Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1184: Property crisis

"Sister Sister is the best!" Lumu Yuanxiang was very happy to keep Bama Meidao.

Ba Mamei flexed his head against the head of Lumu Yuanxiang, shook his head helplessly and smiled: "Okay, all such big people are like little girls."

"No matter, the school sister will always be our school sister, and the children who go out from Takihara will never forget it."

Lumu Yuanxiang's inadvertent words gave Bama Mei many touches. She may have really poured her best youthful years into the city of Takibara and the people of this city, as long as you have this The imprint of the city no matter who it is, it will always be more concerned, even if it is only Yue Zhong, who has hurriedly walked by.

Now their generation is getting older, although they still have a beautiful face of youth, but the heart is no longer the strange throb and impulse in their youth, the younger faces gradually show vitality, she also likes to watch They feel a little bit of growth.

Standing outside the home education building and watching Xiaomei’s tutors are testing the comprehensive ability of Lumu Tatsuya, neither Bamamei nor Lumu Yuanxiang entered, but looked at the young man’s face concentrated through the window Solve the problems given by the teachers.

"Your younger brother is very handsome. When you are serious, you are particularly good-looking. It is no wonder that so many people like him at school." Ba Mami stood outside the window and applauded.

The praise of his brother is already a common thing for Lumu Yuanxiang, but for her, the school sister is different from other people, so Lumu Yuanxiang is also very happy to agree: "He has changed since. After losing the mischief and mischief, I concentrated this concentration on my studies and enriching myself. Sometimes, my mother said that if I had half of my brother's hard work, I wouldn’t be an office worker anymore. Unlike me and my father and mother, he knows what he wants and is willing to make a huge effort for it."

"This is very similar to Yue Zhong, except that he was taught to grow up by you. There are not so many bad ideas from Yue Zhong." In the cold weather, Bamamei was facing the only sunshine with some temperature, and the golden hair was like this. Shining like gold, "Suddenly remembered, when we were in junior high school, we had people as good as your brother."

"Sister Xue, what you said is Gongsuke." Lumu Yuanxiang immediately remembered a person. "He became a school figure in the first grade, but then he encountered an accident..."

"Although Sayaka hasn't said anything in these years, he still likes him in his heart. But after his illness was cured two years ago, Sayaka didn't even dare to pick him up from the hospital and could only watch Zhizhu Renmei come from afar Take him away." Pamamei hated that iron is not steel. "Although there are indeed many obstacles when the magic girl wants to combine with ordinary people, Renmei is not an ordinary girl. She can still let go of Sayaka. Here it is."

Lumu Yuanxiang also didn't understand: "Sayega loved Gongsuke since she was a child, and she has never dared to express it. You still don't know, Sister, in the days before Xiaoqing's father died unexpectedly, Renmei He Kyosuke announced on the violin tour of the Sydney Opera House that they are getting married in July this year."

"That's really a pity..."

Ba Mami and Lumu Yuanxiang continued to chat, and unconsciously saw the setting sun, Yue Zhong, who had arranged the van to transport things, quietly walked behind them and suddenly asked: "Hey, what are you talking about? What about?"

"Hey!" Lumu Yuanxiang was still so unprepared, and was suddenly frightened by Yue Zhong who stepped back two steps before stabilizing and said: "You are silent on how you walk."

"That's Madoka, you're always confused. You don't have any reaction if you see the school sister." Yue Zhong asked curiously, "What more do you tell me?"

Bama Mei raised her mouth and pushed Yue Zhong aside: "Our girl said something quietly, what are you doing, what's the matter?"

"Sister Xue, don't do this. It's my fault that I didn't contact you in the past two days. I apologize and let me review it!" Yue Zhong said with folded hands.

Ba Mami looked at Yue Zhong for a while, and it was not too difficult to see Chen Ken's attitude, and he let him go: "There is no next time."

"It's gone, I'm going to come back or report to my elder sister immediately wherever I go." Yue Zhong raised his hand and swore.

"That's not necessary. If you really know you're wrong, why don't you listen to our Sayada's latest instructions to see if you are interested?" Bamamei stared at Yue Zhongdao in disgust.

Hearing that Sayaka told Ba Mami, Yue Zhong could basically guess: "Why, the number of magical girls is so small that she is ready to catch me?"

"You know everything." Ba Mami saw that Yue Zhong saw it so quickly, and he no longer sold Guan Zi directly. "Sayega has seen the assets evaluation and earnings of the Xiaomei Consortium, and then told Xiaomei's family. It is still very unsatisfactory to still get more than half of the benefits. She feels that the few people in Xiaomei’s family can’t use so much money at all. If you put most of them into the construction of the magical girl’s subordinate armed forces, it will be more effective. The big Then, this is the logic of Sayaka?"Even if this industry was founded by the former head of the Xiaomei family, but more or less of this has the support of the magic girls. She took it for granted that some of them belonged to the magical girl, and the fair and just request was straightforward, but the former owner of the Xiaomei family chose to break with the magical girls after the plump wings caused her dissatisfaction.

Xiaomei's family was attacked by her indulging other groups of power. It may not be that she wanted to take back a part of the magical girl. One person's justice is more important than the world's justice. There is no need to choose, but the appearance of Yue Zhong has reversed this phenomenon, but she still insisted on making her own voice after being delayed for two weeks.

"She hopes that you can use your wisdom to contribute to the world, so that she can keep Xiaomei's share of dividends at 20%, otherwise it will be only 5%." Yue Zhong looked at herself and said, "Don't look at me like this. I can indeed influence some of Sayaka's decisions, but there is a premise that most people think she is wrong, otherwise I can't change her. decided."

Yue Zhong’s face became ugly. He believed that Pamamei wouldn’t lie to himself. Sayaka was really cold. So far, “I’m worth 15% alone. Sayaka really looks at me, but Xiaomei. The original share of the family's share is an absolute holding consortium of 51%. Is this what she calls fair?"

"If this is the case, then ask her to return me the life owed to me, which is in line with her fairness, isn't it?" Yue Zhong said to Bamamei with great certainty, "Xiaomei's family has a point of interest." There is no less, I can take a step back, but I will not step back!"

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