Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1212: Shooting range

What is not an opponent, I almost died...

Lumuda also feels that he is still far away from their world. In his opinion, the most dangerous thing may only be their daily life. Even the frequency of the heartbeat will not change a little, and there will be no rush of breathing.

"Boy, you are Madoka's younger brother. You can't be brave enough." Kyoko tipped his feet and patted Lumuda, who was much taller than him, and pulled him and Xiaomeiqing one by one. Go to the shooting range.

The shooting range of the suburban manor is built on an open field, there are no trees and jungles around, and the turf is not as bright as the golf course. There are various collection guns, rifles and even anti-material sniper rifles behind the shooting table. It is not within the scope of the territory that power and money can be used to put out these contrabands. The owner of this shooting range is actually a magical girl who uses various firearms to fight, but she does not stop, but controls With the means of long-range space reserve, the entire shooting range is actually her arsenal, which can be taken out from a distance to fight whenever needed.

When Kyoko came here with two little **** in her eyes, the magical girl also happened to be. This is a beautiful girl with long black hair, wearing a green tight camouflage dress, and she is petite like a mere 13 four Magic girl at the age of. Her same dark black eyes were as bright as stars, and she was eating a dark gray sniper rifle in her hand, looking at the shooting range in front of her, crouching down.

In the sky of the shooting range, a target is flying irregularly at supersonic speed. Hearing the footsteps of Kyoko and others, the magical girl turned her head and blinked, greeted with a single eye: "Kyoko, you are here, Are you fishing with Sayaka?"

"There was a guy who suddenly appeared. I had to give him the position, and not only that, but to help him watch the two children." Kyoko said helplessly, "Han Meimei, can you hit it so fast?"

Lumuda and Xiaomeiqing both looked at each other, and they didn't know who forced him to come. This was like saying that they were going to follow her.

With the disappearance of Chubby, all of the magic girls today have survived more than ten years ago. They all seem to be in their tens, but no one can tell the actual age. Never talked about this topic.

In short, these magical girls are senior sisters to Lumuda and Xiaomeiqing, so they naturally want to say hello, but they have not waited for them to speak, and a sharp and sharp gun noise comes out of the gun barrel. The two of them, without psychological preparation, were instantly startled, and Xiao Meiqing subconsciously plunged into Lumu Tatsuya's arms. The latter opened her arms tightly to keep her tightly and looked around with vigilance.

The target flying fast in the sky was directly hit by this blind sniping shot, and the debris fell to the ground one after another. The magic girl Han Meimei who had a stable name and no characteristics had a big laugh: "Ha ha ha ha, I was scared. scared!"

"Haha!" Kyoko, who succeeded in the mischief, smiled no more elegantly than Han Meimei. She just said that she actually cooperated with Han Meimei to deliberately divert Lu Muda's line of sight. He absolutely could not think that Han Meimei could directly hit the super without even looking The target of sonic flight is still looking around like a frightened rabbit.

"It's okay, it's okay." Lumu Tatsuya's eyes finally found out what happened after finding the wreckage of the flying target scattered on the ground. He generally comforted Xiao Meiqing in his arms, while staring angrily at Kyoko and Han Meimei. Shen Sheng said, "Let's go."

"Hey, you're angry? Make a joke." Han Meimei's laughter gradually stopped, she heard the anger in Lu Muda's voice, but she didn't feel that she had done something wrong. Every time she met a stranger, she did It's such a prank, no one has such a big reaction.

Kyoko stared at the eyes of Xiao Meiqing in Lu Muda's arms, and tears hung in her eyes. Only then did she know that the shot directly scared her.

Xiaoqing only experienced an attack yesterday. Although many dangers were not seen by her, it was enough to shock her. Yue Zhong was not by her side. Any sudden shock could make her react violently, not to mention Such a screaming gunshot.

"Scared the child." Kyoko sold Han Meimei very unruly, as if she was a prank.

Lu Muda, who no longer wanted to listen to their arguments, was about to leave with Xiao Meiqing, but at this time Xiao Meiqing gently pushed him away and wiped her tears while saying, "Brother Daye, I Don't go."

Lu Muda was also stunned, seeing Xiao Meiqing's weak face full of firmness, and the anger subsided unconsciously and asked softly, "Why?"

Xiao Meiqing turned her head, and the long braid swayed. Her eyes fell on Han Meimei's dark gray sniper rifle. She said firmly: "This is the most familiar thing to my sister, but I was given it by Frightened, Xiaoqing is really useless, but Xiaoqing doesn't want to always be like this... always needs the protection of her brother-in-law and brother Daye. If you can't help you, you will just cry.

"I want to learn to use a gun, at least not be afraid of it!"

"Okay! Ambitious, worthy of the demon's sister." Han Meimei praised it out of place, "Come, look at which weapon you like, I'll teach you!"

Xiao Meiqing avoided Lumu Tatsuya's gaze, closed her eyes and took a deep breath, stepping towards the shooting platform step by step.

She looked at the dazzling array of guns and boxes of bullets displayed neatly in the She didn’t know the name of each gun, and even feared them a little, but I thought of it The elder sister is using them in the reincarnation one by one, desperately and selflessly fighting in the world for her slim dream, as if she can find her figure in the haze.

My sister was there, her unruly and soft black hair fluttering high, her eyebrows raised with a gun, facing the endless enemies is always majestic...

"Sister, brother-in-law, Xiaoqing may never be able to help you, but I will not shame you." Xiao Meiqing took a deep breath and stretched her hand towards a black pistol.

"This is k519, which is produced by your military factory. The ammunition capacity is 16 rounds. The range of 9 mm bullets is 300 meters. The optimal kill range is 200 meters. Compared with the previous conventional pistols, it has a range and power. After a very substantial increase, the recoil is also very low, and you will not have any obstacles when you use it." Speaking of weapons and equipment, Han Meimei's excited face could not be covered up, "Speaking of it, thanks to your Xiaomei family, It made me a lot easier to deal with Warcraft."

Xiao Meiqing nodded recklessly: "Can I try it?"

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