Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1253: Progressive treatment

"When will you return this look?" Xiao Meiyan found that she could no longer pass her voice across the distant void, nor could she return to the original place of her reincarnation, but she was not impatient. Yue Zhong's calmness gave her enough confidence, as long as he still has confidence, then he also has enough patience.

Thinking of Xiao Meiyan's face unconsciously with a gentle smile on her face.

The leader of the research team who had been trying to find her troublesome time also discovered that Xiao Meiyan's mind was not on the experimental data, and immediately shouted: "Xiao Meiyan, what are you doing?"

Xiao Meiyan raised her head slightly, still looking at the other party with that indifferent look and replied: "Something, please leave."

"Hard work, now is the key to the experiment..." Without waiting for the leader's words, Xiao Meiyan flicked her long hair away without giving her a face.

Xiao Meiyan's character is doomed to her teamwork ability is almost zero, and only Yue Zhong can make Xiao Meiyan collaborate with others when she is by her side. Her style of conduct will not cause too many problems when she is a research leader. Instead, she can become an excellent mentor, but the consequences for her to be an ordinary researcher are undoubtedly disastrous.

As the leader of the first scientific research group, the chief scientist of the Valkyrie Ranger Regiment, even the head of the group should respect her three points, but it can be put here in Xiao Meiyan, but she does not give her face, and there are differences in the research direction. Shi Xiaomeiyan has always insisted that her judgment will never give in. In many cases, she has to compromise in order to take care of the overall progress.

This happened again and again, and the top management of the Valkyrie Ranger Regiment also discussed it. Most believe that Xiao Meiyan is no longer suitable for staying in the first research group, and it is recommended that another research team be deployed based on her opinions The research, only a thousand years ago, has shown full perseverance in this matter, and has been pressing other high-level proposals to keep Xiao Meiyan in the first research group.

The reason she insists is that if a dangerous person such as Xiao Meiyan masters a research team alone, he will eventually cause a backlash against the Valkyrie Rangers Regiment. Only when the other senior leaders can’t care about her, only the leader of the first research group has Strong enough force and technology to suppress Xiao Meiyan.

At the beginning, the senior executive who thought that the early generations were alarmist was an alarmist. After insisting for a period of time, he finally agreed to continue to leave Xiao Meiyan in the first research group. The reason is nothing more than the outstanding talent displayed by Xiao Meiyan. Their learning ability and what made them even more disturbed was the extremely purposeful nature shown by Xiao Meiyan. All her actions revolved around the goal of getting rid of the Valkyrie Ranger Regiment and planned and showed a great deal. The high efficiency has given her the expected growth model over and over again. Now Xiaomei Yan is no longer a newcomer to the first research group.

This kind of extremely purposeful and unswerving way to achieve it, nothing can interfere with the style they have only seen in one person, that is the head of the Valkyrie Rangers Regiment, a born The family at the end of the age suffered from the misfortune of marriage, and finally angrily awakened to fight with the universal plane for tens of thousands of years, creating a rebellious organization whose extreme thought can indeed compete with the universal plane locally.

Xiao Meiyan, who is reluctant to obey anyone and will bring endless troubles and threats to the organization, many people are not happy to see her grow up under the protection of the organization. The will above is indeed surprisingly consistent.

"Xiao Meiyan will not stay in the Valkyrie Ranger Regiment forever. The pressure she is now giving is also a driving force for her growth. Her growth process has been enough to bring valuable knowledge to the organization. I am not sure what It's time to kill her under extreme circumstances. It will not benefit the organization itself. If one day she has the confidence to leave, she may wish to let her go personally, and believe that Xiao Meiyan has grown up at that time. In order to be able to fight the extent of the panplane."

"In the cause of confronting the ubiquitous plane, it is not enough for us alone. It may be that she cannot achieve the achievements of the head of the group, but it can somewhat restrain the attention of the ubiquitous plane. The scientific level and comprehensive strength of the ubiquitous plane are Human organizations are incomparable. Recently, two large resistance forces have been annihilated, and they cannot be allowed to focus their energy on our Valkyrie Rangers..."

It is extremely important to win the respect of others with its own ability and put it in any social group. If Xiao Meiyan cannot make the high-level progress of the Valkyrie Rangers Regiment, then the leader as the leader will never say to her Such words.

Of course, before Xiaomeiyan grows up to a certain level, she still needs to stay here to enrich herself while also having to contribute her own value to the organization, and no one will tell her the attitude of the senior management in advance.

Xiao Meiyan's request for leave to the scientific research team leader is a privilege granted to her only recently, as one of the quietly expressed means, and at the same time, in order to reward her for highlighting a previous major scientific research project Contribution, Xiao Meiyan has the right to choose not to participate in the research work for three days at each work cycle. This is not a precedent for her alone. UU reading all middle-level researchers who have contributed to the first research group will have such treatment, even the research group leader cannot refuse.

Of course, ordinary researchers really need to deal with things or they will seek the opinions of the team leader. Even the people like the first research team leader who do not understand the world will do it, and no one will be like Xiao Meiyan. In this way, the face of the team leader is trampled underfoot, after all, it is usually not good to offend the superior.

Xiao Meiyan turned away from the angry eyes of the research team leader on her eyes. The anger in the latter's eyes was like the actual flame light was watching as if she could burn out Xiao Meiyan's long flying hair, but she still did not Dare to do it, some people's hearts have been surrendered, even if they have far more power than others, but they can't be as free and easy in behavior as those who have no awe-inspiring dream catchers.

After pinpointing the other party's mentality, Xiao Meiyan rode back to the material plane group in a single return device. The arrangements she would make next could not be expanded in the void, otherwise the information transmitted would become countless fragments, Such meaningless information as the whispers of stars or wind-turbulent scrolls presented above Yue Zhong.

Back to the secondary plane stronghold of the Valkyrie Ranger Regiment, this is one of the starting points of the Void Laboratory vehicle, which is also the closest to the seven galaxies within the plane layer. Occasionally, human beings have discovered UFOs in the vicinity of the shining galaxy, which also happens to be the void laboratory vehicles that depart from here.

Xiao Meiyan has always had a record of her own time in her heart. Even in the void of her heart, she silently records: "The time has passed for more than half a year, and it has been in the seven galaxies for more than a month. The vv of the affairs should be in contact with the general plane. But my current status is a bit sensitive, and I can't meet her directly."

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