Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1168: Difference of gods

After Mrs. Xiaomei's feelings that had been suppressed in her heart were released, the meaning of this dinner was over. Yue Zhong asked Xiaomeiqing to accompany her to the room, and she sent her sister Lumu home.

They drove them directly to the house. At the invitation of Lumu Yuanxiang, Yue Zhong did not rush back but went to her house as a guest.

The Lumu family house is a very ordinary municipal welfare house. After the destruction of the old Mitaki Takihara, the new Mitaki Takihara was completed, and every Mitaki original resident who lost his home was given such a building. Single-family single-family house, gray stucco comes with a small square of ten square meters, and the surrounding one is the same structure, but because of the different people living and the subsequent renovation, there is also a slight difference, so you don’t need to recognize the house number. Know where is your home.

The time was 8:30 in the evening. At this time, Xiao Meiqing was already asleep, but for Yue Zhong, they were just at night, and Lumuda was also a high school student. He had the freedom to arrange his time on the weekend.

Because of the supper, Lumu Tatsuya's mood was slightly lower. One person went to the room with a handbag and did homework. Lumu Yuanxiang simply made a cup of tea to Yue Zhong, and the two sat on the kotatsu. before.

"Tomorrow we seem to be inconvenient to come to your house to disturb." If Lumu Yuanxiang is willing to open her heart completely, then the words of the heart of the world will be heard by her, but that is undoubtedly a complete deification, not yet planned In this way, she closed her sense of self, but she could still perceive the mood of the person in front of her.

The sadness released by Mrs. Xiaomei is only the tip of the iceberg. Unless Xiaomeiyan can return to that home, she will never put this matter down completely. Now the only thing that can relieve her depression is Xiaomeiqing. , Lumu Yuanxiang didn't want to disturb their mother and daughter too much, but she still needed Yue Zhong to help her own affairs.

"It's okay, Xiaoqing doesn't have any danger in the manor. I'll just come to see you. Sister Mami, you can also invite me to do things in Jian Takihara. With her help, it will be more effective. And we also It should be reported to the magical girl who saw Takihara." Yue Zhong drank a bit of hot tea at once, and his eyes glanced at Madoka's refrigerator.

She didn't know where she offended Mr. Saito. She told Xiaomei Qing that the carbonated drink was too bad to drink, so Xiaoqing filled the refrigerator with fruit and didn't want Yue Zhong to put Coke again.

I quit smoking even myself. Is it too much to drink cola? But he couldn't talk like Xiao Meiqing, he could only buy it secretly while he was back to see Takihara.

"There is only yogurt in the refrigerator, so don't look at it." Lumu Yuanxiang knew some of Yue Zhong's hobbies, but unfortunately she didn't prepare such things at home, "Can you talk about your thoughts, and you in other worlds? What kind of gods are you encountering here?"

Yue Zhong nodded disappointedly, thinking about buying it in a vending machine when he went back: "Except for those who have some knowledge of chemistry and physics and pretend to be ghosts, I actually haven't met my own power like you. Or some kind of transcendent law forces gods that must exist only in consciousness. They are either ambitious generations who have not much difference from ordinary people’s ideas except mastering powerful power, or they need faith Support, otherwise it will become an unknowable thing and disappear from the world forever."

"The thing that people fantasize to master the power that humans cannot control is the god. That is a **** that can be gradually replaced by the development of technology. The typical representatives are the people of Fantasy Township. They are at a lower level on the level of gods. Hierarchy." Yue Zhong said here that Lumu Yuanxiang didn't know what Fantasy Township is. "Sorry, you can imagine a **** that controls natural phenomena, such as the 8 million gods of the Japanese system."

Yue Zhong started from the beginning with some nonsense, but Lumu Yuanxiang was not in a hurry, but nodded and said, "Can you understand, what else?"

"Faith required by further gods is no longer a request that will turn into material, not begging for good weather, not eager to get rich and get married and having children, etc. It is a force that guides the heart, piety, goodness, fanaticism, abstinence, etc. Waiting for the spiritual sustenance, such gods can often build a huge religious system, just like the gods behind the three major religions in the world today, they can still have a foothold in the current progress of technology and society. The meaning of existence will not be replaced or forgotten, but the decline of influence is still inevitable."

Lumu Yuanxiang poured a cup of tea to Yue Zhong, and sat down again to listen carefully with his hands on his knees.

"Unless there are special circumstances, the existence of these gods is often invisible and unknowable, but this kind of invisible unknowability is very different from you. They already have huge limitations in themselves, and if you really escape In the world, the power will be stronger."

"I never wanted to pursue the supreme power, so these are just drags on for me." Lumu Yuanxiang shook his head.

Yue Zhong smiled and said: "Qi Xiaomeng, you should remember, she is a very real She also lived the persistence and kindness she wanted and never actively hurt others. She doesn’t remember who she hates, and power is optional to her, but that’s how it’s invincible.”

"She is an invincible person who has experienced countless ups and downs but is determined, and you?" Yue Zhong sighed lightly. "So far I still don't know how to describe it exactly. Xiaomeng has at least her own pursuit, but You never seem to think about yourself, maybe staying in this world is your only persistence now, but what do you want to stay behind?"

This question Lumu Yuanxiang didn't know how to answer it. For her, seeing others being happy seemed to be her greatest happiness: "Is this why I was chosen?"

"It's not that divine power chose you, but you enlightened such a **** system." Yue Zhong reminded Lumu Yuanxiang Road, "All gods have a birth process, you were born by your own mentality, self-polluting The secular world is against your heart, but it is not a way to change the essence after all. If it is limited to this level, I have a long-lasting way."

"What?" Lumu Yuanxiang asked curiously.

"Today, you can also see Mrs. Xiaomei’s gaffe and sadness. It is the most selfless maternal love and the most sincere emotion in the world. It does not necessarily have to be self-polluting to exist. Having other bonds will also bring you into the world. "Yue Zhong's inexplicable smile, "Mother is a profession in this world that will never have a holiday, from the baby who is waiting to be fed to the youth who has stepped into society after completing education. That is the most basic family relationship that constitutes human society. It will not let you No matter how hard it is to think about other things, it won’t leave everything behind and be deified."

"As your family cares about, find someone to marry and raise one or several children to grow up. This is the easiest way to operate."

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