Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1188: My Master is No. 1 in the world

As an outsider in this world, Li Xiaobei’s training speed is not as good as the other’s, which is not a gap in talent. The difference is that the Valkyrie Ranger Regiment’s research on the power system of the magic plane is more complete and thorough than Xiao Meiyan. The experience and knowledge wealth of Yue Zhong and Xiao Meiyan, Li Xiaobei was born in an era of science and technology, and his heart inevitably tends to use the power of technology to arm himself, although he has also studied the magical martial arts in this world. The power of her, however, is only for her to better assist the power of science and technology.

The knowledge from Xiao Meiyan and Yue Zhong’s experience allowed her to live in the alien plane at a young age. If it wasn’t for the sudden arrival of a strong enemy, she should now appear in a top sect. The disciples were selected in the examination room.

The technological equipment that is almost incomprehensible to the indigenous people of the magic world has allowed Li Xiaobei to navigate wherever she goes, but the enemies she is facing are not affected by these equipments at all. It will bring itself into the abyss that is irreversible.

This point Li Xiaobei has tried in a highly toxic swamp. The hunters who descended like meteors ignored any artificial artifacts, and the various mechanical and energy traps deployed by her were easily avoided by her. open.

The only thing to be thankful is that these three thousand mountains are the ten most dangerous places in the world. Naturally, they have a shielding effect on various elements and energy. Although the other party is very powerful, it still has to follow certain plane rules, otherwise she As long as the spaceship is directly driven to the ground, Li Xiaobei will never survive.

After three days of chasing, even though the adjutant girl could not accurately detect the position of Li Xiaobei, the general direction judgment has never been missed. They ran across the ice-cold frost thorn forest before and after their feet. The dark bloodthirsty giant bat lair and the scale python cave have each encountered no less than twenty various monster attacks on the road, but they still maintain this erratic chase.

All the crises encountered were fatal to Li Xiaobei, but to the adjutant girl was only a small accident, even at the worst point, she was just giving up temporarily to kill Li Xiaobei The pace of re-turning into the door of the plane comes again.

In these three days of escape, Li Xiaobei gradually found out the details of the other party. Although she still doesn't know why she insisted on killing herself, she still can't use the power of the other world beyond the limit of the plane tolerant like herself. At this point, Li Xiaobei has already realized the power of the world’s correction power through the use of technological products. It is best for them to use the local power before they can understand the rules of this plane.

It is not that Li Xiaobei did not try to communicate with the other party to see why she came to kill herself, but after he appeared, the other party launched an elemental arrow mercilessly and went straight to the heart, she completely died of this heart Expand to escape.

But it is definitely not a way to escape blindly. Li Xiaobei’s practice speed is not as good as the other party. If this situation continues, sooner or later, the three thousand mountains will not provide her with refuge, so she takes advantage of the world’s advantages and advantages again and again. A deeper understanding of this world, using known information to induce those powerful demon or beast creatures to attack each other, while not forgetting to seek other help.

Her status in this world today is a candidate for the top sectarian disciple, and that sectarian has strict requirements for the talent and intelligence of each disciple. Even if it is only one of the candidates, her disappearance will definitely unfold. Investigate, live to see people die and see dead bodies is the most basic principle; in addition, the astrological changes caused when the other party comes will also cause the intentions of the people who are interested. If the saint magicians who chase the secrets of the stars come here, hit It is not difficult to retreat an enemy who has not fully grown up.

Li Xiaobei had left many clues before escaping into the three thousand mountains, and during the escape, he did not forget to leave the magic words of this world for help. Although he was found and destroyed by the other party, he ran fast enough. , She didn't have so much time to find them all.

"As long as you persevere, there will definitely be reinforcements." Li Xiaobei has never shaken this belief. Even if the reinforcements appear are another danger to her, after all, they both mean to the big men of this world. The endless treasures, as long as you can control one of them and know their origin, you must be able to unearth many amazing secrets.

But Li Xiaobei believes that as long as her life can be temporarily preserved, she can fight her with the power of words and not fear each other. What she needs is a stage of fair confrontation. In this inaccessible place, people are suppressed by force. The clever and eccentric idea can’t be The adjutant girl who hunted down Li Xiaobei for three days is far less embarrassed than Li Xiaobei at the moment. There was no dust at all. If it weren't for the frost and the murderousness, it was like a girl who went outing in the wild.

Li Xiaobei is much more difficult to deal with than she imagined. She used monsters and monsters here to deal with herself. She was also selling flaws in battle. How many times did she kill herself with a little effort, but The other party really could not bear the shot, and the escape route was also very strange and unpredictable, even the usual insignificant vegetation and weather changes can become her means of blocking herself.

After three days of chasing herself, she has not even seen her clothes corner, which is undoubtedly a shame for the adjutant girl who boasted Haikou to Qianzao.

She knows that she will not have too much time. Missing this hunt and bringing the world’s powerful, she will no longer have the opportunity to kill Li Xiaobei in a short time, and her mentality has become a bit chaotic. So, she finally chose to stop the pace of chasing.

"Your master is a bereavement dog who runs away every day. You have learned his skills completely."

This sound penetrated through the jungle and through the thick mountains and rocks. This was not the ability that her current state can show, but it used her own power.

Li Xiaobei heard it naturally, but she did not have any plans to reply with her own strength. Let me not mention whether it would reveal her position. The world’s revised sanctions are not something that the now embarrassed herself can handle calmly.

So she just jumped and scolded at the edge of a stream of blue flames: "Your inexplicable shrew is a dog. My master is the best in the world. If he was here, he would have counted you dead. Give you a chance to scold the street here?"

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