Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1207: High-profile itinerary

At ten o'clock in the morning, the sunlight had flooded the entire living room. Xiao Meiqing sat on the balcony and looked at the comic book she liked in the bright light. Lu Muda also looked at the TV program. Although he had studied Chinese by himself, he thought It is still not easy to understand barrier-free, and most other languages ​​except Japanese and English.

He thinks that the wealthy children from all over the world will speak a variety of languages ​​tonight, so after knowing that Yue important brought himself, it is very evil to supplement some of the more mainstream languages, but after all, time is limited. The great progress, on the contrary, is that Xiao Meiqing made him a little surprised to speak six languages ​​such as Japanese, English, Chinese, and French. It is not a proficient but simple communication is still enough.

"Prime Minister XXX received a visit from the President of Country K. The two sides had a frank exchange on the XX issue. Prime Minister XXX expressed regret over the position of Country K on the XX issue. After fully exchanging opinions, the two sides increased their understanding... "The content of the morning news broadcast made Lumu Da also confused. According to his knowledge, the relationship between country C and country K is not very good, but the content broadcast in the news is not the same thing.

When in doubt, one hand reached out and took the remote control to change the station. Lu Muda also turned his head to look at it but Yue Zhong woke up.

"What are you doing?" Yue Zhong asked, rubbing his eyes.

"The news in Country C is a bit strange. It is either a thriving internal affairs achievement or a peaceful diplomacy. There is a big gap from what I understand." Lu Muda also said one thing.

Yue Zhong sat up and said, "It's normal for you to understand the diplomatic slang in country C, and not all the information you know is true."

"When does it depart?" He asked the practical question after the episode that happened was left behind by Lu Muda.

Yue Zhong picked up the cold slice of bread and ate it in two bites. He took Xiao Meiqing's hand and took the other hand with her suitcase and said, "Now."

Among the wealthy children who gathered in the capital of country C from all over the world, Yue Zhong and his party are the most modest. Not only did they not directly land at the capital airport, but they finally took the bus to the meeting place.

Any large-scale gathering is an opportunity to expand contacts and deepen feelings. Although the theme of the gathering is to let minor children meet to meet each other, but most of them are accompanied by elders, and the focus will also be on the bosses of various family-owned enterprises Exchanges.

Yue Zhong is now the person who is the master of Xiaomei’s house. The well-informed person now knows that he has rested at Binhai International Airport for one night. As he took Xiaomeiqing out to C to go through the capital, countless eyes have been fixed. Their whereabouts.

There is no lack of malicious eyes, and there are also people who hope to cooperate. The former has more or less had a fierce conflict of interest with the Xiaomei Consortium, and the latter is in favor of the huge wealth held by the Xiaomei family.

Although all business management rights have been lost, and all assets have shrunk by half, but the thin dead camel is bigger than the horse, Xiaomei's family still has a huge amount of wealth and is no longer in the hands of Yue Zhong. Now it is also in In a semi-frozen state. Many people try to return these capitals to the world financial system, not only for the benefit of their own groups, but also because the huge amount of money no longer circulates like stagnant water. Influence, the mysterious man behind Sayaka wants to take the money, and more or less has a similar consideration in it.

No matter how low-key they are, Yue Zhong's itinerary is still being watched by the world.

The venue of this gathering was selected in a private manor near the capital. Xiaomeijia Manor has hosted similar gatherings more than once before, but now its appeal is extremely reduced, which is why it has been changed to another giant in China. .

After getting off the bus at the passenger terminal, Yue Zhong did not spend a lot of money to buy a luxury car to drive Xiao Meiqing to the destination, even contacting the Xiaomei consortium industry in country C to let them dispatch vehicles, he was stunted just to pack a car Taxi, the taxi driver's face was incredible when he heard him say his destination.

Xiao Meiqing's dress is full of wealth. Although it is not the jewel of gold, silver and jade, she will not be able to hide that luxury. When will such a young lady have to take a taxi?

Looking at the inexplicable eyes of the taxi driver, Yue Zhong's eyelids could not help but jumped and said, "Why, you also want me to buy you a bottle of five dollars for Wang Laoji to suppress?"

No one can understand Yue Zhong’s words. The taxi driver recovered from the surprise, and after talking about the price, he headed towards the destination.

There are many curiosities of Xiao Meiqing along the way. The atmosphere and magnificence of the capital of country C are unmatched by the city of Takihara. There is enough land to use, unlike the major cities of country J, which are limited to a narrow range. Inside, the sixteen-lane trunk line is like a long dragon, and the extensive green vegetation covers the icy coldness of the concrete forest. The ancient and different buildings tell the afterglow of the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties among the modern high-rise buildings.

"This place is much larger than Xiao Meiqing sent out such a feeling, she always felt that Takihara was big enough, but she saw that the taxi had not been out of the city for more than an hour. It's mostly here.

The itinerary is relatively hasty, and Yue Zhong has no time to bring Xiao Meiqing to appreciate the exotic style, but he still promises very seriously: "Tomorrow I will take you to see the Forbidden City and walk around the Great Wall."

"Thank you brother-in-law." Xiao Meiqing smiled happily, squinting eyes like crescent moon, Lumuda on the co-pilot did not speak, but looking at his look also looked forward to this rare trip abroad opportunity.

The taxi finally squeezed out of the crowded traffic and drove to the manor in the suburbs. Yue Zhong was still interested in finding a place similar to the original monster gathering place. The taxi that turned into the trail was already black The bodyguard stopped.

The bodyguards in black wouldn’t expect someone to come in a taxi, so Yue Zhong was very kind and waited for the warning after pressing the window: “This is a private manor. If you don’t have an invitation letter, please turn around and leave immediately.”

After Yue Zhong’s interest was not disturbing, he was frustrated. He fumbled for a long time in the handbag before handing the crumpled golden invitation letter to the bodyguard in black. Then he said angrily: “Almost broke, please take a look. Is it true, let it go quickly if it is true."

The bodyguard in black took the invitation letter carefully with the same surprise as the taxi driver just now. After the authenticity of the electronic code above was politely returned, the invitation letter was politely returned to Yue Zhong: "Sorry, please come in. "

After speaking, he waved his hand, and the other black bodyguards opened the barricade to let it go.

At this time, there was still a lot of time before the dinner began. Yue Zhong arrived a little early, and most of the other guests had not yet arrived, but after entering the gate of the manor, Yue Zhong soon saw two familiar ones on the edge of a pond Figure.

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