Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1164: First sight

Before returning to Xiaomei's manor, Lumuda also saw the boundless scale of the manor and the majestic bodyguards at the door. His eyelids could not help but jump: "Sister, are we really going to eat here, how can I feel a little scared?" ."

"This is Xiaomei's house, don't you know it?" Lumu Yuanxiang asked in confusion, she didn't know what was terrible for Xiaomei's house.

"Who sees Takihara who doesn't know Xiaomei's family, but our family seems to have nothing to do with their family?" Lu Muda also looked at his sister with a guilty conscience, "Sister, you shouldn't be Go wrong."

"I remember I said, the old lady of Xiaomei's family and I were classmates or good friends." Lumu Yuanxiang said blankly, "Aren't you?"

Lu Muda finally couldn't stand her sister's forgetfulness: "When did you say that!"

"Thinking of it, when you went to kindergarten, one day Xiaoyan came to my house to play, I introduced it to you, she also hugged you, you naughty almost urinated Xiaoyan at that time. Lumu Yuanxiang said with great certainty, holding both hands in her fists.

"I was only three years old at that time, where would I remember so clearly."

The two siblings were arguing and arguing on the side. The bodyguard on duty in front of the gate of the manor separated two people to drive them away, but after finding out that it was Lumu Yuanxiang, they quickly changed their mouths and invited them in.

"Grandpa is already waiting for the two, please please."

"Hurry and go, it's rude to be late." Lumu Yuanxiang finally figured out that Tada had no notes at all, but she didn't want to admit that she was getting bigger and bigger. The bodyguard came to invite the opportunity to quickly change the topic.

After honestly entering the manor, Lumu Yuanxiang, who had been there once, walked ahead quickly, and Lumuda also followed closely, and asked curiously, "The bodyguard uncle just said aunt Does that mean Sister Yan is married?"

"That's right, or your sister Mami helped them register the marriage session." Lumu Yuanxiang was very clear about this matter.

"Sister, you see that you are also a man of Bensan. When will you bring me a brother-in-law to come back? I heard that you have many male colleagues who chase you in the anime club. The famous cartoonist Fujita Kojiro, and the president do not I was just in my early thirties, and I heard that he liked you very much, so don’t you think about it?” Lumu Tatsuya’s news seemed to be very well-informed. Even his sister who was far away in Tokyo knew everything about her.

Lumu Yuanxiang was not urged to get married on the first day. Every time he came home, he had to face his parents’ words and bombardment. Now even Da, who has been listening to him, is anxious about her marriage. Lumu Yuan Xiang wanted to tell them that she was different from ordinary girls, but she couldn't say it every time.

There was no way to nag his parents, but Lu Muda also brought it to her door. Lu Mu Yuan Xiang did not let go, and soon the horribly screams came from the gardening promenade of the manor.

At this time, Yue Chong was taking Xiao Meiqing to stand at the observatory and peering at the sister and the two. After seeing this scene, she couldn't help laughing and said: "Xiao Qing, you see their sister's feelings are really good."

Xiao Meiqing always corrects her eyes with myopia, and doesn't see clearly with the telescope, but since her brother-in-law said so, it must be.

If my sister is still at home, will you have a good relationship with her?

Xiao Meiqing lowered her head and thought for a while, only to find that she understood her sister completely through other people, but she had no impression of herself: "If the sister is still there, maybe there is no me at all... …"

Xiao Meiqing feels lost every time she thinks about this problem, but she is now more courageous than before, hiding in the back of her brother-in-law’s invisible back for a moment, and then bringing a smile on her back, which the brother-in-law cannot help Own, Xiaoqing must be strong!

It was still some time before the meal. Brother Lumu got the deacon's guidance and went to the observatory. Yue Zhong also led Xiao Meiqing at the entrance where they met.

The sun is still warm today, but the enthusiasm that is not enough at noon is very gentle.

"Tatsuya, this is Yue Zhong's brother, this is Xiao Qing's sister."

"Xiaoqing, this is your younger sister Lu Xiangda of Yuanxiang."

Yue Zhong and Lumu Yuanxiang spoke the introduction at almost the same time, and then both laughed loudly. Although they were not funny jokes, they both found them very interesting.

Just like the two friends who led the children to meet, when the gap between each other was eliminated on the Pinghu boat in the afternoon, Yue Zhong was no longer afraid of facing Lumu Yuanxiang, and Xiaoyuan also tolerated Yue Zhong’s design. Own thing.

Xiao Meiqing, who saw the stranger, no longer hid behind Yue Zhong, and generously shouted Da Ye's brother, but Lu Muda was also in a daze, still reacted after being shot by Madoka on the back of the head, Quickly say hello: "Brother Yue Zhong, hello, my sister said that you saved us before, but I was too young to remember anything at that But Brother Yue Zhong should remember me."

"Sister Xiaoqing is very cute. She is in what grade? In which school?"

Lumuda is also a person with strong social skills. Although he will reveal his nature in front of his sister, complaining that the girls in the school are too enthusiastic about him, but as long as Lumuyuanxiang is not, then he is still that personable. The prince-like characters have nothing to pick on when dealing with others, but they are not too close to anyone.

"Of course I remember that you have been bolder than others since you were small, and seeing Takihara is full of murderous monsters, but you sleep soundly." Yue Zhong extended his hand with a smile, and took Lumu Taya's hand actively. Then, he said to Lumu Yuanxiang again, "Xiaoyuan, I can't see that you have become so violent. I have seen you beat your own brother twice."

Lumu Yuanxiang was so embarrassed and replied straightforwardly: "He is my younger brother, I don’t teach him who to educate, don’t look at him as a little sensible now, he was naughty when he was in elementary school, and went to the girl’s drawer Put a dead rat in it, apply glue to the classmate’s chair, wipe the board on the door before class and smash the teacher, he did everything. I was still in high school at the time, and I could meet children every time I went home Crying and complaining to me, I had to clean him up every day at that time, and then I seemed to get used to it..."

Madoka started to count Lumu Tatsuya's guilt. It was no surprise that she was able to manage her younger brother, Yue Zhong, but the smile on Lumu Tatsuya's face soon stopped, and he finally felt It was awkward to stay here, and when I wanted to find a reason to slip away, I suddenly saw Xiao Meiqing's little hand pointing at the observatory.

Thankfully nodded towards Xiaomeiqing, Lumuda also shouted and ran into the closed observatory: "Sister, the astronomical equipment here is much more advanced than the school, I will go look at it first!"

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