Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1232: Uninvited guests outside

In a stress-free journey, time always passes fast. Three days is not enough to let Yue Zhong and others walk through every scenic spot in the capital of Country C, nor is it enough for them to taste all kinds of food. In the blink of an eye, it was the early morning of the fourth day, which was also Saturday of the week.

After getting up early in the morning and coming straight to the airport to wait for the flight home, Xiao Meiqing was holding a stuffed giant panda toy and looked reluctantly outside.

She brought gifts to everyone, and even the Sakura Sakura who had met only once was no exception. The panda doll in her hand was intended to be given to her, and she did not like the other souvenir Sakura Sakura.

By comparison, Yue Zhong had an extra suitcase in his hand, which was also a gift prepared by Xiao Meiqing, such as a scarf for her mother, a cheongsam for Sister Mami and Sister Xiaoyuan, sunglasses for Uncle Peng Ju, and The familiar servants at home and the students in the school brought snacks and sweets.

Everything is not expensive. Xiao Meiqing, as the sole heir to Xiaomei giants, seems to have no talent for spending money. Although the clothes she wears are worth a lot, they are not bought for themselves.

"Brother-in-law, do you say that everyone will like the gift I prepared?" Xiao Meiqing asked nervously, expecting it. She had asked Yue Zhong more than once, but it would be repeated after a while after she was nervous again. Ask questions.

"Yes, everyone likes Xiaoqing, so Xiaoqing will like it no matter what you send." Yue Zhong also answered tirelessly again and again, and every time he heard his affirmative answer, Xiao Meiqing would also be very happy. Smile.

Yue Zhong likes to watch her smile, but never thinks about why, because once he thinks about it, he will inevitably remember.

Lu Muda also took an adult Chinese textbook to seize all the time to read and learn. The serious expression attracted the girls around him to turn his gaze frequently. He didn’t close the book until he heard the prompt from the airport that he could board the plane. .

"Go home." Yue Zhong took Xiao Meiqing's hand to stand up and followed the long boarding team into the return flight.

Yue Zhong did not relax his vigilance because of the temporary safety. It was only once again this morning that no one would be involved in this flight before he was relieved to take Xiao Meiqing on the plane.

As the white plane accelerated away from the ground and drove to the sky, like a white bird drawing a trajectory on the sky blue drawing board, its feet changed from land to azure blue sea until a long and narrow archipelago reappeared. The airspace of country J.

Daytime flights are much better than at night. At least the land under the plane can be clearly seen. The majestic rivers and mountains have always been that beautiful, but every age group will have their own pressure and concerns. Few people have the leisure to appreciate it.

Even if the white clouds can't see the ground in the sky, wandering between the clouds and watching the golden bright sun spreading the clouds, it is also as beautiful as the heaven. Yue Zhong used to be like those who live under heavy pressure, many times he did not want to appreciate the world, but whenever he could calm down and come to see, the world has always been so beautiful, it is no wonder that some people are willing to And struggle.

After getting off the plane, the driver of Xiaomei's house had already entered the airport and directly picked up the three people. Yue Zhong had already invited them to visit the house with Bamamei and Lumu Yuanxiang in advance. Xiaoqing's gift was seen Noodles can be given to them.

While still in the car, Yue Zhong said dizzyly: "Tatsuya, are you mentally prepared?"

"What?" Lu Muda also asked inexplicably.

"You will know about your sister."

Yue Zhong is often mysterious and mysterious. After spending a long time with him, Lumuda has become accustomed to it. It is useless to say that he doesn’t want to ask him any more, but will lead him to further teasing.

Less than an hour from the airport to Xiaomeijia Manor, an unexpected person appeared there at the door.

He carried a bag of fruit in his hand, and after cutting all the green oily hair, only a light layer of gray-brown hair was left, and the dress was not accompanied by the same as before, but the suit and tie stood with a crown on his head and saw Yue After they got off the bus, they came over.

"I heard that Ms. Ba Mama had just recovered from her injury, and I wanted to visit her but the security guards would not let me in." Hideo Luze disappeared after the casual and impetuous appearance, but appeared in Yue Zhong as an entrepreneur. before.

Although Yue Zhong has never attached importance to Hideo Lusawa, he has never looked down on him. The other party's appearance here today must have his own purpose. Perhaps he who has no knowledge of this may not be able to refuse.

"What's the matter?" Yue Zhong asked lukewarmly, saying that after returning to this world, Hidezawa was the first person to make him murderous and restless, not only because he crossed when he confronted the dark body. After that bottom line, he also used Peng Ju to prevent himself from giving him any punishment.

Luze Hideo showed a bitter smile: "Boss, I know you are still mad at me. I don't ask you to forgive me so But today I didn't deliberately stop you, yes Miss II asked me to come...she said there was a gift for me."

Yue Zhong was stunned, and saw that Xiao Meiqing took a box of ties from Lumu Daya and sent them to Hideo Luze: "Brother Xiufu, this is a gift for you."

After Lu Zuoxiu took it by surprise, he carefully held it in his hand.

The contradiction between herself and Hideo Ozawa did not hide Xiao Meiqing. She avoided the relationship between them and wanted to ease their relationship with each other, and only Lumuda could act as the middleman. Xiaoqing's request was impossible for him to refuse, and he was more than happy to be able to let himself eat the deflated Muda.

"You guys..." Yue Zhong sighed and re-examined the current image of Hideo Lusawa, "Has the company started?"

Luze Hideo nodded, until Lu Muda also led Xiao Meiqing into the manor to distribute gifts, and then whispered: "Miss Lu Mu Yuan Xiang is now working in my company. Boss, your intention is that I Understand, I will fully cooperate in the future."

Wen Yan Yue Zhong did not have many accidents. Hideo Luze dared to appear in front of himself today, but it was not Xiao Meiqing’s invitation that he relied on: "Since you decide to do it, I hope you can do your best. Things can be easily taken back."

"I know, I already have some eyebrows about the attack on the owner of Xiaomei's family. Does the boss need me to do anything?" Hideo Luzawa asked with his head down, full of calm.

Yue Zhong looked at him without moving or even saying a word.

"I understand, so I say goodbye." Hideo Ozawa bowed deeply and said, "What can let the group of speeding parties in Raccoon Village find me, and their company also has my share."

It wasn't until he got on a sedan that he traveled far away that Yue Zhong said silently in his heart: "You are very talented and capable, so do it for yourself."

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