Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1190: Mutual sadness

"Xiao Meiyan." The adjutant girl raised her eyebrows. "She is currently working in my organization. Although she has not fully accepted our ideas, it is also a matter of time."

Li Xiaobei completely ignored the sentence behind the other party and asked an aggressive posture: "How can my teacher be in an organization with such a problem in your brain, how is my master now, and who are you? ?"

The adjutant girl felt Li Xiaobei's nervousness for the first time from the arrival to now, and she felt more confident in her heart. They have unequal information with each other. Li Xiaobei can use his knowledge of the world to constantly trouble her, but she directly pinches her weakness.

"I don’t need to tell you these things, you just need my name is Rosa, from a powerful organization that you can’t imagine. Now there are only two paths before you, or you can join our organization like your teacher and mother. If I come, I will continue to be pursued by me." The girl who claimed to be Rosa stood on the collapsed ground and looked at Li Xiaobei. Although she was in a low terrain, it was a condescending attitude.

Li Xiaobei hates others looking at herself so contemptuously. She has the ambition of her mother Yue Suling and the peerless talent of father Li Peiyun. Qualified to look at himself like this, even the master and the mother-in-law have not seen her with such eyes.

"Does your organization discriminate against men?" Li Xiaobei asked her only, and she said her own answer: "I don't care about the reason why the maid was forced into your organization, but since she has already gone I don’t have any meaning in the past, and my master is a man. I can’t agree on this alone. As for you to continue to kill me, just let me know if you have the ability.”

Li Xiaobei's stubbornness was not what Rosa expected. She had already seen countless such people by the end of the thousand generations. In the end, they hadn't obediently accepted the idea of ​​organization. They just need to let them know about them. For what reason the admired or loved men will abandon them, it is enough.

But now Rosa has not had much time to prove that she can only say a little bit of patience: "The most special thing about the Master you respect and admire is that you can always accurately see the biggest pursuit and desire in your heart is What, taking the opportunity of achieving your goal as an opportunity to integrate what he wants you to do into it, it seems to be helping you complete your dream, but in fact achieves his own purpose."

"When you have no value to him, he will leave you mercilessly, no matter how profound the emotions you have put in his eyes, there will always be only Xiao Meiyan in his eyes, even if he once lived and died together, Even if there is a tacit understanding of each other, he can say that he puts it down, so he is so cruel, so you have nothing to see?"

"Perhaps even Xiao Meiyan may not be irreplaceable. He is just very stubborn and proud of his heart. He believes that a person must turn her into his own thing, but after the man really has the one in her mind, It won’t take long for that once-most sincere feeling to completely deteriorate, because they will have new prey again."

"Li Xiaobei, do you really understand your Master's person? Even if he is sinister, he is so mean, but still nothing has been achieved over the years. You may be conquered by the strength and wisdom he has shown, and you yearn for it, like His losers like the pan-planes are like countless crucian carp." Rosa rightfully came to her conclusion. "He is just a waste of nothing, and you still have a chance now." Seeing his true colors, he asks himself, it is him who ruined your family's power. When you were young, you had to leave your hometown and leave your parents and relatives to travel alone in a different world. What kind of favors did he really give you?"

Li Xiaobei looked at the girl named Rosa. She wanted to find out if the other party said these words by deliberately making her laugh. When she was sure that the other party was really serious, she finally couldn’t help but laugh. Even tears laughed and stood on the tree almost fell.

These words of Rosa will make Yue Zhongbian worthless on another level. If she is really a little girl who is not deeply involved in the world, she may be able to be fooled by her words, but she has never been simple!

Before failing to understand each other, Li Xiaobei regarded Rosa as a powerful worthy of attention, but now it seems that she is just a poor brainwashed by radical ideas, and will not look at the problem from other angles. It is not unreasonable to view Yue Zhong in a preconceived manner.

"What are you laughing at, if there is no way to refute and just want to cover up your inner uneasiness with a smirk, it makes me look down on you Rosa looked at Li Xiaobei calmly, she was still the first In the past, I advised others similarly. I used to look at what Chiakichi had said to those who had great potential, and combined with facts as an example, it has always been unfavorable.

When he was very young, he was abandoned by his ruthless father for his great cause in the imperial capital. When the emperor's butcher's knife was killed in his home and turned his home into a sea of ​​blood, the long-term generation appeared in front of himself Having said something, did you decide to follow her without hesitation?

Now that the country that destroyed its own family has become the wasteland of war, the ambitious father has also become the soul of the war, but he has lived well and lived more noble than everyone in that world.

So she firmly believes that she will not be wrong, and she believes in the idea of ​​organization. Why does this ignorant kid laugh?

It took a long time for Li Xiaobei to finally stop his uninhibited smile, wiped the tears from the smile, and looked at Rosa with a scornful look: "You don't even know my age in advance, you can see that you are chasing I didn’t do much preparation before killing me, just arrogantly slander based on speculative guesses, such words also want to convince me?"

"Master told me that when a man was young, he pursued the hegemony and ambition of the world. When he had a certain experience and city, then what he pursued was conspiracy and success. It will also become the most sincere and tender feelings in that person's world." Li Xiaobei's eyes showed a respect, and he said with a high head and no doubt, "In my opinion, this perfect life is really Master's life. In terms of portrayal, everything he taught me is wisdom that you truly control chess pieces will never understand in a lifetime, and the vision and experience he left me is the most precious wealth in this world."

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