Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1292: The way i am used to

Xiao Meiqing also walked towards Lumuda, and didn't wait for Yue Zhong's answer. He stayed on the spot and watched Xiao Meiqing complete the independent straight line start and brake without his company.

After waving his ski pole lightly to Lumu Tatsuya, Xiao Meiqing found out that he did not change the props under the guidance of the coach: "Brother Tatsuya, don't you come to play together?"

"I asked him something to say." Lu Muda also smiled sunshine, "Have Xiao Qing learned so quickly?"

"Brother-in-law said that this is just the first-level skills, and it takes more practice to go to the next sloped snow field." Xiao Meiqing replied sweetly, turning back to Yue Zhongdao who came hurriedly, "Brother-in-law, Da Ye Brother has something for you, hurry up."

The urged Yue Zhong had to speed up a little bit, and said to Xiao Meiqing after a side stop in front of the equipment desk, "You go to play first."

"Oh, brother-in-law, hurry up." Xiao Meiqing nodded in disappointment, looked at Lumuda and left again.

"What are you doing, time is limited, we will leave here in three days, and then it will be a strange place." Yue Zhong asked calmly.

Lu Muda also looked at where Xiao Meiqing was. He was a little worried that Xiao Meiqing, who was unattended, fell, so his eyes did not stay on Yue Zhong for a moment: "I understand what you mean, but I don't want to go as you think It’s not only a way to understand a person, but it’s not necessary to scare him if he wants to influence him."

"I have more and more ideas." Yue Zhong said noncommittally, "Did you think your current choice might be more troublesome?"

"Trouble has the benefits of trouble. If you just want to achieve the goal without paying attention to the long-term influence like you, there may be many unknown changes waiting in the future." Lu Muda also said gently, "I also I don’t like how to use a subconscious imagination to meet an unfamiliar person."

Regarding Yue Zhong’s way of doing things, Lu Muda has always been very disagreeable, but he used to say that there was nothing wrong, but as he touched more and more things, the world of knowledge became more and more extensive, and his heart gradually With my own opinion.

What Yue Zhong does is more about the gains and losses that he can see in front of him, and he can make a complete plan that suits his own interests for everything he can see. Because he walks in the dark and struggles to survive, so he understands It is also the defects and problems in other people's hearts that Yue Zhong never saw or had no interest in seeing the flashes in the other person until he was really familiar with the other party.

So in his world, the crowd was hustling and bustling. Everyone was covered with gloomy colors, and there was not much color in the whole world.

Lu Muda also sees a lot of light in this world, which may not be as unreserved as her sister's kindness and fraternity, but he can discover the flashing points of other people earlier than Yue Zhong and is not a defect.

Yue Zhong said that Uejo Kyosuke is a man who has a masculinity tendency and regards his dreams as more important than his wife; but Lu Muda also sees Uejo Kyosuke as a kind brother, who treats most people There is no hostility, people who are younger than themselves will take care of them more.

Yue Zhong, who first came into contact with Ba Mami, used her as a magical girl who was mentally fragile and prone to collapse and caused confusion. It was not until later that her misunderstanding was resolved that she had a gentle and sensual side, and these things Lumuda also met I already knew it, so I never rejected Bamamei but rather wanted to get close to her.

These two are only one-sided examples, but it is enough to explain the difference between Yue Zhong and Lu Muda. Perhaps their different environments lead to a lot of choices, but their attitudes toward each world are essentially different. If Lumuda is able to move from place to place, it is impossible to do better than Yue Zhong, but at least he can leave a lot of hope, rather than bring disaster to this world.

Uncompromising means can win victory and win the dependence of common interests, but it can never win the hearts of the people, and with goodwill and facing all crises and trials, it may be because of its own heart and soft hands, and even pay the price of life, but it If you can stick to the end, you will get far more rewards than the former.

Yue Zhong and Xiao Meiyan traveled all their lives and still didn't return home, but Qi Xiaomeng, opposite to them, had already embarked on a smooth road to Hongzhuang, and Yue Zhong also thoroughly thought about it in the time of imprisonment before he came to this world. The world wants to seek change, but the stubborn nature and the accumulated cause and effect of the past make him still unable to get out of many conflicts and crises so far.

Has Lumuda already understood now?

"Just as you said before, I will understand them in the way I am most used to, so you don't have to test whether I am firm."

Yue Zhong would like to applaud Lumu Tatsuya's keenness, but the relationship between them is not That's free.

"Are you here to tell me this?"

Lu Muda also shook his head and said: "I want to tell you to reopen the resort so that more people can live in. Only the few of us here are too monotonous."

"There are too many people here, and it will become a tourist attraction. After receiving the news, many people will come over. Will you consider some of the contradictions that will arise if you do not include them?" Yue Zhong naturally thought of it. Problem, which is also caused by his concept of life.

Lu Muda also smiled confidently: "Relax, dealing with these contradictions is also the responsibility of the student union. Don't think people too hard, then they may be able to respond to your expectations."

"It's so easy?" Yue Zhong asked in disbelief. This was also the first time he asked Lu Muda with an uncertain tone.

"Thinking about the worst case and responding in advance I may not be able to catch up with you in my life, but even if it appears to me, it is just accidental. Use the best possible way to prevent the root cause of it sometimes, so you have been They all said they were unlucky."

When Lu Muda also saw Yue Zhong from another angle, it was much more true than the answer that Yue Zhong was looking for. Until he said this, Yue Zhong knew that he could no longer think of a long one. The big boys treat Lumuda as well.

Like her sister, he went on his own path. The possibility that Yue Zhong always wanted to try but always stayed on the spot, maybe he could grow from Lumu Tatsuya in the future without calculating and realizing himself. See clues on the track.

"I hope your luck is as good as your self-confidence." Yue Zhong patted Lumu Tatsuya's shoulder. "Do whatever you want, and I will accompany Xiaoqing during this time."

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