Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1260: Asami's question

Ba Mami didn't answer anything immediately, and came to the cool air-conditioned room with Xiao Meiqing. After drinking the sour plum soup from the kitchen and quenching his thirst, he asked, "What did you see there when you went there?"

She remembered that Xiao Meiqing didn't ask so deliberately before. There must be some reason why she felt uneasy without knowing these things. Yue Chong's illness may only be a cause.

"We found the secret base left by my sister in the underground of the financial center, which contains many pieces of memory about her sister..." Xiao Meiqing felt that there was no need to hide the Bamamei from that day, so she told all of them Bama, which naturally includes things she encountered when she and Yue Zhong were separated.

When she heard the object very similar to the magical girl's spirit core, a warning sign flashed in Ba Mamei's eyes, and she immediately fiddled with her hair to cover her eyes with her hands without letting Xiao Meiqing discover, knowing that Yue Zhong then gave it to Xiao Meiqing. A gift, and when Xiao Meiqing didn't know what it was, Bama Mei knew almost everything.

Although it is the focus of Xiao Meiqing's questioning after browsing the memory fragments of Xiao Meiyan, but the issues that Ba Mamei is concerned about are no longer here.

After absent-mindedly answering some of Xiao Meiqing's next questions, Bama finally finally waited for Mrs. Xiao Mei's appearance.

"Miss Asami came to visit Yue Zhong? Why didn't Xiaoqing take Miss Asami to the old house." Mrs. Xiaomei is now welcoming other guests to visit, and she can't leave the house because of her funeral. some.

Xiao Meiqing explained: "The brother-in-law just fell asleep after taking the medicine. Let us not disturb her."

"Mrs. Xiaomei doesn't have to be polite, I just knew he was sick and worried. I didn't bother much since it didn't matter." Bamamei got up and bowed to leave, she didn't really want to leave, but made an excuse. Out of sight of Mrs. Xiaomei and Xiaomeiqing.

It's not the first time that Yue Zhong woke up from his sleep. Moreover, he hasn't said that he is hiding such a big thing now. No matter whether he is sick or not, Bamamei must ask him to stop.

After all, if that's the case, myself...

Thinking of here, Ba Mami left with no thoughts. After hurriedly leaving with the two, he left Xiaomei's manor in the sight of the security guards, and then disappeared into the old house from the open ventilated window. in.

Unsurprisingly, Yue Zhong was just pretending to be sleeping in front of Xiao Meiqing, and clearly a sickly looking man was still holding the manga he drew.

After hearing the figure of Ba Mami stepping on the floor, Yue Zhong received the manuscript and said happily, "Sister Xue, you still came."

There was not enough sunlight in the room, and Bamamei's figure gradually emerged. Qiao face walked in front of Yue Zhong with a slight sorrow on his face, looked down at his sickness, and suddenly realized that he couldn't be angry anymore. .

After shaking his head and sighing, Ba Mami sat by Yue Zhong's bed and asked, "You have nothing now, and Xiao Meiyan gives you time to give you a gift?"

"That's her sister, can I still give it to others? I can't watch her become a magical girl." Yue Zhong said after a long string of words, she coughed for a while. Reaching up and holding him up against the bed.

"Say less, you just nod or shake your head." Ba Mami said.

Yue nodded, put the manuscript aside, and looked pitifully at Bami.

"Being a magical girl is not necessarily a bad thing. As long as I am alive, I will never let Xiaoqing encounter any danger. Don't you look down on the magical girl?" Ba Mami seems to care about Yue Zhong's attitude in this matter. The first problem is this matter.

Yue Zhong shook his head quickly. The innocent face wanted to speak but was stopped by Bamamei's eyes.

"I know you don't want her to fight, or even take Xiao Meiyan's old path, but as long as you are willing to say something, Sayaka can pretend to know nothing, and I will not let Xiaoqing go to Warcraft Combat. Why should you give her time, do you know that you are likely to die?"

Yue focused on his head, reached for the manuscript and handed it to Bama.

He has seen the comics of Asami, and he knows the story of a ship mother named Veneto in the interstellar age. Is this matter related to Veneto?

Pamamei suspiciously picked up the manuscript and read it again, bothersome.

"Water." Yue Zhong felt her mouth dry again, and after she almost finished reading, she made a voice and hoped Bamamei would help him pour a glass of water to drink.

"You want to use this layout, but also use the forces of Veneto? After the time knot is sent to Xiao Meiqing, Xiao Meiyan will definitely be able to perceive that Veneto has the ability to stop Xiao Meiyan from chaos?" Ba Mami poured water to Yue Zhong, but the problem did not stop.

After Bama Mei drank a glass of water while holding the back of her Yue Zhong slowly nodded.

"Originally, you thought you were focused now, but you didn't expect to take your life seriously." After receiving a positive response from Yue Zhong, Bama Mei said helplessly, "Think about how many times you have done this. Even if you can succeed in the past, there is no guarantee that you will still be the final winner this time. Even if you still win by chance, if you intend to do so in the future, when will it be?

Yue Zhong stared at Bama Mei, and he could not answer this question by nodding and shaking his head.

"Speak." Ba Mami was almost amused by Yue Zhong, and he yelled angrily.

"Only this time, I won't do it again in the future. Xiaoyan should also understand that if we have always had such differences, we will never have a peaceful day. And if we can succeed this time, I will listen to her in the future. "Yue Zhong didn't continue to cough after he finished talking, but his face slowed down for a long time before he calmed down again.

Ba Mami regarded this as Yue Zhong's sincere words. If the two of them can really calm down, even if they never have a chance to come back in the future, they will never have a chance to see her again, and she will feel at ease in her heart.

"Speak words."

"Speak and count." Yue Zhong nodded solemnly.

Ba Mami was only satisfied, reaching for Yue Zhong's forehead, and then patting his head again: "He burned his hands, it seems that he is not too sick, hurry up, I travel with Madoka and them The salute has been packed, waiting for you to watch the winter snow in the summer."

After talking, Ba Mami helped Yue Zhong to lay him flat, re-covered the quilt for him, beckoned, and then jumped into the sunshine world outside from the window.

Yue Zhong, who had been waiting for her, could finally take a breath and close her eyes to get a good night's sleep.

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