Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 1313: Different beliefs

When seeing Lumu Tatsuya for the first time in the day, Kasin was only assuming that he was a young man who followed his sister, even though he knew that he had spent a long time with Yue Zhong, but according to information, Yue Zhong never taught Pass any strategy of his.

Even Yue Zhong was deliberately trying to deal with it. Kasin naturally did not take Lu Muda into his eyes, but it turned out that genius characters never needed anyone to lead the way, they themselves had a person who had never walked Road.

When Sayaka and even all the magical girls needed the most help, he made a correct judgment and arrived in time to get a rough idea of ​​the magical girls in other places. He knew that the loss rate was as high as 90%. There is no time to explain anything with Kasin.

"It's not too late. Every moment of delay, there will be a magical girl killed. Sister Ren Mei pleases you here."

Bypassing the auxiliary combat forces commanded by Kashin, Zhizhu Renmei jumped out of the ejection port of the fighter plane. The sky filled with black air and the **** mist seemed to be the road under her feet, and the sky and the clouds were also calm.

She naturally belongs here, and darkness is also the witch’s territory. Today’s apostles try to subvert this common sense with the power of the gods who have abandoned the magical way. Even if Zhizhu Renmei can accept but the witch wrapped around her soul will never promise.

Seeing that Zhizhu Renmei had entered the battlefield, Lumuda also said to Kasin: "Sister Renmei's support may affect the auxiliary warfare troops. Can Mr. Kasin order them to evacuate?"

"What do you want to do, she really came to help?" Kasin's experience and character are destined to doubt anyone other than Sayaka. If it were not for his lifelong ideals that he was devoted to Sayaka, he even Sayaka I also doubt it.

She had been wary of Zhizhu Renmei, and she could not help but enter the battlefield, and Kasin could not judge whether she wanted to help Sayaka or to reproduce the splendor of the witch through this dark feast.

It was the once World Extinct Witch. On the surface, it seemed to be defeated by Sayaka, and then it was repaired. But who knows what she thought in her heart? Here, there is no hope in this world.

Persuading Kasin is an impossible task. Yue Zhong failed to do this, as did Lumuda, not to mention his current time is so urgent: "I will give you an explanation later, but there is no time now. Having said that, if they don’t withdraw, they will definitely suffer heavy casualties. No two creatures can survive the collision of two different natures of darkness. Do you want them to make unnecessary sacrifices?"

Kasin stared at Lumuda on the screen for a moment, and the identity of the younger brother of Yuanshen did not give him more than half of the trust in his heart. He did not know why Lumuda also insisted on letting the auxiliary warfare troops withdraw. Are you feeling compassionate or afraid of them?

In the end, Kasin chose to believe the latter, which is the worst speculation. Even if he was wrong, it was acceptable to sacrifice some unimportant people, so he ordered in front of Lumuda: "Strengthen the attack!"

"You're crazy!" Lu Muda also stared at Kasin's cold mask with wide eyes, and from the only eyes he saw, he saw the indifference to life.

"There are too many voices in this world, and there is never a lack of ideals. Each of them insists on their own right, but the existence and opposition of each other is doomed to only endless disputes. You can never make everyone think. Consistent with you, either eliminate them or give up your ideals."

Half a year ago, what Yue Zhong said to Sayaka was still deeply remembered in Lumu Daye’s mind. At that time, he was not too deeply impressed, but what he wants to come to Yue Zhong may really have his reason.

He and Kasin have different beliefs and different ways of doing things. It is impossible for him to change his decision by words alone.

"Sir, I can only ask you." Lu Muda also went to the fighter pilot's ear and said a word softly.

The rapid changes in the face of the fighter pilots eventually left a very determined will. He is also a member of the auxiliary warfare unit and a just follower of Sayaka, no matter what reason Kashin has, if there is a chance to save in the dark Time and space returned to the same robe that fought outside the ring, and he gave up his life without turning back.

Lumuda can also make him believe that he and Zhizhu Renmei are not as malicious as speculated by Kashin. If the fighter enters during the attack, Lumuda, who is also sitting in the fighter, is also impossible to survive.

The flying silver wing quickly slid down to the ground, it kept sending out warning signals, and then stood in front of the artillery fire of the auxiliary warfare with its body.

"Don't attack, retreat immediately!"

The advanced communication system allows the auxiliary warfare army to discover the movement of this fighter in advance. They have always been fighting against human enemies, and they have not yet realized the consciousness of firing at their compatriots or even their So At the moment when the fighter plane passed by, all the auxiliary warfare units inadvertently attacked with short pauses, waiting for Kashin's order with a complex mood.

Kasin did not expect that Lumuda would do this too. He dared to shoot Lumuda before. It was because Lumu Yuanxiang was still a girl who stayed in this world as an ordinary person. If Lumuda The death can also make Lumu Yuanxiang's state of mind fluctuate and be forced to deify it is what Kasin wants to see, but now Lumu Yuanxiang's identity is different.

She is the absolute combatant of the magical girl who is not inferior to Sayaka or even better. She has overcome the fear of the detached world and walks in the world with the power of the gods. If she kills her younger brother, the result is not Kai. Xin can accept.

That's not as simple as paying the price of your own life. The best result will also cause the organization of the magical girl to split from the inside. As for the worst... Kashin can't imagine it for a moment.

"You are really crazy, they already have the consciousness of sacrifice, you dare to put yourself in front of them as a target."

Kasin sighed in his heart. When he really paid attention to Lumu Tatsuya, a young and excessive boy, he couldn't stop the offensive order.

He still insisted on not letting the auxiliary warfare troops retreat, but if they could not continue the offensive, it would not make much sense to stay here except deterrence. In order to live longer, Kasin gave the order of full defense.

A series of energy shields lighted up in Lumu Tatsuya's eyes. After all, he didn't let Kasin make a decision to retreat, but he was able to switch to a good defense without wasting his pains.

"I only hope that Sister Renmei can end the battle as soon as possible. My sister has turned her attention here. As long as the old singular points show signs, the joint attack of the three of them should be able to complete the interruption of the loop."

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