Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1288: Set off again

In the early morning of the next day, listening to the waiter said that there was heavy snow during the day a few days ago, and today a rare sunny day was ushered in.

The temporarily interrupted travel plan is back to normal again, but there are more Uejo Kyosuke and Zhizhu Renmei couples in the team. They don’t seem to be separated anymore. The main reason is that Uejo Kyosuke has been looking for opportunities and Yue Zhong talked about wanting him not to let Zhizhu Renmei participate in those dangerous things until now, but Yue Zhong never gave him the opportunity to get together, Bama Mei, Lumu Yuanxiang, Han Meimei and Zhi Zhu The voices of people like Renmei and others kept talking and laughing. As long as Yue Zhong followed them, they could not find a suitable opportunity.

After staying in Hamilton for one night, the team continued to move towards the southern end of the North Island. The three national parks in the same latitude area in the middle of the North Island are the main goals of the current tourism. After Auckland’s plan was taken, the deer eyes were fragrant. The travel guide here has also failed for half, and Han Meimei, a magical girl who seems to have been to the world and is very familiar, is no longer attached to the above travel arrangements.

There is not much to say in a month, and travel arrangements are limited to Wellington at the southern end of the North Island, so time in these three national parks and surrounding tourist resorts is relatively ample.

During the journey, you can see the wilderness of the mountain peaks and the original scenery. The snow is white and the sky is white. The winter sunshine is gradually moving forward. The voice in the off-road vehicle has never been broken. I played yesterday. The happy magical girls seem to have endless energy, and no one looked up early in the morning with a tired look, perhaps because things in New Zealand have been resolved, and the pressure in their hearts has temporarily eased.

Yesterday, Yue Zhong and Lu Muda, who did not go to sing, were unexpectedly criticized by the magic girls represented by Han Meimei. The older Yue Zhong was said to be an old man who did not understand entertainment and relaxation. Lu Luda was also treated as a fellow with Yue Zhong, so he was too old before he saw that they were forced to raise their hands to surrender in unanimous criticism and ensured that they would never miss any activities afterwards. They were drunk high last night. The honest girls who had been bullied badly enough were kindly balanced.

They are extraordinary guardians of heroes and heroes in front of the World of Warcraft that threatens the world, but they also have their own characteristics in common with their girls. When they gather together and eliminate the strangeness between them, the vitality is Infinite, Yue Zhong and Lu Muda are also living by their side, but they are used to it. However, in Yue Zhong's impression, they have become more crazy than Xiao Meiyan in the state of the devil, and the dark Zhizhu Renmei can laugh and make fun together. The bright smile showed no falsehood, which was a surprise to him.

The same kind of feeling is Kyoujo Uejo. His only acquaintance, Sayaka, has become farther away from him since he became the leader of the magical girl. Kyoujou thinks that the magical girls are as serious and meticulous as she is. But the liveliness of ordinary girls who appeared around him now made him feel very surprised. They were not even as reserved as the young ladies who came to the concert and chased themselves.

On the road, Xiao Meiqing wanted to get out of the car several times. With so many big sisters and elder brothers playing in the original wilderness, Yue Zhong found that her eyes always glanced out of the car unconsciously, rubbing her head gently: "Sister Mei Mei has contacted a private resort, and it's a long way from here, and the road doesn't stop."

Wearing a red dress with sunglasses, if not very petite, Han Meimei, who looks like a social elder, dressed the steering wheel and said: "The resort is already under contract, and several competitors are robbing it, but they are all used by me. The money has been smashed down. Let’s say that the money will be sold to your house."

"Always emphasize this, is Sayaka owing you wages?" Yue Zhong is not so fond of cars, but since driving a Meimei Han Meimei yesterday, how much he likes this thrill of land-Benz and pursues driving The comfortable and unrestrained modified car is several times better than Yue Zhong's armor in driving. In the morning, he wanted to grab the car key with Han Meimei, but the other party was already prepared not to give him a chance.

Up to now, Yue Zhong occasionally glanced at the steering wheel held by Han Meimei. After Han Meimei felt his gaze, he shrunk and said, "Don't think about it, I won't let you drive."

Yesterday, after being tossed by Yue Zhong for a long while, Han Meimei's car was almost scrapped. Unless her unique space ability can quickly call for replacement parts, this car may not be able to hit the road today.

The two in the front row are still struggling with the issue of driving rights. The middle row, Bama Mei and Lumu Yuanxiang, who have Xiao Meiqing in the middle, have begun to study the fun of the resort with the promotion advertisement of the resort.

"There is a ski resort in are four specifications from the novice ski resort on the flat ground to the dive ski resort with a drop of 50 meters. Have you ever skied Xuejie and Renmei before?" Lumu Yuanxiang asked Road.

"No, but it wouldn't be too difficult to think about and let Yue Zhong teach you well." Ba Mami said.

Zhizhu Renmei went to a lot of places during his wedding trip to Kyosuke Uejo this year, but he has never seen snow: "I will not, can I really have other projects?"

Lumu Yuanxiang pouted and groaned, "He must have Xiaoqing to play with, how can I teach me... There is a forest hunting ground on the side, and Tatsuya and Kyosuke can play, and there is a kilometer away. It’s also very interesting to sit in a warm log cabin after a hole in Xiaobing Lake, drinking tea and fishing."

"I want to go hunting, shouldn't there be only rabbit pheasants?" Zhizhu Renmei's hobby seems to be not the same as Lumu Yuanxiang's imagination. The kind of **** entertainment she actually looks like a gentle and kind girl Would like it.

As for sitting in the back row, Lumu Da also had no say with Kyosuke Uejo. From time to time, it seemed that there were many things to say. Until Lumu Yuanxiang mentioned their hunting ground, their interest was also provoked. , Shooting, ball sports, men rarely have any interest in these things. Playing in the ice and snow climate is undoubtedly a punishment for yourself. If you drive, you are dominated by Han Meimei. Even Yue Zhong can’t find a chance. Not even their share. It seems that they are rarely interested in hunting in snow forests.

After their respective goals in the resort were determined, the bright red off-road vehicle carried their longing and expectation for the next journey on the open road, and the snow scenes on both sides and the ice sculptures of nature continued to fly on both sides of the car window. However, Han Meimei drove much faster than Yue important, but it also conformed to her generous and flamboyant personality.

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