Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1256: Diplomatic delay

The power of Veneto in the Federation of Heavy Flames is unrestricted, and dictatorship is the most effective means of implementing a will. This has been set since Yue Zhong and Xiao Meiyan came to the military planet that no one paid attention to. The keynote is to help Veneto help them out of the crowd today.

Richelieu, who oversees the rights of all warships, is the only one who can’t control Veneto, but she has been striving to let Veneto listen to the suggestions of others. Neto's determined look showed that he had never made real progress.

The Heavy Flame Federation began to operate in accordance with Veneto’s will. The commanders of the four major fleets gathered at the meeting place of the Pan-Plane Mission. Military, police, internal affairs, and supervision personnel made the surrounding water of the embassy impassable, and the city of Rome was in sight. The situation of the enemy.

People who do not yet know what happened did not panic because of this. Instead, they watched the Fifth Fleet stationed on the Roman Star and the Central Army Cluster rise from the sky, and the political declaration window quickly gave the answer. This time, President Veneto I will personally lead the army to the Afrikaans to calm the confusion of the dark heart, and the deeper reason can only be figured out by the individual.

It is also unclear what happened to the representatives of the missions of the Panplanet, most of them were clerks with little combat power, and the plane fleet escorted from there were only twenty ships facing the entire seven galaxies. The ship's ship's group does not have an advantage. If this is Veneto's sudden flip and wants to deal with them, no matter what the consequences will be, they are currently dead.

Panicked mission personnel gathered in front of the pirate cat, and the pirate cat who had just woken up squinted his eyes contemptuously after hearing them report the situation outside: "What do you panic, don’t forget that you represent pan Planar organization, afraid of the armed forces of a world? Follow me to see what they want to do."

As the pirate cat wished to sit on the meeting table, it was a pity that the content of the discussion changed from cooperation and mutual benefit to the investigation of the Judicial Court without permission to investigate the Flame Alliance, which seriously violated the sovereignty of a joint government in an independent world. Let the Flame Alliance doubt the sincerity of the general plane.

"In the end is equality and mutual benefit included in the pan-plane system, or is it forced to submit to submission?"

The Prince of Wales's eyes flashed with anger, and he tapped on the table with his fingers, questioning the purpose of the general plane with a sharp voice.

Ship mothers who knew little about panplanes generally only knew that panplanes have the power to easily crush the seven galaxies. I didn’t advocate cooperating with them before, but I also worried that they would be slowly annexed, but now most of them know Panplanes is a polity composed of countless plane worlds. Its technological and cultural development level has reached an unimaginable level. Forcibly annexing a plane world dominated by humans. The price paid is definitely not directly proportional to the benefits obtained. As a result, the diversified internal ideology will fall into a crisis of chaos and open the precedent for internal power dumping, and even fall apart.

Knowing this bottom line, as long as you don’t show your attitude to be against the plane, it is usually very tolerant, so the Prince of Wales is not afraid to anger the mission of the plane.

The pirate cat wore a formal missionary costume, but it was a bit funny, and it was not the first time that it had dealt with the ship’s maidens, so naturally it did not care about the aggressive attitude of the Prince of Wales: "What about Veneto?"

"The President should personally know the members of the Judiciary who are still engaged in espionage in the Federation of the Flames without permission." The Prince of Wales and Veneto had an irreconcilable conflict, but for the sake of the people of eStar Into the new world, she also had to swallow the big president, but this was only in the face of outsiders. In private, the two of them met in addition to snorting. contacts.

"After checking the practice of the Law Court, I will faithfully report to the high-level, I hope this will not affect the matter of the Flames Federation entering the general plane." Today the pirate cat deliberately brought the same blindfold as the Prince of Wales, but The exposed one-eye was indeed full of cunning smile.

This matter will be more or less in any world, even if it is an important member of the universal plane. The universal plane is no exception. The power of the universal plane is not achieved by system and kindness. It also requires the use of force and the implementation of code authority. There will be no hesitation.

The vast majority of people have closed their eyes on this, but if the Confederacy Federation is to be entangled in this issue, the pan-plane organization is morally untenable.

In the eyes of most of the missions, Chongyan Federation is still a villager who has just been cultured and hasn’t seen anything in the world. The delegation representatives who were still laughing with the ship’s ladies at the dinner yesterday know how difficult it is to achieve their current success. So, facing a new force that might threaten their rule It is understandable to be vigilant and alert, but this radical approach still shocked them.

With the evidence analyzed by Veneto, the commanders of the four major fleets whipped up with the panplane missions on the matter in the following time. By the time, I believe that this event will eventually disappear, but it will take some time.

In this period of time, Veneto can safely go to the Afrikaans galaxy. The Fifth Fleet and the Central Army Corps will take at least ten cosmic days to reach the heart of darkness from the i star field, so they can only be cited With blinding eyes and eyes, Veneto himself has quietly rushed to the secret communication point set up by Xiao Meiyan through his powerful ship.

Veneto appeared in front of the planetary wreckage in a costume, and sensed that the planetary wreckage after her appearance opened a small passage. Even the delicate figure of Veneto was going to have trouble.

After passing the thirteen levels of information verification, Veneto finally came to a waste and original electronic computer. After driving it with her own energy, she saw Xiao Meiyan's independence from the founder's display. Figures in black and white handover.

Xiao Meiyan waited a day and a half, and the silver screen in front of her finally showed a different pattern, and Veneto's figure was all presented in front of her. This little girl who loves cleanliness and will spend a lot of time dressing herself up is gorgeous The dress, showing the mature and **** at the same time, but also has a dust and fatigue.

She must be the same as herself. She never rested at the moment she received her message, and now she has finally appeared after seizing the time to arrange everything.

"Vv has been gone for a long time." Xiao Meiyan smiled slightly, and for this girl who even admired herself, Xiao Meiyan never spared her tenderness and trust.

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