Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1176: Void Research Group

The shape of the material plane overlooking the void differs from person to person, but it is impossible to be its original face, but it is only a three-dimensional projection of each person's horizon. The reason for the difference is the material plane carried by each individual Factors are different, so whether humans or other intelligent life bodies leave the main structure of the plane group by virtue of excellent wisdom crystallization, but they are still part of the material plane group.

No physical life can exist independently in the void for a long time, because the material plane observed from the void itself is a continuous generation of the future, and there are countless cycles that have been gradually engulfed in the past. Individual individuals cannot produce a systemic cycle. , So after losing the connection with the material plane, it can only dissipate.

The Valkyrie Rangers organization is a powerful organization that masters the technology of traveling in the void, but the basis of traveling in the void still depends on the space and entity of the physical world, and this space entity is also the same as the time and aspect of the physical world when it is detached. The characteristics remain the same. To put it simply, their time lapse is the same, and they cannot enter other time nodes that have already happened.

Enter the past and future of any plane as you like and make changes. That is the technology that pan-plane organization has not thoroughly mastered, and it is impossible to master in the foreseeable future. The space-time paradox of the plane has already been It is a hard-to-repair loophole and is prohibited from personal use. It takes more genius to realize this scientific research bottleneck, not to mention the enlargement to the entire material plane group. The consequences of any difference are not One or two planes are as simple as space-time turbulence, and the entire group of material planes will collapse, and then be re-incorporated into the void.

But huge risks are also accompanied by huge benefits. Humans have never lacked such an adventurous spirit, so similar research is being carried out in organizations across all planes, but progress is slow because of the serious consequences.

Every organization wants to lead others in controlling this technology, which means absolute control of the material plane group, no longer just the space-time shuttle of the individual planes or the simultaneous crossing of the planes at the same time. It is a complete grasp of the past and future of the material plane. At that point, any organization that does not reach the same level of scientific research will be as small as humans view ants. The person who owns it can even devour the endless void in turn. The coverage of the face group is spread without convergence until it touches the edge of the void to see a higher level of realm.

Today Xiaomei Yan is engaged in research work in this area, riding on the Void Vehicle of the Valkyrie Ranger, and shuttles back and forth between material and virtual space with many of the same genius researchers, and occasionally jointly organizes on the Earth Source Panplane The forces stayed in the marginal plane without control, supplementing the space-time stability of the vehicle like a car refueling, and then entered the void to start an experiment that never seemed to have an end.

With the focus and patience that even a genius can't reach, Xiao Meiyan gradually narrowed the gap between her and the Valkyrie Rangers' technological generation gap, but now she is still a very ordinary researcher, even if she has been against her for a long time She was quite confident and took her to see the leaders of the organization, but she still needs to start with the most basic researcher.

Not only did Xiao Meiyan have no opinion on this, but she was willing to do so. Her only fun was to explore the unknown. Now that there are so many unknowns waiting for her to discover, why is Xiao Meiyan not happy?

The only thing that surprised Xiao Meiyan was that she thought that the extreme matriarchal social extension of the Valkyrie Rangers, which pursued the feminine supremacy, was just a gimmick made by the leader of the organization, but only after she met her did she know that she was real. Think so, and many people in the organization believe it.

This makes Xiao Meiyan feel crazy and unreasonable, but it is really there, just like a magical civilization that has maintained the same social system from the primitive period of totem worship to the stage of plane travel, the world is unique. , Even beyond the limits of human imagination, overthrows all seemingly insurmountable truths.

"Xiao Meiyan, you are doing such meaningless things again." Xiao Meiyan can always squeeze a little time to do something in her busy work, just like Yue Zhong saw the sky and stars change, then It was indeed her voice, hoping that Yue Zhong would not get lost in Fan Hanshi’s time killing game, but the research team leader in the vehicle saw her behavior was not good.

Not because she made a mistake, or because Xiao Meiyan was on a small mission, but because the person she wanted to contact was a man. Although it was not a taboo issue in the Valkyrie Rangers organization, it was generally despised. behavior.

They either have an irreconcilable hatred with a man, or they look down on their own homosexuality who often fails to control their rationality.

"It is impossible for you to completely convey the information to a certain plane in the void, and the incomplete information cannot be cracked at all, but it will increase the risk of exposure of the vehicle Is this responsible?" The person in charge of the scientific research group is an intellectual beauty with plain glasses, but she seems very reluctant to expose her excess skin, always covering herself strictly.

Xiao Meiyan's eyes are as bottomless as the abyss. Even if she is facing a team leader whose knowledge level and status are above herself, she does not have any emotion of awe, just like when she faces any stranger: "No prohibition matters. , I can do it."

"But you are just wasting time."

Xiaomei Yan lifted her long hair in front of her shoulders, and said, "I can't do this before, but I can at least do it now."

"So what? Who can see the subtle changes in wind and grass, and who can see the stars covered by dark clouds for a moment?" The research team leader sneered, "Your talent and time should be placed on more meaningful things. Our research team gathered the most cutting-edge scientists of the Valkyrie Rangers Regiment, not where Huaichun Maiden should be."

"He must be able to see it." Xiao Meiyan said incredulously.

If the significance of scientific research is to put everything in life into it, even to abandon one's only feelings, Xiao Meiyan prefers not to understand anything.

This is her biggest disagreement with this research team. Xiao Meiyan was full of curiosity about the void when she had not been here, but staying with these people was the most boring.

"See how it is, can you still use this method to express love? You can't give up on such ridiculous things as emotions, how to pursue that fascinating truth, or the feelings of being with a man?" The ridiculous joke, the team leader showed a sneer.

"Seeing him naturally understands, as far as my feelings are not in the category of your evaluation." Xiao Meiyan lifted his chin slightly, "No one is qualified to evaluate."

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