Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1193: World roots

"Every world has different scenery. During those difficult years, no one beside me was trustworthy. Only those scenery could accompany me. Ranwen novel when you walk alone On the journey, I already knew that those who knew each other could not accompany you to the end. At that time, you must feel that a force called loneliness is eroding your soul, so you can glance at or take a look at everything. Proof that you are in this world."

Talking about the experience of traveling around the plane, Master is far less rich than the maid, so after they set themselves a future that is worth pursuing, the maid will occasionally talk to herself about the path she has traveled and the insights she has gained. Especially in the endless pursuit of Fan Hanshi's endless pursuit.

It's just that the maid is too cold, like the ice crystal flowers blooming in the mountains and fields under the circle of heaven. When she uses her thin body to support a large world, she is too far away to touch herself.

Li Xiaobei thought that he and his wife would be different. When he first arrived in this strange new world, he also felt a lot of fun. However, when the end came early, Li Xiaobei suddenly found that the person who could not live and die with himself was only a stranger.

"The material plane is heresy in the void, and human beings are the same heresy for everyone. Life with wisdom will surely want to grasp its own destiny, then it has to transform and use its own world. This It is itself a kind of breaking the rules of the world, and there is no difference between who is good and who is bad compared to the changes brought about by the eclipse traverser."

"I don’t like and are good at dealing with strangers, and I walk on the timeline that runs through all planes, so it is inevitable that I will be close to the roots of the world, and some of the world’s consciousness is relatively strong, so strong that I can listen to it occasionally. To his voice, many times he was chased by Fan Hanshi and escaped by its guidance. When you encounter the danger that you can’t escape using the plane shuttle, you may try to let go of everything and feel the will. As long as you are No malice, just to seek knowledge instead of forcibly changing its rules, it is likely to accept you, just like accepting children who have been away from home for many years."

"It has been watching me all the time, so any action I take will respond to it for the first time, whether it is good or bad, by that time you can only believe it."

What it means to let go of everything, Li Xiaobei was only able to understand it a second ago, and delivered it together with his own life and soul, that is, let go of everything.

When the melting current engulfed Li Xiaobei's body completely, the extreme high temperature burned the pain of the body before it was transmitted to the brain and became a part of the flame.

Li Xiaobei's consciousness also completely dissipated this time, such as the rose sword shadow pursued by the tarsal maggots, and he lost his target instantly, and Rosa, who was standing on the ground in the vortex of the original sea of ​​fire, was also inexplicably surprised.

She is still waiting for Li Xiaobei's next cards. She still has no cards. She would rather die in this world of low-level civilization and don't want to be killed by herself. Is that her last choice?

Rosa always felt that it was not that simple, but Li Xiaobei's signs of life had indeed disappeared without a trace. Whether it was the power of science and technology or the supernatural ability, Li Xiaobei was a heaven and an underground compared to herself. There may be special means to escape what you perceive.

"That's it?" Rosa stood for a long time, and the world's correction power was constantly coming from all directions. She unabashedly showed that the power that did not belong to the rules of the world had caused the wrath of the will of the world. Now only However, it is the power of the ground fire. If the intruder cannot be eliminated, the world’s will will eventually be decisively destroyed along with this planet, even with this galaxy, and will always reach the point that Rosa cannot resist with his own power. Strength of.

Qianzao Jiedai acts in the plane of the Magical Girl and still has to follow this rule, not to mention her adjutant.

However, Rosa still insists on staying in this world. She wants to find whether there is anything left by Li Xiaobei. After all, she has already been on the blacklist of this world. If she has any way to resurrect herself, she will only Can only wait until she leaves to travel to another world to chase it again.

Rosa’s consciousness controlled the Rose Sword Shadow once again piercing the sea of ​​heavy flames, and hurried away. The space barrier opened by itself outside has been completely broken into a turbulent storm. Today’s three thousand Chongshan silver silver snake and inflammation The fire dragons are arbitrarily in the doomsday scene of the collapse of the stars, and her figure seems to be swallowed up at any time.

But she still did not give up her perseverance, persistently pierced the obstacles of half a planet, and finally found a flame elf-like body in the sea of ​​fire rooted in the earth's heart.

That person is Li Xiaobei, no matter how difficult it is to be confident, and no matter how incredible the world will protect a This must be the most true answer.

Shangqiangbi and Huangquan fall to kill you under the rose. Rosa is performing the task of confessing herself for thousands of years, while also defending her self-esteem.

Li Xiaobei, who was born again in the flames, opened his eyes as red as pearls, and looked at a scene he had seen before that reappeared in my heart with some inexplicable emotion.

She must have taught Rosa a lot of things, but the other party also taught herself a spirit. This is a memory that can never be clarified by words and cannot be so memorable. Master and mother-in-law are in this crisis and frustration. Go down to today.

As if the eschatological scene has spread beyond the scope of the three thousand Chongshan Mountains, then letting the whole planet fall into the real end in the wrath of the world’s will, the three continents and the five oceans from the icy deserted city to the star-picking pavilion, listen The will of the world will command the strongest warriors under the stars to rush to the three thousand Chongshan as soon as possible to prepare to chase the invaders who caused the world’s wrath, otherwise it would be a punishment to destroy everything.

The sword of Ziqi comes from the east, the blushing streamer flows from the west, the southern sky is the curtain of bluestone that connects the heavens and the earth, and the northern sky is the extremely cold water that freezes everything.

All the most powerful attacking methods cooperated with the vision of the world to attack Rosa's side unreservedly. Her rose sword shadow had pierced Li Xiaobei's eyebrow at the moment, but then stayed for one tenth of a second, Li Xiaobei will indeed be completely slaughtered by himself, but he will not escape the same fate.

Rosa hasn't been crazy enough, so she has to admit: "Li Xiaobei, you won this time, but next time you won't be so lucky."

As her figure escaped into the door of the plane, the sky-long vision disappeared, and Li Xiaobei finally watched her leave, knowing that she would always have a chaser behind her like her sister-in-law.

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