Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1166: Peep 2 people

"The work of the cartoon club also includes going to the country to investigate potential cartoonists. I think you have great potential. Come on, I am optimistic about you. Ranwen" Lumu Yuanxiang re-attached her headband and tipped her toes to pat. Yue Zhong said with a shoulder.

"Hey, you have learned to be lazy, Madoka, can this world be better!"

In the first half of the meeting, Yue Zhong has not fully accepted the changes that have happened to Lumu Yuanxiang in more than a decade, so his surprise today is more than two weeks after coming to this world. The melting pot of society can change anyone, Even Lumu Yuanxiang is no exception, although there are also reasons for her to actively seek secularization, but its influence can still be seen.

However, once accepted the change of Madoka, Yue Zhong feels pretty good. After all, a goddess who does not eat human fireworks needs to get along, it is easy to feel humble and sinful.

After talking about the business, the two walked into the observatory lightly, and they all wanted to see how Lu Muda, who had been harassed by girls in school and had an aversion, would also play Xiao Meiqing.

So Yue Zhong and Lumu Yuanxiang sneaked into the gate of the observatory and squatted behind a metal gate to hide.

Yue Zhong held the big brother and big detector in his hand, and many particles-like small robots flew out into the observatory. Lumu Yuanxiang followed him with interest and peeped at his brother: "What are you? Is it also that Homura invented it?"

"Well, when Xiaoqing goes to school every morning, I will quietly put a security detector next to her." Yue Zhong further changed the shape of the big brother into a 9-inch screen to detect the small robot around. All the data and real-time images are transmitted back to form four faceted images.

After all the data information was hidden, Xiao Meiqing and Lumu Daye's every move was in his sight from four different angles.

Lumuda in the observatory is indeed interested in these sophisticated and expensive equipment. In addition to being the vice president of the municipal high school student union, he is also a backbone member of the Astronomy Association.

Xiao Meiqing knows how to use the astronomical observation equipment at home, and Lumuda also has relatively rich astronomical knowledge. When the two stay together, Xiaoqing helps Lumuda to be familiar with these devices, and Lumuda also It is vividly talking about the discoveries of this period and those major astronomical history.

A girl like Xiaoqing who is clever and sensible and never troubles others will be liked by everyone. Lumuda was also struck by the gorgeous dress and noble temperament when she first saw her, but now he I really like this sister Xiaoqing.

"The same astronomical phenomenon will have different discoveries at different observation points, but the relative position of the earth is relatively fixed. The discovery at the same time will not be much different, but there will always be there at the lunar base. Different reports are sent out."

Xiao Meiqing looked at the yearning that Lu Muda also showed, and hesitated and said: "If the Hokkaido Aerospace Center, I can help you ask your brother-in-law if he can give Daye brother the opportunity to go to the moon base."

"Very good, thank you Xiaoqing, I have long wanted to go to the lunar base to see, but without such aerospace training, there is no such opportunity." Lu Muda also said happily, "Three years ago through the earth The meteor group is the largest meteor shower in 120 years, and its fall location is in the Kagoshima region of country j. I used to be in junior high school at that time, or please ask the local magic girl to help me A meteorite, next time I bring it to Xiaoqing as a gift."

Xiao Meiqing asked with some expectation: "Is it pretty?"

"It's surface layer has been worn very seriously when passing through the atmosphere, but the core is a magnificence that all the minerals known to the earth do not have. I have verified in the school's testing center that it has no radioactivity and other hazards. The accessories and are very beautiful. Xiaoqing's accessories are very valuable, I hope you don't dislike them."


Listening to his brother actually chatting so speculatively with girls other than himself, Lumu Yuanxiang not only felt sad but laughed happily: "My brother is really popular with girls, you and your sister say that Qing is very introverted. Isn't she having a good conversation with Tatsuya?"

"Don't be so proud of Xiaoyuan, it's also Xiaoqing's charm, otherwise why wouldn't your brother, who is pursued by girls every day, perfume her." Yue Zhong was not very happy, and heard Lumu Yuanxiang boasting about her brother. The voice retorted.

After the eyes of the two people who continued to argue, collided, they suddenly fell silent.

"If it is possible in the future..." Lumu Yuanxiang hesitated to say the possibility that she suddenly thought of, but after seeing Xiao Meiqing and Xiaoyan's similar gestures, she finally failed to speak in front of Yue Zhong complete.

Yue Zhong does not know how to answer. Xiao Qing will grow up under his protection. If she really meets a person she likes and intends to be with him, what reason does she have to stop?

But if it is tacit, there is a kind of unspeakable uncomfortable in my Maybe many fathers who send their daughters to marry in the world will have such a mixed heart.

"I respect her choice, but Xiaoqing is still young. It's too advanced to talk about these." Yue Zhong can only use this reason to comfort himself, and also answer Lumu Yuanxiang.

"Yes, she is too young, and Heda is nearly ten years old." Lumu Yuanxiang also said that her family would care about the marriage of her older woman. Her younger brother was only 16 years old. I can't wait for an arranged marriage, which is just a sincere concern between family members, but often leads to rebellious psychology because of the wrong way.

The two thought about each other, although they had been squatting at the gate of the observatory, but did not notice the feedback on the screen, until Lu Muda also came out with Xiao Meiqing, and it was strange to see the two crouching at the gate. Asked: "Sister, what are you doing here with Brother Yue Zhong?"

"Ah? Look at the scenery!" Lumu Yuanxiang replied quickly after an excited spirit came back.

Lu Muda and Xiao Meiqing both looked at them suspiciously, and Yue Zhong hurriedly said, "Yeah, yeah, looking at the scenery. The terrain here is very high. At a glance, you can see half of the manor. The blue sky and white clouds, The spring breeze is refreshing, and I was intoxicated by accident."

"Well, that's it." Lumu Yuanxiang's chicks nodded like rice pecks, and also looked at Yue Zhong with appreciation. Yue Zhong's ability to speak nonsense with his eyes was still powerful.

"Is that really the case?" Lu Muda actually guessed the answer long ago, but she was afraid to deter her sister's deterrence.

"Sister-in-law, is this really the case?" Xiao Meiqing asked, and Yue Zhong had to awkwardly turn his head away, "Xiaoyuan, is it time to eat?"

Lumuyuan was fragrant and jumped up and said: "Let's go, the stomach will be hungry!"

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