Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1220: Eve of the feast

The fear of justice is that such people can sacrifice themselves without hesitation, and can also sacrifice other valuable goals for their ideals, but never ask others if they are willing.

But this world never seems to have changed.

Han Meimei and Xingzi then told Yue Zhong about many of those people, as well as the struggle against the world with Sayaka as the leading figures over the years.

Justice puts shackles on himself, but tries to break the curtain of the already mature power. The drama of retreating is not known how many times he has played. The staged results are always stolen again and again. With constant penetration, small scandals have been magnified among the people advertised by justice, and those who truly cherish this lofty ideal have gradually become a special party in the eyes of the people, but it is indistinguishable.

The action on Xiaomei’s home is perhaps the most daring attempt of Kashin after repeated failures. Through many people’s dissatisfaction with the Xiaomei consortium, one hand contributed to the tragedy of Xiaomei’s home. If he was quietly After completing the takeover of the Xiaomei Consortium, the power he possessed is no longer limited to the hands of a group of idealists, nor are magical girls with different personalities but generally lacking foresight. He will have the power to truly subvert the world.

Yue Zhong walked into his vision in such a storm, and following the dream of justice was destroyed by Yue Zhong at the juncture, he would take countless dangers and fingers to kill the murderous heart. It’s not difficult Got it.

Probably after understanding the reason why Sayaka and Kashin held such an attitude towards Xiaomei's family, Yue Zhong knew that it was impossible for him to forcefully reverse their ideas. It would be a pity that all the threats would vanish if Kasing was resolved directly. He can't use this method now.

The best way can only be to get their attention away from Xiaomei's family, they also have an irreversible persistence, and naturally cannot make way for their ideals.

"What time is it?" Yue Zhong asked after looking at Lumuda for a moment after sitting on the shooting platform.

"Five fifty, only ten minutes away from the dinner time." Lu Muda also said calmly.

Yue Zhong nodded slowly, stood up and turned to Xiao Meiqing's dignified and concerned face. The black pistol was still held in Xiao Meiqing's hand. It seemed that Xiao Meiqing holding the gun could reassure Yue Zhong a little: "Xiao Qing, there will be a lot of people in a moment, many of them you have encountered People, you have seen this kind of scene when you were at home, but today Xiaomei’s home is not as powerful as before. Someone will definitely provoke you. You must prepare yourself in advance."

Xiao Meiqing rarely sees her brother-in-law so solemnly. In her impressions, her brother-in-law has been able to handle everything properly all the time in chatting and laughing. Whenever he shows such a dignified expression, it means that he does not take care of it temporarily. I am, just like that dark and terrible night.

What the brother-in-law has to do is very important, otherwise he will not bring his brother, and will not let him care.

Xiao Meiqing showed a sweet smile after being silent for a moment: "Brother, rest assured, Xiaoqing will be braver than before."

"Well." Yue Zhong also showed a gentle smile, turned his head and looked at Lumu Da also said, "Xiaoqing I will give it to you for the time being, don't be teased by those children anymore... I can't find it. If you can do it, pity them."

Lu Muda also heard it inexplicably, but before he asked Yue Zhong what this sentence meant, the other party had already turned away, waving his hand high, leaving him a free-spirited back to him: " Let's go!"

The exchange dinner for the rich children, naturally as a magical girl, Xingzi and Han Meimei, were naturally inconvenient. They followed Yue Zhong to the small reception room behind the main hall, which was the place where Sayaka and others had dinner with them.

Han Meimei, who had something to say, asked Yue Zhong all the way: "Hey, you haven't agreed to my request. Believe it or not, I will chase you to the country?"

"You have seen it yourself. I don't really have anything to teach you. I actually can't beat you in terms of shooting level. It's just that I have better equipment support. I can't do it with my individual strength."

"I know this, but you have to take out the new equipment for everyone to study, otherwise I still can't improve it."

"I have agreed to Sayaka, you don't have to worry about this."

Han Meimei was satisfied with a bang, but she had a new question in a blink of an eye: "The owner of Xiaomei's family died of misfortune, shouldn't you want to take revenge?"

"How kind-hearted I am, how could it be?" Yue Zhong could feel that Kyoko was also nervously waiting for his reply, so he replied extremely perfunctoryly.

If he wants to do things, the whole world will not be peaceful. Kyoko is willing to stand by his side at this time because of the friendship between Bamamei and the past, but if he really harms this world, then Kyoko chose to help The person will definitely be Sayaka.

This is a bond that no one can replace between the two magical girls. A Yue Zhong is not yet qualified to shake it.

"Do you really think so?"

"Really, I don't have to come today if I want to take revenge." Yue Zhong sighed, and the small reception room lit up with cold lights was already in sight.

Both Kyoko and Han Meimei sighed in relief. Yue Zhong's destructive power made them very worried. Now seeing that he really doesn't mean So many conflicts and helplessness can be avoided.

But can he really put it down completely?

Regardless of the relationship, after all, it was Xiaoyan and Xiaoqing's biological father, who was also Yue Zhong's father.

"There is always a price to pay for doing the wrong thing. Since there is no way to pay for it, you can only replace it with something else... For example, you seem to be at your fingertips, but you can never achieve it. In the end, you only regret your lifelong ideals? For example, you The business empire and associated ambitions that have been operating conscientiously for several lifetimes and eventually collapsed?"

Yue Zhong’s revenge will not be absent even if he dies.

"Only this matter can't be forgiven, but one can have two. There will be no danger in Xiaoqing's side. Can I really do what I promised? Maybe no one can count everything for me, I Can only do his best."

The sky in the suburbs of the country’s capital was gray, and I couldn’t find a star in the evening, but the sea of ​​grass swaying with the breeze was erratic, and the folds caused by the evening wind from all directions Like drawing circles on the ground, will this scene be Homura? Reading network

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