Xiao Meiqing saw that Saito had not left and looked at herself. With a stoic expression, he quickly said, "Teacher, my brother-in-law said you are invited to visit our house together this weekend. He promised you something already in sight."

Xiao Meiqing’s cleverness in the past five days has been fully realized by the teacher. In addition to sports, she is much worse than the children who grew up in the mountains. Whether it is a cultural class or music and art, other students need to look up. 'S existence, now she can't hide her from even a little careful thinking.

"Thank you for your invitation, the teacher went to do a home visit." Teacher Saito pulled up the windows and curtains of the classroom, and finally looked at the school door facing the window. She didn't find Yue Zhong's figure, "Yue Does Mr. Chong not know that there is no class this afternoon?"

Xiao Meiqing hesitated and nodded. She didn't know it, so she wouldn't tell Yue Zhong. If Teacher Saito didn't say it, it should be.

"Then I'll send you back together." Teacher Saito took Xiao Meiqing's hand out of the classroom, locked the door and pulled off the electric gate, and went towards her and Yue Zhong's home in Raccoon Village.

After coming to the school gate, the school staff who guarded the gate were also ready to lock the door. The midday sun was the heaviest day of the day. Xiao Meiqing turned over a small umbrella from the schoolbag and handed it to Mr. Saito very sensible.

Teacher Saito looked at the parasol that could only cover one person and waved his hand: "Xiao Qing is very happy to have this kind of heart teacher. The sunshine teacher here has already got used to it. "

"Thank you teacher." Xiao Meiqing put the umbrella aside and pulled out a bottle of sunscreen from her schoolbag. "Teacher, use this! This was bought by Sister Asami."

Mr. Saito refused to refuse this Then I squeezed it out and applied it to my face and gave it back to Xiao Meiqing: "Can I go now?"

"Huh!" Xiao Meiqing held up the umbrella, and the other hand took the initiative to pull Saito Chiwa.

As the two were walking, Mr. Saito was very curious about what Xiao Meiqing carried in her schoolbag, but if she asked, she might be understood by Xiao Meiqing that she would not allow students to bring some to school, so she suffocated her stomach. in.

It’s not far from the raccoon elementary school to the white mansion under the cherry tree. I walked quickly for more than ten minutes and arrived. Somewhat strangely, knocking on the door didn’t respond. Chiwa Saito leaned over and looked at Xiao Meiqing and asked, “Yue Is Mr. Zhong going out?"

"Brother-in-law may still be sleeping. He drew one night's painting last night." Xiao Meiqing took out the key herself, but the position of the door lock was a little high, and she extended her hand on tiptoe to get it.

Saito Chiwa really wanted to take the key to the door, but the door of the foreign house opened from the inside.

Yue Zhong came out with a mess of hair, and had some confused eyes. When he saw Teacher Saito, he immediately woke up: "Xiao Qing is out of school, and Teacher Saito is also coming. Sorry, I just woke up, no I know there are guests."

After letting the porch open, Yue Zhong asked Xiao Meiqing to sit down with the teacher in the living room and rushed into the bathroom to clean up her personal hygiene.

Yue Zhong, who Mr. Saito used to see, was still clean, but after seeing it today, he was a little curious: "Mr. Yue Zhong usually looks like this?"

"Sister-in-law sometimes is very focused on things. If no one reminds, it is easy to forget to sort out his image." Xiao Meiqing's eyes fell on the picture beside the window involuntarily. Be used to it."

In fact, it is another bad habit that was acquired by the girl in the painting in front of Xiao Meiqing.

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